ABC quietly unveiled a new reality series on Tuesday night. Like the network’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition series, Find My Family had audience members reaching for the tissues by the box. But, more importantly for the show’s future, how did it do in the ratings?
Hosted by Tim Green and Lisa Joyner, Find My Family helps people reconnect with family members after being separated for many years. The emotional reunions take place on-camera and in front of a place known as the “Family Tree.”
Following the performance finale of Dancing with the Stars, the premiere of Family attracted 12.76 million viewers and a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Those numbers look okay on their own but its significant that the series lost about 40% of its lead-in audience. ABC can’t be happy about that.
The real test will be next Monday’s broadcast though. Family won’t have the powerful Dancing lead-in and will expand to one hour.
What do you think? Is Find My Family worth watching or should ABC cut this series short? Cancel or keep it?
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Image courtesy ABC.
please keep this show i live it,and would like to get updates.
More thoughts…over the years, things done by people to other people and justified in the partially hidden standards of a culture have caused large amounts of pain and devastation. A show that looks at the micro-view of the harm of cultural condemnation that creates broken lives can come to heal and hopefully change cultural values or at least improve the end effects for everyone. Find My Family and The Locator makes everyone confront what has gone on and when confronted, the emotional charge and complexities can be released and the shear simplicity of the truth of love can be seen… Read more »
Why not keep the show? “The Locator” on the WE channel seems to be successful in fact, when I saw that “Find my family” was not on the regular network, I saw the ad for the Locator and I started to watch that show and I liked it a lot. Since ‘reality shows’ seem to be the winning factor for the networks, why not a show that helps people to have some kind of closure in these situations where our cultural values caused these tearing apart of families and abandoning of children to be adopted. There must be lots of… Read more »
With all the adoptees in this country,I can’t believe that they are wanting to end a show that has the possibility to help so many people!!!! My vote is KEEP IT….Please
Please Keep the show….I enjoyed watching people reconnect with family members that they may have never known
I can’t tell you the heartbreak of having this show cancelled. I have a half sib looking for me. I even signed a contract with ABC. The night before they were to interview me for the show, they “postponed”. It appears that the postponement is permanent. Our family recently suffered a tragedy. My 31 year old son, Jason was killed on Valentine’s Day morning when he hit a snowbank and rolled over his car. My half sib will never be able to meet my son. I have 5 other children and would love for my half sib to meet them.… Read more »
this show can serve a vital role in healing a wide range of things in this country when it comes to family members whom want to know where they come from. Concider it a public service. certanly would”nt hurt to have an upbeat of moral in this country.
I enjoyed the show very much & appreciated a show like this being on. I am an adoptee & had my application for this show all filled out & ready to go when I found out it was canceled! I am looking for my birth father. I spent hours filling all the info out & gathering the required information. At least I didn’t send all that personal info in…that’s my silver lining. But what about the people that did send in their personal info, who has it & who is able to view it? I am really disappointed & sad… Read more »
Don’t you think someone would answer all the people here wanting to see this show. No, they would rather show some pathetic bunch of reality shows that show trash rather than keeping something good. Someone from the program needs to answer the fans of this show. How bout it? Keep the show!!
I am tired of garbage on TV that only helps bring our country closer to losing all we stand for. This is one program that IMMEDIATELY caught my attention. I have a cousin who died from being in Kuwait and he has a son he never knew. Well his brother has wanted for years to find his nephew to tell him all about who his father was and to know he had family that wanted to be in his life. This was a show that gave hope and brought joy back into many lives. So please put this show back… Read more »
please keep this show …i need to find my father!
Please keep this show! It is uplifting and so positive since there is so much negative or stupid things on every channel it is great to have a real life positive
Please DO NOT CANCEL this show. It is one of only a few truly wholesome shows being aired. It has truly touched my heart.
With all the filth and garbage shoved down my throat anymore I was about to cancel my Direct TV subscription UNTIL the show Find My Family came on and after one episode I decided that tv was worth keeping if for no other reason this wonderfully wholesome program I can watch with my family, wow, thats something new. PLEASE KEEP THIS PROGRAM ON! Mary D.