ABC quietly unveiled a new reality series on Tuesday night. Like the network’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition series, Find My Family had audience members reaching for the tissues by the box. But, more importantly for the show’s future, how did it do in the ratings?
Hosted by Tim Green and Lisa Joyner, Find My Family helps people reconnect with family members after being separated for many years. The emotional reunions take place on-camera and in front of a place known as the “Family Tree.”
Following the performance finale of Dancing with the Stars, the premiere of Family attracted 12.76 million viewers and a 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic. Those numbers look okay on their own but its significant that the series lost about 40% of its lead-in audience. ABC can’t be happy about that.
The real test will be next Monday’s broadcast though. Family won’t have the powerful Dancing lead-in and will expand to one hour.
What do you think? Is Find My Family worth watching or should ABC cut this series short? Cancel or keep it?
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I am an adult adoptee. I was adopted after my birth. I live in Illinois, one of the hardest states to open records. Adult adoptees are not privy to know their own names that the birth parents gave them upon the time of their birth. We are not allowed to know our parents names. Being adopted, I have problems understanding many why’s and no answers. I cannot provide Drs. with a medical history. If I marry, I fear he could be my brother of father. I wouldn’t know! I feel like an amnesia victim existing day to day in a… Read more »
I urge the network to bring back Find My Family. My entire family loved that program because it dealt with REAL people. There is nothing better than reuniting loved ones. That is so much better than some of the horrid things shown on television.
Please bring back Find My Family… was a great show!!
for all of you that have sent info to abc on findin your family. there are other ways,i found my daughter in199ish. you can to . wrote in comment before, i can give info to you. Margo
Wow! It is just amazing to me that they canceled this show. I had been wondering why i hadnt been able to find it on tv. I too have been filling out the paperwork and getting ready to send it in, in hopes of finding my birth family. I am very disappointed in ABC right now i can not even express how i feel about it. This show gave me hope that there are people out there willing to help those in search of others. I am hoping that they will bring this show back or another network will pick… Read more »
Please bring this show back on my family so enjoyed it. Why when we get a good show and not something stupid or nasty do they always take it off the air. Most of the time there is nonething good to watch. We pretty much turned off the tv on monday nites until this program came on and we have been looking for it.
Please bring this show back. I waited all week for this show and loved it. I sent everything in for my best friend, Patricia Martin, to find her family just before the show stopped. I adopted two children and always had an open adoption for them. I pray it comes back on. Marcia
I am writting to ABC, regarding the show FIND MY FAMILY. I don’t think you understand the importance of your show, Find My Family. To all of us that are looking for our birthparents or our birthchildren, this show is one more way of searching for the truth. We have the right to know were we came from. I encourage all the executives to consider keeping this show on your schedule. I know it will be a big hit if you give it a chance. I stubbled on it one night and was addicted. We, as an audience, need this… Read more »
Thanks Margo for the encouraging words. I have an attorney looking at the contract now. I am neither an adoptee or a birth parent. I have spent 53 years of my life thinking that I was an only child. My mother divorced my father when I was nine. My father took off and I never saw him again. I was contacted by ABC because I have a half sibling I never knew about looking for me. I so wanted to be part of a big family. So I went and had six kids. This is so difficult for me. I… Read more »
I had printed out the pages and filled them out so that I could send them in to find my son that I gave up for adoption in 1967 in Colorado Springs. After I filled out all the papers I noticed that there was nothing in the papers about where to send them after I was done. Now I tried to look up the show on the ABC and I could not find it. Is it cancelled? Maybe another network should grab this one up. It does seem like a bad action to just drop this show. I think there… Read more »
I was afraid they’d canceled this show! I had my application all filled out & ready to go & just tried to find the website to get the mailing address! I wasted hours filling it out & gathering info from my parents & birth mother! Well at least I didn’t send it so they’d have all my personal info. I AM SOOOOOOO DISAPPOINTED!!!! I wonder why they canceled it? I have a feeling it’s besides lower-than-expected ratings. This really sux.
for debbie fanning, i feel so bad for you. to me abc did you wrong..could you take to lawyer? or could you call the local tv station that has abc,they maybe can get you some contacts or they could e. mail them for you. does the local station have trouble shooting where they help with problems. here we do ft. wayne, in. i am not good at comp., i got a response saying not sure if they will bring back something like that or up in the air, deb, i know this all must have shattered your dreams,are you the… Read more »
adm, thank you for response. margo
I know that I’ve posted before, but I can’t urge ABC enough to bring back Find My Family. I haven’t stopped crying since they cancelled my interview. I have heard nothing from them. I didn’t even know that they were cancelling the show until I found this web site. I tried calling my contact person at ABC since my emails were undeliverable and all I get is a busy signal. This means they have pulled the plug on the show and all those who worked on the show. I have been left high and dry, not knowing if this means… Read more »