What would have happened if Forever had been renewed for a second season? The ABC series’ creator Matt Miller answered just that when he responded to fan questions on the day of season one’s DVD release yesterday.
Forever was cancelled by ABC after one season back in May.
On his Twitter, Miller said he had plans for season two that included exploring Henry Morgan’s (Ioan Gruffudd) past life and a new romantic prospect.
Miller said Morgan would’ve engaged in a romance with another immortal (though one younger than himself). Miller added that season two would’ve featured flashbacks to Henry’s childhood as well as glimpses of a young Abe. However, any fans hoping for some closure in the form of a movie will be disappointed.
Miller said a follow-up film is “probably not in the cards.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Forever? What would you like to have happened on a second season?
I miss the show, talent and romantic underline between the two stars. It was a refreshing story-line. I saw every episode and would have seen every one had there been a second season. This show needed more promotion – that’s all. It was pulled too soon.
I think the pocket watch was the key
even without a season two the show runners gave enough closure in the season 1 finale. while i would love a season 2 realistically i’m fine with the season 1 ending.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching Forever. The entertwining relationships, watching Henry’s past and present was probably the most entertaining show on TV. Sad that a great show is cancelled.
Just bring him back… that’s all I want… for Henry to pop out of the East River again. It’s much too good a show to only get one season, and there’s so many possibilities for incredible storylines for its wonderful, lovable characters! I fell instantly in love with it and am still spewing it was canned
We don’t want the clues – we want the new seasons matching those great ideas :))
This was the only show that both my husband and I watched together every week last year. We never missed an episode. We’ve now started watching the DVDs together and it is just as entertaining the second time around! The storylines are captivating and we were so dissapointed when it wasn’t renewed. Hopefully someone will realize how amazing this show is and will bring it back so we can delve into these potential season two storylines.
I really, really miss this show! It was just such a good show and was suitable for the whole family! It proved that good acting and good writing were PLENTY to make a good show – that sex is not needed to entertain people! I just got my DVD set in the mail! I am so excited to watch it ALL this weekend and relive the show all over again! I wanted Henry to be able to Jo his secret so that she could help him and appreciate him more! There were just so many stories that could be told!… Read more »
I just purchased the first season of forever. There are so many things that I love about this show and one in particular is that Henry Morgan shows the old school of being a perfect gentleman showing concern and being the first to jump up and lend a hand. Besides his charming looks he is very gifted and talented due to the centuries of experience with multiple occupations. Being a character who constantly had to adapt to an ever changing society he copes very well. He had a heart of gold despite a few instances of having had been abused… Read more »
Disappointed doesn’t even come close to describing how I felt when the show was cancelled. It was so unique and entertaining. I would love to see it come back!
Forever was (and still is) my absolute FAVORITE show! I never missed a single episode but I will still be buying the DVD’s ! I will always remember the heartbreak when they decided NOT to renew for a second season. I signed every petition that I saw, as did my husband. Every Tuesday we looked forward to watching and we always had long discussions afterward. We do not have Netflix but my hubby heard a rumor that maybe Netflix would pick up a season 2 (I have since learned that rumor was false) and he immediately was going to sign… Read more »
Best show ever. Can’t believe it was cancelled.
I truly will never grasp why this show was cancelled after only one series.
Forever perfectly combines charismatic characters, intelligent storylines, honest emotions and a dash of humour. Combining a weekly murder investigation with historic flashbacks and a sci-fi twist seems almost impossible but superior writing and superb acting has proven that it most certainly is. Casting Ioan Gruffudd as the main character was definitely a stroke of genius: he made Dr. Henry Morgan win the viewer’s hearts from the very first episode. All of these elements have made Forever enjoyable for age 10 to 235 and stand out like no other. That is why Warner Bros needs to put renewed efforts into shopping… Read more »
Forever was a quality show well written and well cast. Such an intriguing combination, Police procedural, Fantasy. It had humour too. Ioan Gruffudd made the part of Dr Henry Morgan his own, noone else could have played it so well. It was also a family show that all age groups sat down to watch together, often prompting conversation with its content. Its appeal crossed continents. It wasn’t marketed properly and many fans discovered it too late only to find it had been cancelled. The dvd is out so you can get the chance to see this gem .Why so much… Read more »
I am upset that they canceled Forever. It was was a great show! Please bring it back!