On Tuesday, ABC pre-empted Detroit 1-8-7 with a special edition of 20/20 in which Diane Sawyer interviewed Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford’s husband about the Tucson shooting. Based on the preliminary ratings for the program, ABC made a good choice. It attracted a 1.3 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 6.18 million total viewers. While those aren’t great numbers, they’re a 30% improvement over last week’s episode of Detroit 1-8-7 (1.0 in the demo with 5.05 million).
Next week, the cop drama will be replaced by the annual State of the Union address. Right now, Detroit 1-8-7 is scheduled to return on February 1st but one has to wonder if that will actually happen. ABC has a track record of pre-empting low-rated shows with the intention of bringing them back but it just never happens.
The network has ordered 18 installments of Detroit 1-8-7 and 12 of those have aired so far. It would seem like a waste not to air the remaining six but the same could be said for the leftover seven episodes of The Whole Truth. If ABC can keep coming up with specials that will perform better, we may likely have seen the last of low-rated Detroit 1-8-7.
What do you think? Will Detroit 1-8-7 return to the regular schedule or lost in hiatus and cancelled?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I think the show needs to be brought back. It reminds me of when Hill Street blues came out. They take off a good show and put on all these stupid reality shows.
you need to have your head examined this show is great. why do you always take the shows that we enjoy off the air? it was a very interesting show about the hardships and life as it really is in detriot. what where you thinking?
Needless to say, bring it back. Don’t allow another good show get away.
ABC has a habit of cancelling a show with mostly african americans Detroit 187 was and is a very good show I hope we can get african americas to quit watching the abc network
My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed Detroit 1-8-7. We just looked forward to it every week and thought it was very authentic. I can’t believe it is/was being cancelled. We DO NOT watch reality TV. Seems the only place you can get good series TV is on TNT or USA. Sure hope Detroit 1-8-7 returns. Please reconsider!
Leave it alone. It’s a very good representation of real cops dealing with issues in a city that exemplifies America’ today. You don’t bring it back and you’ll have teen agers and college seniors as your audience. Niether have enough money to even buy a T.V. Those of us who work every day want to be entertained by good talent not reality shows that fail to display one iota of reality. I could care less what these stupid wealthy people do at home or anywhere else! You call that reality. Leave it alone I said!!!
Bring back 187 the show was a great crime drama w/out all the gore that makes me wanna turn off the others. Imperioli is awesome as the lead and the intracacies of his character keep me coming back
why can’y you leave adult tv alone? there are too many reality shows on. abc is the only regular channel i watch. tuesday night at 9:00—- Detroit 187 and wednesday night—– the middle and modern family. now only wednesday night. i guess those will go next!!!!!!
I sure hope this program is not cancelled!! I truly believe that Detroit needs this show to show people the beauty that this city holds. When I was last there a couple years ago we walked around down town Detroit, I felt so alive. It was amazing. Before going to Detroit last time I stumbled upon website called forgottendetroit. This site has pixels of old buildings some that have been restored and others that have been torn down. Please keep Detroit 187!!!!
we love detroit, u guys are jokin you havetoo keep this show on, the best show ever since nypd, do not take it off get rid of the reailty show not DETROIT,love Anthony Imperiol
We love Detroit 187 . Please continue this show. We look forward to it every week. We are so tired of reality TV and this show deserves a chance. Maybe on another network.
“Detroit 1-8-7” was my family’s FAVORITE television show. We looked forward to Tuesday night’s @ 9:00 pm, every week. Now, we find out that this show is being cancelled!! What?! Are you serious?!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved everything about this show. Also, it was filmed in a different location (Detroit) instead of the USUAL Los Angeles, New York or Miami.
PLEASE keep “Detroit 1-8-7” running. Maybe ABC could turn it over to TNT like NBC did with “Southland”.
“DETROIT 1-8-7”, we love you!!
someone is crazy if detroit 187 is cancelled. It was my wifes and I most favorite program.samething as without a trace gone also, shark also, and all we are left with is the bachelor/ette….again ur nuts….
This show needs to be brought back. My husband and I both agree it’s one of the best we’ve seen in a long time. We’re so damn tired of all of these “reality shows” (that I would throw my TV out the window before I’ll watch) and finally comes a great show, with fabulous characters and you’re going to can it? Please re-consider!
Shari, I totally agree. I just bought the first season of Detroit 187 and when I started watching it I thought I can’t believe ABC cancelled this show. I loved watching it last yr. but it was up against the Good Wife and on too late. Nothing compares to this show. ABC needs to look at bring this show back….if not ABC another network. The reality shows have taken over TV and they are really stupid…that’s not good TV. ABC reconsider give Detroit 187 another chance.
what they should do is bring it back an air it on Mondays at 9pm just before Castle. Or on Wednesday at 10pm after Modern family n cougar town. Give them (Detroit 1-8-7) set time slot an don’t move them an they will have great rating. Or can TBS N TNT pick this show up. Great show with a great cast..