CBS has the largest number of TV shows of all of the networks. They keep their schedule pretty consistent but it can still be a challenge to keep track of your favorite TV shows. Have they been cancelled or renewed? When will they be back? Below is a list of all of the regular CBS series that have aired (or are expected to air) during the 2010-11 season (which we consider roughly June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011).
Using this list you can tell where your favorite CBS series stand; how many episodes are in the current season, when shows will be back and, of course, if they’re already renewed (yea!) or cancelled (boo!).
If you can’t find a particular CBS program on this list, it may have been cancelled last season (2009-10) or perhaps the one before (2008-09). For a list of cancelled shows from all networks, you can go here. It may also be possible that we missed something (horrors!) so feel free to let us know in the comments below.
Click here to see if there’s a more recent list.
Here are listings for the other networks: ABC | The CW | FOX | NBC
What do you think? Do you see any surprises on this list? Which CBS TV shows do you think won’t be renewed? Which should be cancelled?
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I don’t think i can watch Criminal Minds without Prentiss. I hope they don’t kill her off, so they leave room for a return.
Without Charlie Sheen, i couldn’t look at Two and a Half Men the same. So, CBS, here’s a strategy for bolstered rationgs:
Move Mad Love and Mike & Molly to Thursdays in exchange for The Big Bang Theory and Rules of Engagement, if they cancell TAAHM, move $#!@ My Dad Says to Mondays at 10.
Doesn’t that sound good?
Cancel all “Reality Shows”.
Please renew NCIS LA, NCIS, Castle, The Defenders, The Mentalist , Criminal Minds, and Criminal Minds:Suspect Behavior.
The Good Wife is the best written show to me period. Next best is Criminal Minds. I like the new girl but I liked JJ a lot. I watch all csi shows. I watch the old NCIS. I watch all reality shows and look forward to most of them. I like most of the comedies but didn’t give Mike and Molly a chance and maybe I should have. Blue Bloods writing could be better.
Blue Bloods is the best new show!!! Survivor, Big Brother, undercover Boss, and all the rest of the reality shows are totally stupid. S*#t My Dad Says is truly funny, all the CSI shows are getting really old. NCIS LA doesn’t compare to the original, which is still great. Criminal Minds is still great, but you need to lose the new girl; she is lousy, and bring back JJ. The new Criminal Minds is too dark for me; it needs a little comic relief. Hawaii 50 is growing on me; the Mentalist is not.
CBS you will cancel CSI ( Vegas, NY, Miami) over my dead body!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like The Defenders, NCIS, NCIS: L.A., Criminal Minds, CSI: Miami, The Mentalist and Hawaii: Five-O. The Good Wife, CSI, CSI: NY, The Big Bang Theory and Rules of Engagement are OK.
The rest of them can be cancelled as far as I’m concerned.
There are much better cop shows than Blue Bloods, like Southland, Detroit 1-8-7 or even The Chicago Code. I think most of the comedies on CBS are crap. Especially Two and a Half Men.
I thought that The Mentalist was renewed. I’m not sure though. The Defenders might be gone, but I don’t know whether it will survive somehow or not. I hope that it does, but normally when a show leaves mid-season on CBS, it ain’t coming back. Hawaii Five-O and Blue Bloods are nice and could go either way I heard. I want more Mad Love, if possible. Rules of Engagement isn’t that good so it will die at some point, the sooner the better. **** My Dad Says is probably gone, although I’m not sure. Mike and Molly could stay or… Read more »
Hawaii 5-0, The Big Bang, NCIS, Criminal Minds,Mike & Molly, too many to name but I love all of them. CBS is the one to watch for best shows.
I really hope and pray they Renew Hawaii 5-0 just love to watch the dynamics of the two leads, the stories are good but the two leads are awesome together.
I thought they cancelled Live to i wrong???
@Carrie: Not officially but there’s no way they’ll bring it back.
Okay for all those folks that blame CBS for the crap Charlie Sheen has pulled, and not watching CBS again, shame on your drug induced minds. Again, CBS has as a very high standard, if every show on CBS was on ABC or NBC in would so be renewed for next year. IMO the only show I would see as being in danger is The Defenders. Still CBS, is always a surprise in upfronts.
The only comment I have, is thank God, CBS isn’t listening to most comments on internet sites. All these sites are a few fans hoping their shows are the best and trashing shows that they feel are a threat. The only wise thing I have to say is that you fine out if your favorite show is on CBS’s fall schedule in May, and no matter how you lambast other shows or give your shows a big thumbs up, it doesn’t matter.
I’m pretty ticked about The Bridge being cancelled and I’m not holding my breath for Blue Bloods, either. The show [Blue Bloods] is beyond awesome, with a wicked cast and great constant arc that runs throughout the series. However, it’s likely got too much plot, not enough ‘who’s going to hook up with who’ garbage, and no flashy (not to mention pointless) filler between scenes to keep the attention of the general public.
@Tegan-Michelle – are you *not* one of the “general public’? I believe that the majority of the “general public” are intelligent folks who are able to fully comprehend the programming provided and able to make decent choices based on their likes/dislikes/opinions. What is your status and age-group that would qualify and quantify a superior opinion? Or have I misunderstood your intention in your statement?
Um, NCIS was renewed for seasonn 9 like a month ago, so that should be updated.
@P.S.L.: You are correct. Thanks for catching that.
Bring back cast (that you havent killed off) to CSI (Las Vegas)…and dont even think about cancelling Two and Half Men. That might just cause me to boycott CBS altogether. I currently and religously watch Big Banf, How I Met Your Mother and Rules of Engagement. If Two and Half Men goes (or replace Charlie Sheen) I’m done with this channel altogether.
LOVED MEDIUM & SAD TO SEE IT GO… but CBS is the BOMB STATION.. Absolutely LOVE this station.
All The NCIS’ CSI’ shows ALL Reality shows Big Brother Survivor Amazing Race Twisted shows like Criminal Minds Comedies such as Big Bang Theory How I met your Mother 2 1/2 men New Shows Blue Bloods Defenders cant’ forget The Good Wife & The Mentalist greatest shows on TV today!