The FOX drama Drive was pulled from the schedule after only two weeks and four episodes. The network had ordered 13 episodes but, when the ratings fell short of expectations, the series was cancelled and only six were completed.
Two months ago, FOX announced the final two episodes of Drive would air on July 4th. Last week, they rescheduled the episodes for Friday, July 13th.
FOX has now removed the episodes from their schedule entirely and isn’t expected to air them at all. The press release simply states, “The previously announced Drive episodes are no longer scheduled to air.” It is a strong possibility that the network will post them online or make them available via and
iTunes sometime soon. We’ll keep you posted so stay tuned!
That reeally sucks. Drive had us glued and we waited for those last to episode and now- NOTHING?? Jerks.
Drive was a great show, why would they not keep it on. They need to do what they did for Jerico, which is also a great show. Thet could have at least showed the last two episodes like they said they would. I’m very dissapointed with the FOX network.
Apparently Fox only cares about the audiences that make them money , they could care less about those of us who really got into the show . I think it is tacky (not sure if that is the right word to use) for them to just pull the remaining episodes . Fox has really gone down hill . It all started back when they lost 90210 and Melrose Place. I do love my Prison Break though
I can’t stand Fox. Nathan Fillion is one of my favorite actors and Drive was one of the most interesting thing on TV. I’m sorry i don’t want to watch another pointless season of American Idol
DONE with FOX……..too many other choices out there. Used to love 24; House; Prison Break; Drive; Wedding Bells………. hhhhmmm – time to flip the ole channel – see what else is out there. Gotta be better than this frustration!!
How crazy is fox? This was a great show I wish someone else would pick it up. Then they could laugh at fox when it catches on.
I was really looking forward to watching the last two episodes of Drive. Fox is dumb, they had a really good show. Only good thing on Fox now is Prison Break and 24, if they lose those, Fox would be dead.
Fox Sucks!!!!!!!!!
I’m very disappointed in the decision to cancel the final two episodes. My friends and I have waited and waited and now this. Throw us a bone here and put them on!!!
And then they wonder why viewers don’t tune in to FOX more often – you get hooked on a series and they don’t even show the last two episodes… They tell you they will show them – Jul 3rd, then Jul 13, now never???? Why start to watch another series on FOX? They may decide not to bother showing the end of that one either.
Drive is an excellent show broadcast on a pathetic network.
Hopefully Fox will make the last 2 episodes available online.
Why would someone do business with Fox? The idiots cancelled Firefly after one season. Does anyone feel that the ratings system is totally inaccurate?
It is funny how FOX has a habit of canceling good television shows. Firefly, the best sci-fi series ever didn’t make it past one season. Drive is just another example of how Fox has no clue as to what true television fans expect.
fox is full of a bunch of dumbf**kers! Besides they sunday night lineup simpsons, family guy, king of the hill. Theyve got nothing.
GEEE Lets air “dont forget the Lyrics” Instead!!
8 days isn’t two weeks.
And the above comment just about describes it.
Oh… I am so… sur-prised. I… am… overwhelmed by shock.
I’m too young to be this sarcastic and jaded.
One day fox won’t be able to get good programming because of these antics.
I’m not holding my breath.