There’s some more bad news for fans of ABC’s Eastwick. Not only has the series been cancelled but the last episode is going to leave several storylines unresolved.
Eastwick follows a trio of ladies (Rebecca Romijn, Lindsay Price, and Jaime Ray Newman) from a New England town who discover that they have supernatural powers, thanks to a handsome newcomer, Darryl Van Horne (Paul Gross). The rest of the show’s cast includes Ashley Benson, Johann Urb, Jon Bernthal, Sara Rue, and Veronica Cartwright.
The series struggled from the very beginning of its run, mustering just a 3.0 rating in the demo and 8.5 million viewers for its premiere. The second week fell to a 2.3 rating and 6.57 million. Things got even worse after that. Last week’s episode hit a series low of a 1.5 and 4.4 million viewers.
Based on these numbers, it comes as little surprise that ABC decided to cancel the struggling drama after 13 episodes. On the bright side, it looks like all of the installments will air. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like fans will be getting any closure for the many ongoing storylines.
In an interview with EW, executive producer Maggie Friedman said that she was furious over the cancellation. She said, “We have such an amazing group of writers and actors — best people I’ve ever worked with. None of us can believe this is really happening.”
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Of the possibility of closure, Friedman said, “We’re smack in the middle of several insanely juicy stories. And so we do not get a chance to wrap things up in a bow. Which is killing me.”
She concluded, “The magic was getting crazy, the storylines were getting really exciting and sexy and dangerous… I [just] wish we could’ve given the fans — and ourselves — real closure.”
While it’s unfortunate that ABC has cancelled a series that millions of people enjoy, it’s no secret that the show has been on the chopping block for some time.
The network gave full season orders to its most of its freshman shows a month ago and Eastwick was left out. Coupled with the terrible ratings, just about everyone who follows the industry knew that Eastwick was on borrowed time. Why was Friedman so surprised by the cancellation?
Other shows who’ve been on shaky ground have found a way to give some closure while leaving some loose threads, just in case the show was renewed. Shouldn’t that have been the case with Eastwick?
What do you think? Who’s to blame for Eastwick’s lack of closure? ABC, the writers, or just plain old black magic?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I loved this show, ABC barely gave it a chance. =(
SO TIRED of getting attached to shows and having them cancelled!! This was such a fun show and one of the few I looked forward to watching in the middle of my work week. I think there are many other shows that they should have cancelled instead of Eastwick. Unfortunately, no amount of letter will bring it back……
This stinks!!!
This was a good show!
I loved watching it after getting my 3 & 5yr old to bed!
I DVR’d it every week and watched it with my 22 yr old niece.
Come on ABC, you messed this one up. The ratings were wrong!
I can’t believe they cancelled this show. I couldn’t wait to Wednesday to watch this show. I am a single mom that waited (once a week ) for my children to go to sleep and pretend to be a part of this show. This was my treat. It was sexy, funny, and exciting. I’m truly so disappointed at the harsh way it was removed. I am so sick of reality drama. This show brought courage, friendship and intense sex appeal. At least give us an ending!!!
I am really going to miss the series………………….that was the only show I watched thru the week! The cast was fabulous! Why did ABC drop it! For Ugly Betty……………..
Maybe they will do a movie ……………………
I was really enjoying this TV series. I am sick to death of “reality TV. ” I think it was on too late for it to “catch on”. Please bring it back, you really left us hanging!
I’m sooo sad to hear my favorite show is off. If I wasn’t home I made sure to have it programed into my DVR. I hope all fans write in so they know how may people loved it. Please bring our favorite show back, please.
I just had an idea! Put this show on either right before or right after Lost. The supernatural element that appeals to Lost viewers will also appeal to potential Eastwick viewers! Or right before or right after Desperate Housewives, another show about smart but slightly devilish women (harmlessly devilish, for the most part, anyway). Eastwick is much better than that depressing soap opera that follows Desperate Housewives, which is called Brothers and Sisters, and which I never watch! Thanks for your consideration.
WE loved this show and if the writers and creators are willing , we deserve ,as fans, to have closure. Eastwick was getting exciting. Let us have an end. Resolve our plots. maybe make a TV special. It looks like any good show with 3 women freinds fails. I also enjoyed Lipstick. They did give us a last episode that ended the current story lines. Give the fans what they want. An ending.
ABC is so at fault. If they would at least let you know after the show when the next episode would come on. There where couple of weeks that the show didn’t even air for those stupid award shows and Barbra Walters special. I never new when it was coming back on. I love the show and i think they should bring it back on air and give it a chance.
I think ABC should have given the show more time. I have to admit that a couple of the episodes were a bit “out there”, but it was a cute show. The show does not flow and move in a direction to a good epidsode at times. It is very choppy. There are plots all over the place with so safe harbor. It needs more substance and some logic. There is something missing , but I still love the actors, as they are great. I agree that they should make the rest of the episodes available to the TV viewers.… Read more »
Why don’t they put the new episodes that they don’t intend to air on their website and let us watch them there. That way we can at least watch what has already been taped. Does anyone remember what a dismal start Seinfeld had their first season and yet they went on and found their audience. Sometimes it takes a season with all the new shows starting to sort out the ones you like. I watched Cougar Town for 5 weeks and found out it was the same thing every week. At least you couldn’t guess the plot of EastWick.
They should bring it back during the summer season when other stations have repeats or stupid reality shows and see what the ratings are. It was a series that takes awhile to catch on and they should be given a full season. hope they come back. All the actors were great !!
I’m so disappointed and disgusted with All the Damned! reality shows Also. It was really nice to watch a show with new people and interesting lives. I strongly believe that if Aaron Spelling were still here He not only would have loved the show but, also He’d find a way to keep it going, and thats’ all He knew a Great cast when He saw it and if anything He knew the truth & possitive side of Wiccan Witches. Aaron Spelling also researched some Wiccan tradition on the Mother Earth Nature based Religion before the Charmed series even started. THE… Read more »
Nelson system, ABC and the advertisers are to blame. First it is network tv in an age when people don’t want to see commercials and watch more and more cable network tv with out commercial interruption so are more likely to miss the few ads announcing a new show anyway and be slower to find it. But as for last weeks low ratings of course. If ABC had advertised the show premiere on the net like they did the cancellation it too would have had a larger response. After pasting the cancilation all over the net how could you expect… Read more »