Last week, ABC pulled Happy Town from the schedule for the remainder of May sweeps period. Though things didn’t look good for the mystery TV show, the network didn’t officially cancel it. Now they have.
Happy Town follows the residents of a small town in Minnesota who are terrorized by a killing spree from the mysterious “Magic Man”. The cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
On April 28th, the show got off to a bad start with a disappointing 1.7 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 5.25 million viewers. For episode two, viewership took a nosedive to a 1.2 in the demo and 3.79 million viewers. ABC announced they were putting the TV series on hiatus and the third episode’s numbers dropped further still, to a 1.1 rating and 3.04 million viewers.
This week, ABC announced the new 2010-11 schedule and, not surprisingly, Happy Town wasn’t on it. The show has now been cancelled though the network still plans to run the remaining five episodes. They’ll start airing on June 2nd.
What do you think? Are you surprised that Happy Town has been cancelled? Will you still tune in to see the remaining episodes?
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Image courtesy ABC.
what wrong with these tv stations take off your stupid reality shows bring back happy town !!!!!!
I am very disappointed. It left us “hanging” just like October Road did until the release of Season 2 on DVD.. Hopefully when it is released on DVD, it will include an ending to answer all the questions we viewers were left with. Either bring it back or put it on the computer like BRING HAPPY TOWN BACK!
I loved this show there are not many things my husband and I watch together but this was one of them.I am sad to see that it had been canceled . I would have watched this show like clockwork.I enjoyed the charecters and the stars.This show will be missed .Please bring it back.
Very diapppointed in the cancellation of this show. Yes, I will watch the remaining episodes!
Cant believe they cancelled it. They should (with all new shoes) at least answer all the questions and mysteries they create if they dont plan on adding more seasons. It should be completely wrapped up so people arent left hanging. Took me a couple episodes to get to the “love it” rating. They could have given it a little more time at least. Maybe even made a couple extra episodes that answered at least some of the questions. I know these shows cost a lot of money to make but seriously if you make a show with a plot that… Read more »
lol sorry folks. guess im just that tired. comment should have said ***as with all new SHOWS not shoes lol at least the letters are next to eachother so its an honest “fingers type faster than my brain thinks” mistake
I liked this show. They should really make a second season!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
i believe this is a very good show. and regardless the numbers it showed. A second season is exactly what the producers should do it can only get better. I was took in enough by most all characters in show enough to google for when second season would premier. So you can imagine my disappointment to see it canceled
It takes a while for a new show to collect a good following. I really think Happy Town should be given another chance. I was really looking forward to the next season and actually went online looking for the schedule because I noticed it hadn’t come back on.
I really liked this show and was hoping to see the next season
I loved happy town. The first episode was so bad that it was a fluke I even watched it again, but after a few I was totally sucked in. I don’t like very many television shows at all and am so sad that it is cancelled.
i liked this show very much!!!! …i would have loved a second season!!!!!
Ratings…………………… ? I never watched Survivors until Fall 2009. Hear people chatting… Never understood the hype. Now… if I should miss an episode, I hunt for it online. I like Amazing Race very much. Started watching Fall 2009. I watch Survivors. I watch Biggest Losers. Started watching Fall 2009. I like Desperate Housewives. Started watching Summer 2010, Saturdays. Can’t find now. I like Happy Town. All shows have the same element… We want to see what is next. You can’t just cancel something in the middle. It is unfair, and illogical. It takes a while for people to “get into… Read more »
I’m bummed!!! I really got into this show and couldn’t wait for a 2nd season. I wouldn’t have gotten into it if I knew it was being canned. . . It was something new and different, so I think some people would have taken awhile to warm up to it. But alot of tv shows start like that, and then aren’t even given a chance. Stupid ratings.. I don’t have cable so I watch all my tv on hulu. Sorry Happy Town, you’ll be missed.
This was a good show. Kept you guessing. I liked it very much.
good riddance! that show was sooooo dumb! and if you want to know who the killer was just go on wiki… i think it was based off a book.?