Dominion aired its season two finale on Syfy on Thursday night, and now fans want to know if the series will return for a third season. Is there a chance that Dominion will be cancelled?
There is no word from SyFy yet on the future of the series, but the man behind the series, Vaun Wilmott, is hopeful about the chances the show has for season three renewal.
In an interview with TV Line, Wilmott spoke about the series’ chances.
“Right now, we’re waiting to hear… I know they are very happy with the show creatively, they have really supported me and the show. The numbers will come in, and we’ll hear. As of now, I don’t really have an inkling. I’m hopeful.”
The season two finale had some big moments, and it left a lot of things up in the air. Wilmott told TV Insider that the finale was meant to be a set up for season three.
What will fans see in Dominion season three if it happens? A “wild ride” is planned, according to Wilmott. The Chosen One and Lucifer will go to war.
Do you want more of Dominion on SyFy? Tell us what you think.
This was one of the best shows I’ve seen in a long time I kust watch it for the first June 2022 and was absolutely disappointed with not knowing how it ended I hope another net work picks it up syfy cancelled one of the best shows they had and kept stupid show that meant nothing all the dumb space shows obviously who ever runs the network has no idea what they are doing