CBS has the largest number of TV shows of all of the networks. They keep their schedule pretty consistent but it can still be a challenge to keep track of your favorite TV shows. Have they been cancelled or renewed? When will they be back? Below is a list of all of the regular CBS series that have aired (or are expected to air) during the 2010-11 season (which we consider roughly June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011).
Using this list you can tell where your favorite CBS series stand; how many episodes are in the current season, when shows will be back and, of course, if they’re already renewed (yea!) or cancelled (boo!).
If you can’t find a particular CBS program on this list, it may have been cancelled last season (2009-10) or perhaps the one before (2008-09). For a list of cancelled shows from all networks, you can go here. It may also be possible that we missed something (horrors!) so feel free to let us know in the comments below.
Click here to see if there’s a more recent list.
Here are listings for the other networks: ABC | The CW | FOX | NBC
What do you think? Do you see any surprises on this list? Which CBS TV shows do you think won’t be renewed? Which should be cancelled?
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Image courtesy CBS.
Please renewed CRIMINAL MINDS SUSPECT BEHAVIOR. It’s my favorite show. Please do more episodes and seasons for the show please. I love CRIMINAL MINDS SUSPECT BEHAVIOR.
You rat ******** no episode 14 of Suspect Behavior? This kind of crap is yet one more reason the justifies getting rid of cable. . I’m so done .
I no longer watch any CBS new shows the way they ended suspect Behavior was so wrong We don’t know what happened and they do a lot of this crap CBS is really bad so I no longer start watching anything cbs starts.
Me parece interesante, donde puedo ver más información?
I read in the St. Louis paper that The Golden Boy may not be renewed. We and all of our friends who watch this show were shocked. This is one of the better new shows now on. Why wouldn’t CBS renew it for next season? There’s not another show on that compares to it.
Please add more videos related to cooking if you have, because I would like to learn more and more about all recipes of cooking.
I can not believe that the American shows that i like are all being cancelled. I will in future look to see if a show has been cancelled half way through before beginning to watch Alcatraz and Criminal Minds Suspect Behaviour….bear in mind i live in England and can do this as the series are aired later here than in America….it is very disheartening to become embroiled in a series to have it cut short or left on a Cliff Hanger and never knowing what happens!!
As is always the case, and that which has already been pointed out, the Hollywood executives have done their darndest to @#$%^% screw up the schedule It is bad enough, the show had limited long term engagement. I mean, how long could these people exist on a far off Island, where some kook was running things (very happily, I might say) until the sub and crew started on their rendezvous with the future of man. I will have to, as will you, sit back and wait for the mid-season replacements to come out. And there will be one or two… Read more »
[…] CBS program on this list, it may have been cancelled last season (2011-12) or the one before that (2010-11) — time flies doesn’t it! For a list of cancelled or ending shows from all networks, […]
Not surprised suspect behavior was cancelled I could never find it when it was on, watched it on NetFlix, but I was expecting a second season since they left it on a to be continued, are they going to finish rapping the two parter up at least? Bring in the original cast and them to to finish the second part something? Release it on it’s own, come on I’d like to know what happens!