On this international spy drama, Annie (Piper Perabo) and Auggie (Christopher Gorham) work together to fulfill their missions. The mission of Covert Affairs of course is to attract big enough ratings for USA to renew it for another season. The TV show’s cast also includes Anne Dudek, Eion Bailey, Kari Matchett, Peter Gallagher, and Sendhil Ramamurthy.
Here are the most recent ratings for Covert Affairs on USA. The TV show’s ratings are the best way to tell if it will be cancelled or renewed for a fourth season. The third season airs on Tuesday nights and there are 16 episodes.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
Final season averages: 0.8 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 3.06 million total viewers.
Episode 03-16: Tuesday, 11/20/12
0.7 demo rating (+0% change) with 2.47 million (+1% change).
Season averages: 0.81 in the demo with 3.06 million.
Episode 03-15: Tuesday, 11/13/12
0.7 demo rating (+40% change) with 2.45 million (+8% change).
Season averages: 0.81 in the demo with 3.10 million.
Episode 03-14: Tuesday, 11/06/12
0.5 demo rating (-29% change) with 2.28 million (-3% change).
Season averages: 0.82 in the demo with 3.14 million.
Episode 03-13: Tuesday, 10/30/12
0.7 demo rating (-13% change) with 2.36 million (-14% change).
Season averages: 0.85 in the demo with 3.21 million.
Episode 03-12: Tuesday, 10/23/12
0.8 demo rating (0% change) with 2.75 million (0% change).
Season averages: 0.86 in the demo with 3.28 million.
Episode 03-11: Tuesday, 10/16/12
0.8 demo rating (-11% change) with 2.76 million (-21% change).
Season averages: 0.86 in the demo with 3.33 million.
UPDATE: Covert Affairs has been renewed with a 16 episode fourth season.
Episode 03-10: Tuesday, 09/18/12
0.9 demo rating (-10% change) with 3.47 million (-12% change).
Season averages: 0.87 in the demo with 3.39 million.
Episode 03-09: Tuesday, 09/11/12
1.0 demo rating (+25% change) with 3.94 million (+15% change).
Season averages: 0.87 in the demo with 3.38 million.
Episode 03-08: Tuesday, 09/04/12
0.8 demo rating (+14% change) with 3.44 million (+6% change).
Season averages: 0.85 in the demo with 3.31 million.
Episode 03-07: Tuesday, 08/28/12
0.7 demo rating (-22% change) with 3.23 million (-8% change).
Season averages: 0.86 in the demo with 3.29 million.
Episode 03-06: Tuesday, 08/21/12
0.9 demo rating (0% change) with 3.51 million (+8% change).
Season averages: 0.88 in the demo with 3.30 million.
Episode 03-05: Tuesday, 08/14/12
0.9 demo rating (+29% change) with 3.25 million (+26% change).
Season averages: 0.88 in the demo with 3.26 million.
Episode 03-04: Tuesday, 07/31/12
0.7 demo rating (-30% change) with 2.58 million (-31% change).
Season averages: 0.88 in the demo with 3.26 million.
Episode 03-03: Tuesday, 07/24/12
1.0 demo rating (+11% change) with 3.74 million (+16% change).
Season averages: 0.93 in the demo with 3.49 million.
Episode 03-02: Tuesday, 07/17/12
0.9 demo rating (0% change) with 3.22 million (-8% change).
Season averages: 0.90 in the demo with 3.24 million.
Episode 03-01:Tuesday, 07/10/12
0.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 3.26 million total viewers.
Season average: 0.90 in the demo with 3.26 million.
Reference point: The second season of Covert Affairs averaged a 1.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 3.76 million total viewers.
Cable ratings are typically released within a day or so of the show’s airing, except for in the case of weekends and holidays. They are sometimes harder to come by so there may be occasional delays or gaps.
What do you think? Do you still like the Covert Affairs TV series? Are you hoping that it’s renewed for a fourth season?
This is one of the best shows on TV, it needs to be renewed without hesitation.
Love this show! Please renew it USA is a great network and I’m sue they’ll make
the right choice; I think everyone in the show is awesome and do a great job in it.
Great season. Loved Simon’s character. The show deserves to be renewed.
Great acting in Covert Affairs and the dramatic tension is higher in Season 3. Also the story arc is increasingly compelling. Besides it has the second highest total audience rating on Tuesday night. Looks like the show has earned its Season 4.
This season has been great because Simon had been added him and Annie have such great chemistry together. The network/writers need to figure something out and bring Simon back he brought so much to the show. I will not continue to watch if Simon does not come back. Annie and Auggie just do not have the chemistry to carry this show.
Absolutely RENEW please. Just when Auggie and Annie are starting “something” USA just has to renew. PLEASE USA RENEW COVERT AFFAIRS.
watching this show is a torture…so boring!!
absolutly fishy show. delete!!
I HATE this show: so stupid and predictable! watching means nothing but wasting own time
This is my favorite show. The current season has upped the ante with each episode more exciting than the last. Wish it went on all year rather than taking a Nov. to July hiatus! Renew, renew, renew!
How can you cancel, when it gets better ratings than the CW shows?
This show continues to be more exciting each season. One of my favorite shows. Would NOT be pleased if it was cancelled.
If USA doesn’t renew this great show, which gets better and better with every showing, then I don’t know anymore. That would be incredibly stupid. But we have seen those strange decisions before, e.g. FOX, NBC, etc. Hopefully the show gets renewed!
It better be renewed!
Liked the sister in the series. Kept some normalcy to Annie’s life. Don’t like the direction the sho has taken lately. Still will watch if renewed.