Home Fires TV show image courtesy of ITV.
You can’t keep the home fires burning in UK. The Home Fires TV show has been cancelled by ITV. Actor Daniel Ryan, who played Bryn Brindsley in the World War II era drama, broke the bad news on Twitter. His tweet reads: “So, it is with huge sadness I must tell you that #HomeFires has been cancelled. Awful to leave stories untold and lives incomplete. Sorry.”
Executive producer Catherine Oldfield also tweeted about the Home Fires cancellation, saying: “So very sorry that #Homefires won’t be back. We loved making the show & that it was well received by so many made it all the more special.” The Home Fires cast also includes: Samantha Bond, Francesca Annis, Ruth Gemmell, Claire Rushbrook, Ed Stoppard, Chris Coghill, Clare Calbraith, Fenella Woolgar, Mark Bazeley, and Mike Noble. Many of them have tweeted about the cancellation, too.
The second season of the Home Fires TV series is set during the summer of 1940. The village of Great Paxford is caught up in the the Battle of Britain. Two weeks after the defeat at Dunkirk, with the German army advancing through France, Britain braces itself for invasion.
Home Fires season two ended on a cliffhanger, with a plane nose-diving into a home in the village.
Here are some of the tweets on Home Fire‘s cancellation.
So very sorry that #Homefires won't be back. We loved making the show & that it was well received by so many made it all the more special.
— Catherine Oldfield (@catoldfield) May 11, 2016
We're all heartbroken at the decision from the channel. #homefires is no more. . thank you for your extraordinary support .. so sorry xx
— Leroy Peterson (@lryp14) May 11, 2016
Devastated we can't complete the #homefires story. The most incredible cast and crew ever. Apparently 6m wonderful viewers not enough.
— Sophie Bicknell (@SophieBicknell) May 11, 2016
Radio Times reports ITV has confirmed it cancelled Home Fires. “An ITV spokesman said: ‘We are incredibly proud of what Home Fires has achieved, but the ITV commissioning team continues to refresh the channel’s drama portfolio, hence the decision not to commission a further new series’.”
The Radio Times poll currently shows 97% of respondents disagree with ITV’s decision to cancel Home Fires. Fans are petitioning ITV via Change.org, to recommission Home Fires for a third season. As of this writing, it has 7,463 signatures. In the US, the first season of Home Fires premiered on PBS in October, 2015.
What do you think? Are you a fan of Home Fires? Should the Home Fires TV show have been cancelled or renewed? Let us know, below.
Disappointed that home fires is cancelled… We love watching it!:(
I just gladly finished watching the re-runs of Home Fires’ first season on PBS, and couldn’t wait for the second season to start. So, naturally, I Googled to see how long I’d have to wait. I was completely disgusted to learn that, not only has PBS failed to air an existing second season yet, but ITV has CANCELLED the show entirely! What is wrong with y’all??? (Yes, I’m from The South!) I watched the first season again because I love the history, the scenery, the attention to detail, the first-rate acting, the interwoven, real-life stories that makes it easy to… Read more »
Please reconsider!!! This is a great series with so much depth. I cannot understand why Home Fires would be cancelled. I was so looking forward to a new season and following the lives of those wonderful, complicated characters and their stories.
Home Fires can’t just end like this! The war isn’t over yet! ITV should keep it running until the end of World War II.
I was so disappointed about this cancellation of Home Fires. We have so many Tedious new series of CSI shows etc.,and when something so interesting and involving as Home Fires comes along the producers cancel it. I thought they based their decisions on ratings and this obviously rated extraordinarily well. So what is the reason?
The decision was made by the new (X BBC) head of drama Polly Hill in the first week of her new (double old salary) ITV job. It seems it was about her ego and the killing off of the babies of her predecessor Steve November. If the fans fight hard enough they may just win. A flood of letters from America to the broadcaster might help. Decisions can be changed. Her boss is Kevin Lygo.
For goodness sake ITV, don’t cancel such a good show. This drama probably ranks as one of the better shows that has been on TV for quite a while. Please reconsider!
We love Home Fires and are hoping to view Season 2 soon. Season 1 us just being re-shown in Wisconsin now. The story lines are universal and show a side of WWII not often documented. I hope they reconsider.
Please ITV, reconsider.
Come on ITV! You’re better than this! Home Fires is some of the best storytelling & acting out there. I would gladly pay for something of value rather than the dreck we have to pay for on cable here in the US. Can some other entity take this show over if ITV doesn’t come to its senses?
what are itv doing trying to be as bad as bbc cutting back on good television what will be in place more violence
I hope that a writing campaign will resurrect this show. I’m a US viewer.
We in the US have yet to see Season 2, but exasperating that there will not be a Season 3! We benefit from the excellent programming of ITV!
Just finished watching Home Fires Season 2 at least do a 2 hour special to tie up the story lines. Let us know if Brin is alive, See Frances vindicated and get her factory back and include Noah in her life and I want to see Bob the wife beater get his just, desserts!
I have just started watching season one and I found it an intriguing story line. I would have loved to see more of the lives of these womens.
ITV have just ruined my Sunday nights.Why bother putting good things on TV then taking them off before the story is finished
ITV has really missed it with this call. When you have plot, character development with pro- and antagonists … that should be a plan for success. A sad day.