TV Shows on DVD reports that the third and final season of Cedar Cove is coming to DVD. Season three is currently available for pre-order on Amazon, with a release date of March 15, 2016.
Hallmark cancelled Cedar Cove, after three seasons, earlier this month. The show was Hallmark’s first scripted series. The third and final season stars Andie MacDowell, Dylan Neal, Teryl Rothery and Bruce Boxleitner.
Here’s all the info from TV Shows on DVD:
Hallmark and Cinedigm Entertainment haven’t formally announced it yet, but’s pre-order listing for the title shows that March 15th is the street date for Cedar Cove – Season 3: The Final Season. The final 11 episodes starring Andie MacDowell, Dylan Neal, Teryl Rothery and Bruce Boxleitner include 3 double-length installments and a two-part series finale. The 3-disc set is priced at $24.95 SRP. Box art isn’t available yet, nor any other details, but stay tuned.
What do you think? Did you like the Cedar Cove TV show? Do you think it should have been cancelled? Would you have watched a fourth season?
What book picks up where Season 3 left off???
I am very disappointed to hear of the cancellation of Cedar Cove Season 4. I was a favorite of myself and many friends !!
Very upset that the show has been cancelled. I was looking forward to season 4.
I enjoyed the show. There should have been more episodes each season
I was a good show. It’s hard to keep peoples interest when it only airs once a year. They probably needed room to air all those I love Lucy reruns.
Loved Cedar Cove, not fair to stop a series after we-all get hooked on it
I really enjoy Cedar Cove-wish they would reconsider and bring it back. Would love a series to watch every week.
Any chance hallmark or another station will pick up and make season 4 happen or that the series will become movies like signed, sealed, delivered? So disappointing that it is over.
They needed to buckle down and finish up the series! They were so close( 3 books ) to make this happen.
Amy, thanks for reading and commenting. How would you have liked to see the series end?
Wow. That’ll teach me to get hooked on future Hallmark TV shows. They did owe the loyal viewers a finale.
I’m so sorry your show was cancelled, Karen. Thank you for reading and commenting.
I’m very sad it was canceled, I looked forward to seeing it in Saturday nights
I’m sorry your show was cancelled, Sheryl. Here’s hoping the series is wrapped up in some TV movies.
I did not agree with Hallmark cancelling the television, but I think a good alternative would be to replace it as a series and do movies 3-4 times a year like they do with another series about people who in a mall room to give lost letters to people. Cedar Cove had such an amazing cast and I will miss them the most.
I think that’s a great idea, Judy. Thank you for reading, and for your thoughtful comment.
I agree with Jerry and Dee. This show had wonderful heartfelt stories that the entire family could watch together. I’m so tired of good clean shows being cancelled, and they just keep the junk. There isn’t much to watch on TV anymore.
Right there with you, Michele. Thank you for reading and for replying.
Shame on you Hallmark! You used to represent what shows were all about from the “HEART”. I seems if it doesn’t have dirt and sex TV does not want to air them anymore.
This was an awesome show.
Geez, I guess good old fashioned down to earth family shows are no longer allowed to be aired. Not all of us are into Zombies, blood and guts, we love real life stories and shows we can relate to. Is that not what Hallmark is all about? Family, friends, trials and tribulations of real life people? I think your making a big mistake canceling this show and if it is due to ratings you have no one to blame but yourself. If I didn’t have my DVR set I would miss it completely because you air the shows so few… Read more »
Thank you for your comment, Shawn, and thanks for reading. For what it’s worth, I think you make a good point.
I understand that even the best series must come to an end, Ceder Cove was and is a great series. The sad part of it is be just canceling the series it leaves everything hanging. How many viewers want to watch three seasons of a series knowing that there wi be no closure not happiness for the great characters the viewers got to know and like. To me A network like Hallmark owes it to the viewers to have closure. A two hour ending to Ceder Cove. Yet they just shut it down, after all they have others those viewers… Read more »
Cedar Cove should have stayed on. Just because is wasn’t about sex didn’t mean it should be cancelled.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Dee. What were your favorite things about Cedar Cove?
I’m sorry for your disappointment, Jerry. Thank you for reading and for commenting.