Like any network, ABC goes through a lot of TV shows in a season. While some remain on the air for the whole season, others come and go pretty quickly and are largely forgotten.
Here’s a listing of shows with their current status. This list encompasses shows that have aired from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
We’ll keep updating the list throughout the May upfronts when decisions are made about most of the shows’ fates. Keep checking back, especially if your favorite is still on the fence.
NOTE: Click here to see more recent vesions of this list.
Here are listings for the other networks: CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC
America’s Funniest Home Videos: Back for year 21!
The Bachelor / The Bachelorette: Returning May 24th.
Brothers & Sisters: Renewed for season five.
Castle: Returning for season three.
Cougar Town: Will be back for season two.
Dancing with the Stars: The “stars” will keep dancing.
Dating in the Dark: Returning for season two on August 9th.
Desperate Housewives: Still on Sunday nights.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Lots more houses to build.
Grey’s Anatomy: More medical drama on the way.
Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution: Coming back for season two.
The Middle: Set to return for season two.
Modern Family: Coming back for its sophomore year.
Private Practice: Following Grey’s this fall.
Shaq VS: Season two starts August 10th.
Shark Tank: Renewed for a seven episode second season.
Supernanny: Renewed for season seven. Seems unlikely to keep going.
True Beauty: Returning May 31st for season two.
V: Renewed for second season.
Wipeout: Back for season three on June 1st.
Not renewed or cancelled
Wife Swap: Still airing, could go either way.
Cancelled (or ending)
Better Off Ted: Gone after two seasons, two unaired episodes.
The Deep End: Cut down after one season, still one unaired episode.
Defying Gravity: Five unaired episodes are included on the DVD set.
Eastwick: Cancelled, descriptions for two unaired episodes are here & here.
Find My Family: No more reunions.
FlashForward: Ending May 27th. No season two.
the forgotten: The finale aired but there are still two unaired episodes.
The Goode Family: Cancelled in August, reruns landed on Comedy Central.
Hank: Cancelled last year, five unaired episodes.
Happy Town: Remaining episodes return in June.
Lost: As if you don’t know already, the big series finale airs May 23rd.
Romantically Challenged: Officially cancelled. No word on when/if rest of episodes will air.
Scrubs: After eight seasons, finally gone.
The Superstars: Celebs & athletes, cut after one season.
Surviving Suburbia: Ended after one season.
Ugly Betty: Series finale aired April 14th. No season five.
What do you think? Any news that makes you particularly happy or sad? When compared to other networks, is ABC better or worse about cancelling shows?
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Images courtesy ABC.
Ghost Whisper should NOT havebeen canceled.One Of my fvorite shows
tv sucks! Reality shows, cop shows, desperate housewives, and more cop shows…UGH! No Network TV for me this fall. Bite Me! Ghost Whisperer…should have picked it up! Flash Forward, The Forgotten, and all the good shows Gone!
Please…Kyle xy season 4
Let the tub return!!!!!!!
Please…Kyle xy season 4
Let the tub return!!!!!!!
Really hate that cancelled Flash Forward, well I guess I will definitely be on the CW. Dancing’s line up is not impressive. Am happy that V is returning. Once Kyle XY was cancelled, I hardly watched ABC, until V and Flash Forward came on the air.
I do watch Brothers & Sisters, that is an awesome show!
What ever happened to Unusual Persons? A group of unrelated people found themselves locked in a mystrious town with no one able to escape. It disappeared suddenly right in the middle of the series with no explanation. I had read that everything would be explained at the end of summer but it wasn’t. I’m sooo disappointed! I don’tthink it’s fair that you led us on and then snatched the program away! I believe we deserve an explanation! An avid viewer, Evelyn
Really sucks that they cancelled FlashForward and Eastwick, those were two of my favorite shows. I think ABC is doing a terrible job allthe best shows are on ABC and they keep cancelling them. Why bother getting involved in a show when their going to just cancel it 5 episodes in. All there are are stupid reality shows which I am completley sick of.
Well, ABC has cancelled all but two shows that I watch, I agree with all of the above, where do they get their statistics and how do they make the decision on which to keep or cancel? I totally despise the reality shows…but I guess the writers are running out of things to write about. When I watch TV I want unreality (fantasy if you will).
why would you keep the V that show is so stupid why not bring back
The Foregotten and Flash Forward????????
i am soooo sad they cancelled eastwick but i knew it would come to a end. but i am more mad they cancelled ghost whisper i bet some people like ghost whisper to. shame on u abc i am sooo close to done with abc
Less reality shows please!!!
How can they cancel Ugly Betty, Flash Forward, 24. I am so disappointed as I am sure many others are also.
I’m happy to hear that Castle, Grey’s Anatomy, and Private Practice are coming back, but the cancellation of FlashForward is sad. I used to have a schedule of watching–Monday, I’d watch 24 from 9-10 and Castle from 10-11, then on Thursday watch FlashForward 8-9, Grey’s Anatomy from 9-10 and Private Practice 10-11. It’s disappointing to not watch continuations of Jack’s missions and Olivia’s problems with Mark and Lloyd.
Somewhat sad that Scrubs is ending.
ok… really wth? how did Flash Forward and The Forgotten get cancelled but V and Dating in the Dark? Are you serious???
Thought ABC might be smart enough to pick up The Ghost Whisperer, but it is VERY OBVIOUS that they need a new program director, because the one they have now SUCKS!!