As you may recall, ABC recently announced that they were reworking their Wednesday night schedule (in preparation for the return of Fox’s American Idol). That left fans of Day Break out in the cold as the Taye Diggs series would be pulled from the schedule after the December 27th episode had aired. There was some hope and speculation that the series would be moved to another night. We now know that’s not going to happen.
The Lost-replacing series Day Break has been pulled from the schedule even earlier than expected. The ratings for Day Break have continued to fall since its debut and the latest was no exception. The sixth episode, entitle “What If They Find Him,” attracted only 3.1 million households. As a result, ABC has yanked the drama effective immediately. Repeats of George Lopez and According to Jim will fill 8-10pm Wednesdays for the next two weeks (both sitcoms begin new seasons in January on Wednesday nights).
There are seven unaired episodes and, as of now, there are no plans to air them on the network (joining fellow dramas The Nine and Six Degrees). The good news is that ABC has said they will post the remaining episodes online, with a new episode being posted every Thursday for the next seven weeks. They may decide to release the episodes for purchase online via iTunes but I’m guessing that will have a lot to do with viewer demand.
Rarely do I absolutely agree with the majority; but crazier things have happened like Day Break being pulled. I started watching the show during the second show and was absolutely hooked! My children were watching it before I was and from then on we watched it together as a family. Now what do we watch? There are so few shows on tv today that held your attention, kept you guessing and entertained you in an hour. Lost is ridiculous. The Nine just didn’t do it for me and then there was Day Break. Like there aren’t already enough “funny dad,… Read more »
this is terrible. when did they announce they were about to cancel the show. bad ratings? just what stupid method of statistics is abc using anyhow. i didn’t miss an episode and everyone i know was watching the show every week. it was the topic of discussion come thursday morning. my kids really got into it and we would go back and watch it online to see if we may have missed something in the background that might give us a clue as to what was really happening. i hope they decide to put it out on dvd. thanks abc
This is so stupid. This is the only reason why I watched T.V. on Wednesdays. How can you just leave people with suspicion. They didnt even do a finale. I just wanted to know what was going on. thats terrible. i dont even want to watch this channel anymore 🙁
do we need to start a petition or something to make this happen? This was one of only two network TV shows that i watch religiously, because i had tired of the same ol’ formula. They create something new and interesting, and they pull the plug on it. Shame, shame, shame ABC.
I am really upset that Daybreak has been cancelled it was one of the best shows on television. Now where will I see Taye Diggs,I really looked forward to seeing him once a week.(I really would like to see him more but I was taking what I could get and now that has been taken away) There has to be a way to air the rest of the shows on television. So ABC please find a way. It was getting so good too!
This is insane. I didn’t watch TV on Wednesday nights because nothing good was on. Then came DayBreak and I rewatch the episodes at least twice because it so good. They should have given this show alittle more time before pulling it. 24 didn’t jump off that well in its first season either. What a huge disappointment.
How can they make a decision about a whole show just after 6 episodes!! God I hate corporate America.
This was my favorite show on TV. I am so suprised by this move. Maybe if enough people protest to ABC. Where can we send our complaints to? Has that ever worked before?
Daybreak is a really good show, nicely written, and well shot/directed/acted given its small budget. Daybreak is much better than the Nine, if anything, they should have pulled the Nine!
UNBELIEVABLE!!! Incompetent ABC Execs mismanage promotion & placement of the show and then cancel it (because it was the show’s fault, not the stupid ABC Exec’s). From where I am sitting, it looks like ABC threw DAY BREAK under the bus as a mid-season replacement for a partial-teaser-season of LOST. And then they blame the victim (DAY BREAK) for limping. The SMART way to insert DAY BREAK would have been to introduce it in the time-slot after LOST with some ads letting fans know that teaser ads would be aired at random times during the DAY BREAK Pilot episode. Yes,… Read more »
WOW ABC you are terrible. This was actually a good show. Personally I’ve really only watched 2 shows this year… and guess what they were… Day Break (cancelled) and Kidnapped (cancelled). This cancellation really needs to stop. Move it to another night if you don’t like it. George Lopez and According to Jim (reruns) arent going to get you over 100,000 viewers, so whats wrong with Day Break’s 3 million? Thats 3 million people youre pulling out on. This really makes ABC look like crap. ABC SUCKS
Sheesh! I really enjoy Taye Diggs as an actor, and both of his last shows, Kevin Hill and now Day Break, have both cancelled- ridiculous! I don’t understand, at least the best they can do is put on the remaining episodes- it’s not like George Lopez re-runs are going to get any better ratings! At least the remaining episodes are going to be aired on…bummer. I was really looking forward to seeing this show stay on air!
According to a news release from ABC they will continue releasing new episodes Thursday morning on the internet! Us addicts can still get our fix.
I haven’t gotten into a TV show in years, I normally can’t be ebtertained by television, but Daybreak was the surprising exception to this. It seems to me, from reading the comments here, that us daybreak fans are not your average TV watchers who want some mindless show to make us feel better about life within 30 minutes. Dangit, I wanted to see how it ended…
Will ABC even see all of this? I hope so. Is it possible that the ratings could be low due to Tivo or the DVR? Will ABC really get more advertising dollars for Jim and George? As in life, so many questions and no answers. I hope they at least put the remaining episodes on