Though the Flashpoint series isn’t very expensive for CBS to air, the network certainly seems to have lost some enthusiasm for the Canadian-produced drama. It’s been a staple of CBS’ Friday night schedule for three summers but it remains to be seen how long they’ll continue to air the modest performer.
Season three of Flashpoint began airing on June 4th and the 13 episodes are set to finish running on August 20th. Supposedly, the network will still have another nine installments on the shelf.
At this week’s press tour, CBS president Nina Tassler noted that, while the network will continue to look at Canadian programming as an option, she “hasn’t decided yet” on ordering more Flashpoint. The show continues to be popular in Canada.
What do you think? Would you like to see CBS continue to airing Flashpoint. If they cancel it, would you buy it on DVD?
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Image courtesy CBS.
I am hooked on Flashpoint. The drama has everything that is good about Law enforcement and the wonderful interactions of the cast. As a plus there are beautiful locations in every episode, with it having been filmed in Canada. CBS take note.
Omg I beg of CBS to bring back this show, plz, I’m addicted to this show, image watched all 5 seasons over like 4 times, I LOVE this show, Please CBS PLEASE bring it BACK
I just found this show on cable. I love the show. I would hate for it to go off the air.
This show is fantastic and I am a seriously addicted fan! The show is suitable for many audiences, contains human aspects as excellent story lines. Even though procedural, it is highly engaging and I love watching. Please keep it going!
Dear presendent of CBS production, My name JoAnn Gomez I been watching the Flash Point is a great show. I heared that you are to cancle the show that it should be cancle, Please contiune the show. people will love to see it again
i wish they wouldn’t take it off the air it is hard to fine good shows now days and i enjoy watching it . it doesn’t have all the filth and sex that a lot of shows have just great enjoyment. when they get something good they shouldn’t mess with it. please thing about it and don’t shout it down please.
I can`t fathom why they would close this show. It is, by far, hands down, the absolute best Canadian show ever put on televison. It is family oriented, not loaded in violence and keeps the viewer riveted. The stars are believable and it is clear that they thoroughly enjoy each other`s company. DON`T CLOSE IT OFF! KEEP IT GOING. PLEASE!!!
The only problem I have is why we are unable to purchase ANY of the DVDs.