It’s hard to believe that it’s been 40 years since the debut of the groundbreaking CBS sitcom, The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The series boasted not only incredible writing and talented direction but a very strong cast as well. Now, two of the show’ funny ladies are working together again.
For the first time since The Mary Tyler Moore Show ended, Betty White and Mary Tyler Moore will be acting together again. Michael Ausiello teases that Moore will be guest-starring on TV Land’s Hot in Cleveland sitcom. She’ll appear in the first episode of season two.
The specifics of Moore’s appearance aren’t know but she’ll apparently be involved with the sitcom’s first season cliffhanger. You may recall that White’s Elka character was arrested for having a stash of stolen goods (which belonged to her late husband).
Hot in Cleveland has been very successful for TV Land and its first season averaged a whopping 4.2 million viewers. The sitcom is tentatively scheduled to return in January 2011. Season two is currently in production and will be comprised of 20 episodes.
What do you think? Are you excited to see Moore and White together again? What do you think Moore’s role will be?