ABC quietly unveiled a new reality series on Tuesday night. Like the network’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition series, Find My Family had audience members reaching for the tissues by the box. But, more importantly for the show’s future, how did it do in the ratings?
Hosted by Tim Green and Lisa Joyner, Find My Family helps people reconnect with family members after being separated for many years. The emotional reunions take place on-camera and in front of a place known as the “Family Tree.”
Following the performance finale of Dancing with the Stars, the premiere of Family attracted 12.76 million viewers and a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Those numbers look okay on their own but its significant that the series lost about 40% of its lead-in audience. ABC can’t be happy about that.
The real test will be next Monday’s broadcast though. Family won’t have the powerful Dancing lead-in and will expand to one hour.
What do you think? Is Find My Family worth watching or should ABC cut this series short? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy ABC.
please bring this show back one of the best i have ever seen i loved this show, i cried everytime (in a good way). I myself have hopes of finding my brother one day and this show inspires hope in me that it is possible
Please bring the show back. It was one that my husband and I both watched. I was re-united with my son 8 years ago and a step son this past year and the stories were very important to me.
Plese keep this show. It was very heartwarming to watch and I hope this show comes back. I keep looking for it and will be so happy if it returns.
Please bring this show back. I recently found my daughter. Find My Family helped me emotionally. I also know of others that can use your help in finding their adoptive parents. Your show is a blessing for all of us out there.
The Locator is way better. The host of Find My Family seems fake. The crying seems rehearsed.
In this day and age where most of what you see on TV is violence, this show is absolutely GREAT! How could you not like it??? Very heartwarming stories, and just seeing families brought together again really makes you feel good. Please keep the show going!!!
I think it should come back. i enjoyed watching it. I was thinking of asking the show to find my half brother. I have never met him and he is now about 24 and I don’t think he knows that our father passed away. No one in the family could find him to tell him. Please bring it back this show may be my only hope of finding him.
i feel really bad for everyone waiting for show to come back.i want it back.i found my daughter a few years ago,what a blessing, she passed away 2 years ago. i feel very sad. margo
Please bring the show back!!! My family and I were looking forward to watching this show every week. My husband never met his father and this show was making him change his feelings about searching for his birth father. The show was wonderful and I also had spread the word to family and friends about the show. Please re-consider thae decision you have made.
This show is real , not like the garbage of “batchelors” and 40 stupid women running after a man they say they love in 24 hours.. Find my family mends and repairs the loss of innonces, bad timing in life and failed opportunities that are avaialbe to young moms in this generation. These people give you the chance to ask questions and give you peace of heart and mind. Finally wouldn’t you want to know . Producer and directors this gives you the power to regain the positive in t.v. again. Remember the Waltons.
Please keep this show going…absolutely love watching it so make it a regular. I hear lots of people talking about it so it is definitely a big hit.
Just when my whole family felt finally there was a wholesome program on television that everyone could watch we search frantically to find it. Where is this wonderful new show? Where can we find it again? Every week we keep hoping and praying that it will return. In the mean time, we have nothing to watch of any quality. Please, someone hurry and bring this great show back!
I hope that ABC continues the show “Find my Family”. It’s an eye opening show for me because I’m one of those Adoptees still searching for any Bio-family members. The show has giving me hope that one day I too can be reunited with my Bio-family. Plus the show helped by showing me that I’m not the only person out there searching and being blocked by “Red Tape” either courts, agencies or whatever else pops up to hamper your search process/progress. I was serious thinking about contacting ABC to find out how to get on this show. Please don’t be… Read more »
Keep the show!!! I loved it.. It brought joy and tears to my eyes to see the families reunited together after such a long time.. Please, oh please keep this on…
The show was great. Bring it back. I was just getting word of it to my family and friends so they could watch and it disappeared. Wonderful human interest stories.