Last week, ABC pulled Happy Town from the schedule for the remainder of May sweeps period. Though things didn’t look good for the mystery TV show, the network didn’t officially cancel it. Now they have.
Happy Town follows the residents of a small town in Minnesota who are terrorized by a killing spree from the mysterious “Magic Man”. The cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
On April 28th, the show got off to a bad start with a disappointing 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 5.25 million viewers. For episode two, viewership took a nosedive to a 1.2 in the demo and 3.79 million viewers. ABC announced they were putting the TV series on hiatus and the third episode’s numbers dropped further still, to a 1.1 rating and 3.04 million viewers.
This week, ABC announced the new 2010-11 schedule and, not surprisingly, Happy Town wasn’t on it. The show has now been cancelled though the network still plans to run the remaining five episodes. They’ll start airing on June 2nd.
What do you think? Are you surprised that Happy Town has been cancelled? Will you still tune in to see the remaining episodes?
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Image courtesy ABC.
My partner and I record this show on our DVR and watch the show later. And we both enjoyed it very much. I am so bummed that they cancelled it. I have glanced at other shows that shouldn’t be put on the air cause they are so stupid. And I have to agree with most of these comments here, YOU DIDN’T GIVE IT A CHANCE. The directors of ABC, should be ashamed of theirselves. Maybe that is why I enjoy watching CBS better.
i loved the show they didnt even give it a chance i mean look how long they let e r stay on the air and cougar town and they both suck
yea this isnt right, they have left way to many questions for us lol…
Who is the magic man??
Are all the victoms still alive?
What with the ? mark tattoo?
And my personel fav… The Blue Door?
guess we can all make up our own ending.
And wow pam roth The gates is nothin like happy town lol ur crazy.
What?!! NOOOO!! That was my favorite show ever!!!!!!!!!!! That pisses me off super bad! >:[
What’s wrong with this station. Whenever you come accross a good story and are able to put it on tv , sucessfully I might add, you cancel it. IT’S a shame because you used some of the most gifted actors to bring this plot to life. If you ask me, bring it back next season. You kept LOST and I did watch it until the third season
As for Flash Forward , they cancel the best shows !
Long live the shareholders … New series are doomed , and we’ll only have Pirates 4 Twilight 3 Shrek 4 HP7 and so on . Even Pixar is supposed to do Cars 2 !
It’s a stupid move . Let HBO run Season 2 ! Or let’s turn off the TV and get a good book…
The networks need to advertise so people will watch. Another show leaving us without an ending and it was promising to be a good show.
My husband and I loved this show!! I can’t believe it was cancelled. All the networks do this now, they did it with American Dreams, Boston Public, Mr Sterling, The OC, Point Pleasant and I could go on and on. We are stuck with these stupid comedies and pay abusers millions to stay on. TV is almost not worth it anymore, there is no consideration for the public that watch these shows and would at least like an ending. Not left hanging in the air!!!
I loved this show and am very dissappointed that it has been cancelled. Now we will never know who the magic man was. Bummed!
My local TV station never aired the last 2 episodes, so I don’t know what happened. I am thinking of NOT watching another NEW SERIES. Why bother when the networks wait for us to get hooked after saying that it’s TV’s #1 new hit series, & then, CANCELLED?? Fickle & stupid. Now I watch The Gates which has a supernatural storyline like Happytown. Almost the same. The execs think that us viewers will not notice. I believe that we should decide what we want to watch & the networks need to respond favorably by giving us another season when we… Read more »
You can watch the last two episodes on, its free.
I agree with Basia – the show was the best thing i’ve seen in a long time… and it’s not just me i’m sure! Also, it’s stupid to leave it to the eight ep. it’s like a movie without an END! Why did Tom’s mom went on a killing spree, and who is the “creepy” girl!? And Twin Peaks was awesome… for the 90’s !
I’m angry, I watch eight epizodes and now I want more. It’s very good show. It’s like Twin Peaks. I want more more more.
Me and My Friend LOVED this show we kept tuning in hoping to figure out who the Magic man is now I guess we’ll never know.
Really? Why would you cancel it. You didn’t even give it a chance!!!!!
How could you do this to people, now we do not know who the killer is, that is a terrible move, tv never did that in the past, it only started to do this about five years ago, keep its viewers hanging.