Like any network, ABC goes through a lot of TV shows in a season. While some remain on the air for the whole season, others come and go pretty quickly and are largely forgotten.
Here’s a listing of shows with their current status. This list encompasses shows that have aired from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
We’ll keep updating the list throughout the May upfronts when decisions are made about most of the shows’ fates. Keep checking back, especially if your favorite is still on the fence.
NOTE: Click here to see more recent vesions of this list.
Here are listings for the other networks: CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
America’s Funniest Home Videos: Back for year 21!
The Bachelor / The Bachelorette: Returning May 24th.
Brothers & Sisters: Renewed for season five.
Castle: Returning for season three.
Cougar Town: Will be back for season two.
Dancing with the Stars: The “stars” will keep dancing.
Dating in the Dark: Returning for season two on August 9th.
Desperate Housewives: Still on Sunday nights.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Lots more houses to build.
Grey’s Anatomy: More medical drama on the way.
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution: Coming back for season two.
The Middle: Set to return for season two.
Modern Family: Coming back for its sophomore year.
Private Practice: Following Grey’s this fall.
Shaq VS: Season two starts August 10th.
Shark Tank: Renewed for a seven episode second season.
Supernanny: Renewed for season seven. Seems unlikely to keep going.
True Beauty: Returning May 31st for season two.
V: Renewed for second season.
Wipeout: Back for season three on June 1st.
Not renewed or cancelled
Wife Swap: Still airing, could go either way.
Cancelled (or ending)
Better Off Ted: Gone after two seasons, two unaired episodes.
The Deep End: Cut down after one season, still one unaired episode.
Defying Gravity: Five unaired episodes are included on the DVD set.
Eastwick: Cancelled, descriptions for two unaired episodes are here & here.
Find My Family: No more reunions.
FlashForward: Ending May 27th. No season two.
the forgotten: The finale aired but there are still two unaired episodes.
The Goode Family: Cancelled in August, reruns landed on Comedy Central.
Hank: Cancelled last year, five unaired episodes.
Happy Town: Remaining episodes return in June.
Lost: As if you don’t know already, the big series finale airs May 23rd.
Romantically Challenged: Officially cancelled. No word on when/if rest of episodes will air.
Scrubs: After eight seasons, finally gone.
The Superstars: Celebs & athletes, cut after one season.
Surviving Suburbia: Ended after one season.
Ugly Betty: Series finale aired April 14th. No season five.
What do you think? Any news that makes you particularly happy or sad? When compared to other networks, is ABC better or worse about cancelling shows?
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Images courtesy ABC.
FlashForward was about 1000 times more interesting and intelligent than most of the stuff they’re keeping (Modern Family aside). Even V, while cool in concept, is pretty weak in execution.
Everyone leave their flash forward comments directly with ABC. Here’s the contact page.
Well, I say facebook campaign! Oh wait—that only works when the network execs are watching for that kind of thing…
Like most here, I still miss Eli Stone and Pushing Daisies. I enjoy V and for a while liked it better than Flash Forward, but lately FF has really started to gel and I was really getting into it. Been watching (and enjoying) Happy Town, but let last week’s episode sit after the news it got canned. Why get invested? I did eventually watch it and just don’t get it. The show is like Twin Peaks without all the extra weirdness. I think it was poorly marketed and I have no idea why TV critics so roundly panned it. SIGH.… Read more »
Can’t believe they cancelled Flash Forward. It’s one of the best new shows on tv right now.
ABC has been my favorite network for years but they are REALLY starting to piss me off. It started for me with “Eli Stone”. THAT was amazingness….next thing you know: CANCELED! Then there were so many other shows that were GREAT and got canceled. I’m a “Lost” fan and I was totally gearing up to replace my “Lost” obsession with “Flash Forward”. I watch it EVERY week. CANNOT believe they canceled it and kept “V”!!! I like “V” but it’s NOWHERE near as good as “Flash Forward” GET A GRIP, ABC! I’m seriously about to stick with Grey’s, Private Practice,… Read more »
I can’t believe Flash Forward is being canceled! It is one of my favorite shows.
I completely agree with what you guys are saying. I’m not even surprised anymore when ABC takes great shows off the air…without even giving them a chance to develop a following. I watched all of these shows, just to have my heart broken: Men In Trees, Dirty Sexy Money, Pushing Daisies, Better Off Ted, Ugly Betty (which they moved around so much there was no way to catch it live!) and The Deep End….I’m sure there are more to add to the list, but since they keep taking all my shows away, my memory is getting cloudy. I’m done watching… Read more »
I heard that Law and Order has been cancelled. Is this true? I love all three. Thanx
@Eva: Yep. Check our NBC renew/cancel page.
I love Flashforward. I thought it would take over for Lost but now it’s gone. I liked it much better than V. I hope they end it well or have a movie that ends it. I also will miss Ugly Betty. But it’s just tv, right?
Kathy asks: “Is there any reason to get invested in a show on ABC?”
In a word: No.
ABC has no sense of commitment to their viewership. I won’t be watching anything on that network again. Too many shows have caught my interest only to be canceled. I’m very disappointed in the management of their programming.
I think of all the networks ABC has missed the mark the most. Flashdorward has a great following and phenomenal cast! Why cancel it in the wake of its comparison, Lost’s final season? I actually looked more forward to The Deep End than Grey’s on many evenings and what law series about lawyers do we really have out there? Bad move! And my last rant is to voice how sad I am to say goodbye to The Forgotten. I think this show is like Unsolved Mysteries meets Cold Case rookies! Where else can you find that? And the touching and… Read more »
I was considering FlashForward as the LOST replacement with LOST going away this year. Oh, well. I’m guessing my replacement show WON’T be on ABC!
If you haven’t already done so, look to the constantly improving FRINGE for that spot. The show just gets better and better each season.
I can’t belive V has been renewed. I like it and am glad it has been given a second season, but I was sure it would not make it.
COMPLETELY agree, but also disappointed that V stayed and Flash Forward got canceled. I would have been much happier the other way around.
I have 3 episodes of Happy Town on my DVR that I haven’t watched yet. I’m just going to delete them. What’s the point. I’m so freakin’ mad about FLASH FORWARD being cancelled! I think I would be happiest if they had year-long pro football – because I’d bet anything they wouldn’t cancel THAT! There’s no point in watching anything anymore because like I tell my friends, if I like it, it’s going to be cancelled. Every one you mentioned above, plus EASTWICK (I LOVED EASTWICK) . The Deep End was just getting going – had a terrific cast, great… Read more »
Is there any reason to get invested in a show on ABC? The Nine, Eli Stone, Dirty Sexy Money, Pushing Daisies, Cupid (both the remake AND the original), the forgotten, Better Off Ted, and now FlashForward? And probably Happy Town? I even tentatively gave Scrubs: Med School a chance, found I liked it, and… it’s gone, too. Any reason to continue watching?
You are so right! I loved pushing daisies, cupid, flash forward, and some others you mentioned. Maybe someone from the network will rethink their decision? It happened for family guy, right?
It worked for Family Guy when the DVD sales were phenomenal and proved there WAS an audience — we can only hope for that when FlashForward is released!
I hope yall are right. Flash Forward is one of the best shows on TV. Ludicrous for it to get canceled. I haven’t seen one person so far in favor of canceling it (haven’t read the rest of this thread yet tho).