On Tuesday, ABC pre-empted Detroit 1-8-7 with a special edition of 20/20 in which Diane Sawyer interviewed Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s husband about the Tucson shooting. Based on the preliminary ratings for the program, ABC made a good choice. It attracted a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.18 million total viewers. While those aren’t great numbers, they’re a 30% improvement over last week’s episode of Detroit 1-8-7 (1.0 in the demo with 5.05 million).
Next week, the cop drama will be replaced by the annual State of the Union address. Right now, Detroit 1-8-7 is scheduled to return on February 1st but one has to wonder if that will actually happen. ABC has a track record of pre-empting low-rated shows with the intention of bringing them back but it just never happens.
The network has ordered 18 installments of Detroit 1-8-7 and 12 of those have aired so far. It would seem like a waste not to air the remaining six but the same could be said for the leftover seven episodes of The Whole Truth. If ABC can keep coming up with specials that will perform better, we may likely have seen the last of low-rated Detroit 1-8-7.
What do you think? Will Detroit 1-8-7 return to the regular schedule or lost in hiatus and cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
Please don’t cancel this show. The acting is awesome, the plots are realistic and the show deserves a chance to survive. Plus the show has done wonders for Detroit’s economy. I love ABC but if you continue cancelling shows like this and replacing them with nonsense like ‘Mr. Sunshine’, ‘The Bachelor’ (big waste of money), etc., then it’s bye-bye for me.
I love this show it has an edginess to it that you don’t find on other cop shows. Also the characters are not one dimensional like other shows.
Just get used to it, if it’s good..it’s gone! TV networks are run by a bunch of monkeys who know nothing about what people want to watch or HOW THEY ARE WATCHING NOWADAYS (TIVO, DVR, Online)!
MAN! I will be sooo pissed if the show gets axed right when they really kick off their first continuous plotline & end with their 1st cliffhanger. Things were getting really good. Definitely going to think twice before I start another new show on ABC, lord knows Detriot 187 isn’t as good as Better Off Ted or Flashforward, but it has potential that is genuinely in the process of growing. Arggh.
I certainly hope it returns, My family enjoys this show.
Cougar town has been renewed for goodness sake…They had worse numbers than Det. 187
Sick and tired of NBC. I have trepidation about watching anything they air at night othrt than sitcoms. They keep pulling them without closure
I agree. I love this show. I don’t think the networks give the shows a good chance before they cancel them. Many recently have been pulled. I would like to see them come back on other channels like TBS or ABCfamily or USA channel. The ones I liked were Kyle XY, The Whole Truth, Flash Forward and now Detroit 187. If all there is is reality shows I guess I’ll have to go back to watching movies or turn my TV off.
D1-8-7 fans,
We need to get this show renewed. For the last 3 years, ABC’s Tuesday 10pm shows have been canceled and D1-8-7 is on the bubble. We need to organize watch parties, promote the show, make sure this show isn’t another casuality of The Good Wife. Detroit needs help and we’re the only ones who can help it. It needs to pull in at least 8 million viewers on Feb 1st. Let’s make it happen!
you got be kidding!! Does ABC have any idea how good this show is? I guess not. We watch it every Tuesday. Sure will miss it when it’s gone!
This is an excellent show, if they cancel, it will be missed.
I can only hope and pray that they do bring it back.
But unfortunately this article has a point. AND abc picked possibly the most frustrating time to pre-empt it, with the current Fitch storyline going. (Or theoretically going, anyway).
Please sign my petition to renew the show: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/detro187/petition.html
ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS SHOW! I agree, stop canceling all of the great shows before they have a chance to have their run!
Wow….I would love to have been in that meeting. “Hey, great idea….let’s kill 187 and replace it with…..hmmm……how bout 20/20?” That’s what legendary TV is made of! 187 is a great show which doesn’t stand a chance of survival with that kind of imbecilic decision making.
I hear you, Carol. Now I try out the pilots of everything, then I Tivo the ones that I think could be good. Next I just wait for a while to see what happens. If a show gets cancelled, then I just delete from the Tivo. Of course, since Detroit 187 doesn’t completely follow a continuous storyline, I will still watch everything I have saved, because it is a good show.