Geoff Stults hasn’t had much luck on FOX. His two previous FOX series — The Finder and Ben and Kate — were both cancelled after one season. Will his Enlisted sitcom be a success or will it be cancelled as well? Let’s watch the ratings and find out.
Enlisted follows three brothers who find themselves all stationed at the same US Army base in Florida as part of a troup of misfits. The sitcom’s cast includes Stults, Chris Lowell, Parker Young, Keith David, and Angelique Cabral.
The higher a show’s ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better its chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically the following morning, around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/7 update: FOX has cancelled this sitcom after one season.
Final season averages: 0.6 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 1.77 million total viewers.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like the Enlisted TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a second season?
Please keep the show. its sooooooo good. it just has a horrible time slot. give it a better time and more promotion. why spend all that money making the show and not give it what i needs to succeed??? keeeeep it
PLEASE renew the show!!!!
Finally we have a clever comedy show that can be a stress reducer after a long week. If Fox would promote the show and get people to watch an episode they would be hooked! The family dynamics are so funny…. Give it a chance!!!!
Great show! Reminds me of The Office. Keeps me laughing
awesome show, one of my favorites, definitley should try a different night, it will bring in more viewers for sure!
Totally agree! It is NOT the show that causing the bad ratings it is the lack of promoting it as well as starting the series on the worst night for ratings!
I love the show! If given a chance I think Fox has another hit. I love the humor and the heart that each episode has. With all the males, it’s nice to see a strong female with Sgt Jill Perez, she’s great and holds her own very well. Love the re pore between her and Sgt Pete Hill. Hope it gets picked up for another season or two! Go Enlisted!
I totally agree with Jennifer. The show makes me laugh out loud. I wish FOX would move it to another night so it could have a chance.
I agree, Ace. This is a comedy, and one that makes me laugh every time. I’ve watched all four episodes and enjoyed them all. I love Randy! It is refreshing to find a good comedy that isn’t trying to offend anyone or be disgusting. I’m no prude and can overlook a lot. But I am sick of all the shock value, offensive, so-called comedy. It’s all gotten painfully old and it’s just not funny anymore. It never was. I hope Fox stays with Enlisted for a full season and gives it another. If they do, I’ll be right there with… Read more »
Everything on TV catered to 10-yer-olds and lazy Americans. News is entertainment…commercials are daffy…and reality is scripted so you don’t have to think.
i watched it with not much hope but omg i couldnt stop laughing ! it’s a very very funny show and it’s a breath of fresh air among all those offensive/lame sitcoms
i hope it gets renewed !
Sgt Bilko?, McHale’s Navy?, F Troop?-doesn’t sound very original as an idea.
It was funny… some solid jokes and it was not offensive and desperate like Two and Half Men or The Big Gang Bang Theory. This is a sitcom, folks, not documentary…learn the difference.
The pilot episode was highlighted on Hulu Plus so I gave it a try yesterday. I got about half way through it and bailed. Just didn’t do it for me.
Okay then. Keep up the good work.
Good to know someone is at the switch.
Oh, I see. If you don’t like the comments you don’t post.
Again, this would appeal to 10-yr olds from the promos I saw.
Also, unless there is another brother at home these three would never
be together in the Army. If no other brother is at home, the Army
would not allow the three to join because that would leave the
mother without anyone. See? But the comedy is too juvenile. See?
Nope. We look through comments and approve them before they are posted to weed out spam or abusive comments.
You probably should watch an episode before making assumptions about the worth of a show. We all know what happens when you assume ….
Bob you’re completely wrong. I know 2 brothers that were stationed together. They have no other brothers in the family. They were in the same unit. We also had a set of twin LTs in our battalion that had no other brothers.
That rule was lifted after Viet-Nam.
Also, if you haven’t watched the show, give it try. But you sound very closed-minded anyway, so you probably wouldn’t.
From the promos I saw on TV, the show Enlisted would appeal to 10-yr olds only.
So, you’re telling me that it wasn’t possible for my brother to have served in the military at the same time? Right….
Another thing that irritates me is that you didn’t even bother watching the show, but you certainly took the time out of your day to write a negative review over something you know nothing about.
Everyone that I have talked to about this show loves it. I really hope they keep this great gem of a comedy