Disney Channel’s Fish Hooks won’t see a fourth season says one of the show’s directors.
An animated series, Fish Hooks follows the young fish Milo, his shy brother Oscar, and their “overly dramatic” friend Bea Goldfishberg. The voice cast includes Kyle Massey, Chelsea Kane, and Justin Roiland and the show has been airing on Disney since September 2010.
On Monday, Tom Warburton wrote on his blog: Last Friday I helped deliver the final episode of FISH HOOKS. Yes, after three seasons, and 60 half hour episodes we’re done.”
He continued, “It may come as a surprise to you, but we’ve known for a long time that the third season would be our last. Disney Channel decided not to renew us any further than that. So… The writers left last fall. Then the storyboard artists. The designers. Even show creator Noah Jones left to make a new pilot for Disney XD.”
`”And then it was just me and my merry band of post production people. Over the last couple months. I’ve often described myself as the hospice nurse making the show more comfortable before it passes on. I owe it that.”
He concluded, “Fish Hooks has been nothing but wonderful to me over these past three years. But every show ends at some point. We had a great run. Some shows never make it this far. But it’s time for new adventures. Can’t wait to tell you about them!”
What do you think? Do you like the Fish Hooks series? Are you sorry to hear that it’s ending?
sign this petition to try to save the show! its never too late but the sooner the better!!!!
Fish hooks was my favorite show on Disney. I don’t understand why they tool it off and left all the other junk shows like Dog with a blog, Jessie, etc. I’ll never watch Disney Channel again!!!!!!!
I can’t believe it fish hooks is my favorite show
Beacuse no other show will be good enough
To top fish hooks the show and it’s characters
Make me happy the show is funny and I hate for
It to the creater TOM Warburten himself an
Kids animator did so much for only I can
Say is if had chance to talk to him I would say do you spoil kids dreams like codename kids next door that he created and more it make me think anything he creates always airs off
WTF WOULD U CANCEL FISH HOOKS. I was literally crying because I love that show. I watch that show every night and u just cancelled it. Like how dare u. I was crying because that show reminded me of my grandpa. So I hope you’re proud of your self. And I agree with the other comments above . WTF DIDN’T U CANCEL THE THUNDER MANS OR DOG WITH A BLOG. U have made my whole life suck, my life sucks without fish hooks.BRING BACK FISH HOOKS!!!!!!
The finale was awsome i was in tears and i REALLY wish theyd do more of like them in college but on some other sites everybody was really hating on the show and that didnt help any but it was the 2nd best show ive watched to adventure time but I really loved it
Fish Hooks was my favorite show, and I am sad it’s over.
I love fish hooks and i’m pissed off that they canceled it and this friday’s episode of fish hooks will be the last episode of fish hooks. Don’t cancel fish hooks! I hope this last episode of fish hooks is amazing and fun. I love fish hooks. Thank you for the fun.
I was pissed off when I saw that the episode of fish hooks that’s going to be aired this friday will be the last episode of fish hooks. I know some people will say that fish hooks is stupid and not funny at all, but I disagree. When I first saw fish hooks I thought wtf. This looks like the stupidest t.v. show but I said what the heck, i’ll watch it and see if it’s funny. I fell in love after that. I love how you can relate to some of the characters like maybe you had friends in… Read more »
This was a very good show and it was funny to also the theme song was funny also all the fish in that show was all some and even the mean fish I really want this show to come back to Disney channel
I just found out this evening this show is ending. I hate it. This is one of the most enjoyable cartoons left on Disney/XD. The characters were so funny and easy to relate to. It always gave me a smile or chuckle. I hope Disney will at least put this out on DVD.
Fish hooks has profanity in it they just try to hide it out I heard Milo use profanity.
Unbelievable! Fish Hooks.is one.of the best shows.on Disney! Why not cancel.one.of.the.other shows, the ones.that.suck, like Dog.with a Blog.or I Didn’t.Do.It? WTH?!
My daughters and I LOVE Fish Hooks soooo much. I am so sad it is over.no TV show is as good as Fish Hooks. I will miss it so much!!! It takes a special show to teach life’s lessons in such a humorous way.
When I found out that they were cancelling Fish Hooks, I was shocked. I thought the show would last longer than 4 years because of how awesome it is. My youngest brother does very good impressions of Oscar, Clamantha, Shellsea, Koi, and Bea’s dad. Everybody thinks it’s hilarious and I agree with them. I also agree with everybody that it’s a shame that they’re cancelling the show. I was expecting it to go on for 8 years. And to be honest, I like it better than Gravity Falls. And some of the stuff on Fish Hooks kinda reminds me of… Read more »