Happy Town revolves around a bunch of strange disappearances and murders in a small town. The large cast includes Sam Neill, M.C. Gainey, Geoff Stults, Lauren German, Amy Acker, Steven Weber, Ben Schnetzer, Sarah Gadon, Jay Paulson, and Robert Wisdom.
After a disappointing premiere in the ratings, Happy Town was pulled off the airwaves for most of May sweeps. Before the show returned on June 2nd, ABC officially cancelled the TV show. Only eight episodes were filmed but at least answers to some of the TV show’s mysteries will be revealed by the end.
Unfortunately, ABC pulled the show off the air once again and left fans hanging as to when the final two episodes would air. Well, the network has released both episodes and you can watch them below.
What do you think? Are you in any way satisfied by these final two episodes?
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Image courtesy ABC.
ABC is famous for taking shows off prematurely. I have spent time or gotten involved in Once & Again, Dirty Sexy Money, Pushing Daisies, Life on Mars, and one of my favorites, Eli Stone – just to name a few in the last few years. There were even short term shows I just got to know characters on – The Deep End and now Happy Town. ABC needs to give shows a longer chance to catch on!!!!
Why wont they put happy town back on. My aunt told me it was good and when I started watching it I was hooked on the show. I couldn’t wait for the next episode to air. It has been the best t.v series I have watched in a long time. I hope there will be more episodes and seasons to come of this show because they show isn’t over yet and I want to know what happens next.
I completely agree with some of the previous posts. Loved the story and as usually, ABC leaves you hanging with more questions than answers. Getting really old doing this with them. The least they can do is finish the story line if they’re going to end the show. Had the same issue with Eastwick! Getting tired of cheap reality shows. If I want reality, I can take a look at the life I live without ever turning on the TV. How’s that for ratings!
I just watched the last 2 episodes. Who is the magic man? What is with Peggy Haplin? The missing Haplin girl is alive & has been where? Wh0 was the woman in the bar & what does the sheriff have to do with all this?
Now that I have watched the last episodes, it makes me want more. I agree that a new show should at least run the season before it is chopped just to allow it to gain or loose on the ratings. There are too many unanswered questions, I hope they decide to bring it back. At least it is perceived as what it is [ pure entertainment ] instead of the so called set up reality shows that seem to flood the networks.
this was a great show and yet again like eastwick abc dosent even give it a chance. they wouldnt know a great show if it hit them in the face. They sure as hell pick up the retarded shows. we shouldnt watch any abc shows that will hit them were it hurts…..
This only frustrates me! How can ABC leave us “loyal” viewers hanging like this. The least you can do is to finish the story line. Not everybody is going to like every show but for those of us who do, please “finish” what you started. Although I am grateful for these last two episodes they have left me with alot of unanswered questions!
Oh yeah, went to watch last 2 shows on computer………NOT AVAILABLE IN CANADA at this time. Thanks so much ABC. Anytime I can watch something on another network I will. ABC isn’t faithful to us, why should we be faithful to them??
How many times have new shows come on and without even giving it a chance it’s cancelled. What about all the people that ARE watching these shows. I’m thinking don’t watch new series, wait and see if the networks pick it up for the next season and then just watch the reruns to catch up. Maybe people are already doing that and that’s why new shows don’t do so good. There have been so many good new shows that never got a chance, I’m tired of it. Networks need to think of the minority in this situation and at least… Read more »
Melinda, Alice was the Sheriff’s alleged dead wife, and Tommy’s mother. She supposedly died of a stroke and now we find out that she is still alive and at least partly responsible for the abducted people. Now we’ll never know. The execs at ABC are morons.
My family really enjoyed watching this show and were pleased to see a show like it on ABC. Then it was gone. Not pleased. This show could have went far. We were able to see the final two shows on computer. Who is Alice? I wish you would poll your veiwer before cancelling a good show. Really am tired of all the reality shows in these hard times.
I was intrigued by Happy Town and liked it more and more every week. Some questions were answered in the end, but more new ones popped up. I would have absolutely loved more of this show. ABC is one of the stupidest networks around. Hate them.
ABC could however bring back Once & Again. They take off a lot of shows I enjoy and this by far was a favorite of mine!
I Loved Once & Again too! I wish they would bring it back and stop cancelling all of these other shows ae well!
I am grateful that ABC “attempted” to end this series. I kind of liked it. At least the ending made a bit of sense. I was a huge fan of Invasion a few years ago and they just ended that series. No explanation, completely ended it so I am pleased to have had Happytown at least end.
I am so bummed! I love the show and they totally left us wondering what would have happened next. It was very Twin Peaks like. Maybe another station will pick it up.