On Tuesday, ABC pre-empted Detroit 1-8-7 with a special edition of 20/20 in which Diane Sawyer interviewed Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s husband about the Tucson shooting. Based on the preliminary ratings for the program, ABC made a good choice. It attracted a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.18 million total viewers. While those aren’t great numbers, they’re a 30% improvement over last week’s episode of Detroit 1-8-7 (1.0 in the demo with 5.05 million).
Next week, the cop drama will be replaced by the annual State of the Union address. Right now, Detroit 1-8-7 is scheduled to return on February 1st but one has to wonder if that will actually happen. ABC has a track record of pre-empting low-rated shows with the intention of bringing them back but it just never happens.
The network has ordered 18 installments of Detroit 1-8-7 and 12 of those have aired so far. It would seem like a waste not to air the remaining six but the same could be said for the leftover seven episodes of The Whole Truth. If ABC can keep coming up with specials that will perform better, we may likely have seen the last of low-rated Detroit 1-8-7.
What do you think? Will Detroit 1-8-7 return to the regular schedule or lost in hiatus and cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
ABC you cannot be serious. Just to reiterate what the other posters have said this show has substance that we have not seen in quite some time. I suppose ABC will replace it with a reality show. Sad.
Are you kidding its the best I have seen in a very long time. has a great cast of actors.
I have been waiting 4 season 2. perhaps better Script writers . PLEASE BRING BACK
Detroit 187 was not given a chance—-we were fast becoming regular viewers,nElaine Thorne
i really enjoyed this series. i dont understand why they are cancelling it. the cast and storylines were great. whoevere decided to cancel this series should be fired.
Television has gone to the dogs. All that are on are reality shows or stupid comedy. Who gives a rats butt about the Kardashians, Paris, Tory Spelling, The Braxtons, Sinbad or all the other lives that are so boring. The crime drama Chase was taken off and it was a good show. Flashpoint is hanging on, but barely. When is the original CSI going to bite the dust?It is old and boring, especially since that Jorga Fox came back. Marg needs a makeover. Her age is really beginning to show.
Great show. I can’t believe this one would be cancelled when so much other low brow shows remain on the air. In some regards, this is a reality show about Detroit. Good characters. good story lines. Leave it on the air.
I admit I had not watched the show until the last couple of episodes, but think it is a very good show and am looking forward to it coming back in the fall. I think all it takes is to watch one episode and you are hooked. I watched “Good Wife” but even if it were to run at the same time this fall I would change over and watch Detroit 1-8-7. I am hooked on this show. Don’t let a good show go.
I also loved this show,I can’t understand why it was canceled when some of that other garbage is still airing. It should of been tested for 2 seasons at the very least. Seriously ABC what are you thinking OR——- is that the answer— are you?
I love the show and the cast. I spend alot of time in Detroit ,Lions and Tiger games. We spend long weekends and enjoy the whole package of downtown. It is nice to see all the aspects of the city, not just the bad. The love for the city, shows in the cast. Hope to see it longer
i think it should stay on because it would be the first seires that was done in detroit and i think it was a good show to watch so bring it back
I love the show never missed and episode!!!!!!.All characters were excellent/
Are you kidding ABC? So much crap not worth watching these days, then you finally get a HIT and you’re not renewing it? Why? Makes no sense. Great show with great actors! Bring it back ABC! Bring it back!
This was a great show and was watched, enjoyed and talked about by many people. ABC needs to put it on a night and at a time where it isn’t battling several other established shows. They then need to stop changing the night it is on so people can follow it.
BRING IT BACK ABC !!!!!!!!!!! Rerun it over the summer to get more of a following. This show was different from other cop shows. It had a midwest feel to it. To cancel it also seems like another slap to Michigan, which it does not need.
I think the show was a really good show.I hope it does come back.I don’t watch very many shows but I liked this one.
Great show with an amazing cast. How can ABC not renew this show? It is one of the best on television.
I agree. I haven’t seen a show this raw & real in a while. The background, Detroit, is as much apart of the show as NY is apart of L&O. The characters are so interesting. I definitely see many years of growth. Detroit will provide an unlimited amount of storylines. Renew, but don’t revamp, this show. If it ain’t broke… Just place it in a spot that allows people to watch.