Well, Gregory House went out with a bang. Sort of. Tonight, FOX aired the series finale of their medical series, House. Titled “Everybody Dies,” the finale was directed by series creator and executive producer David Shore.
House premiered November 16, 2004, to modest ratings but eventually became a hit. In addition to some great ratings, House drew four Emmy nominations for best drama and six for star Hugh Laurie.
The ratings have been in decline for awhile so it was decided that, after eight seasons and 177 episodes, it was time to say goodbye to the curmudgeonly genius physician.
Many suspected that House would die in the final episode and they were right, mostly. Last week, Wilson and House were making plans to spend Wilson’s last five months on Earth together. Those plans were scuttled by the discovery of the hockey tickets that House stole. It seems his parole has been revoked and the grumpy doc will be spending the next six months in jail instead.
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House is so despondent over the situation that he’s committing suicide in a burning building. While there, he’s “visited” by several characters from the show’s past — courtesy of several special actor cameos. In their own ways, they tell him that his life is worth living and he ultimately agrees. As he tries to leave, the floor collapses and he dies.
At his funeral, a distraught Wilson starts to deliver a thoughtful eulogy but can’t contain his ranting, calling his fallen friend a selfish jerk. He’s interrupted by a cellphone noise that turns out to be coming from his own pocket — and a cellphone that wasn’t his own. The text message tells him to shut up.
We next see Wilson incredulously meeting a very-alive House, simply sitting on some city steps. House has faked his death and left a corpse in his place (after switching dental records). Wilson tells him that he’s throwing away everything by doing this but the good doctor thinks it’s worth it to spend the next five months with his best friend.
We see the rest of the characters happily going about their lives. Chase has become the head of the department. Foreman finds House’s hospital badge slipped under his end table, realizes what it means, and smiles. House and Wilson, riding motorcycles depart on the open road, into the sunset, together.
What do you think? Was this a fitting end to House? Are you glad that House didn’t die? Did they miss anything? Was Cuddy’s absence a big deal?
Here’s a more complete synopsis of the last episode of House.
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Image courtesy FOX.
Didn’t watch it, but it sounds majorly (sic) lame to me.
I think the ending was genius. Not getting bogged down in “how he did it.”. He’s House. His character was complex as was the whole cast as they related to him. He ultimately gave up everything for his friend. Wouldn’t have expected anything less. Kudos to the writers.
House ended at the perfect time. The ratings had dipped but weren’t in the tank. It still had viewers and it left while it was on top. As for the finale, I think it shows that no matter how much you think somebody is a jerk, there is still a real human being underneath the tough exterior. Many things weren’t explained, like the teeth swapping, but remember everybody this is House, he’s a genius. I think the “Swan Song” part of the finale did pull some things together that many may not have picked up on like the House/Wilson and… Read more »
The Zevon was good, but I can’t believe that they didn’t throw away their watches and ride off to “Born To Be Wild” ( Ala “Easyriders” for you younger folks
Let us see, ghosts visiting from a Christmas carol. At least it was better than the Sopranos ending. At eight seasons, it pays to run reruns forever, almost no cost, just residuals. Note how Buffy also went out on at eight seasons.
Buffy only had seven seasons!
Fitting the exiting song is Warren Zevon. Both geniuses with simular problems
I am so sad that the show has ended. This was/is my favorite show. I love the special connection House and Wilson have/had. Hopefully, the show will return when the network see’s what a mistake it made. Well my fellow House lovers, what will we watch now? Another stupid reality show? Not me! Guess it is time to find a good book and watch the re-runs. The network made a big mistake in my opinon. Maybe we will get lucky and get some kind of spin off at least. It won’t be the same without House but, I’ll take what… Read more »
Honestly… I was expecting more… it should’ve been a more emotional ending. House should’ve died, together with Wilson… of sarcoidosis or lupus (one of those “it’s never lupus” things). The whole episode goes down the drain with the switching of the dental records… for a show that’s always been smarter than most, it came up with a lame ending; no one cared about explaining how he changed them, how he managed to hobble from under the burning wreckage to the back of the building, or how he plans on travelling without any id… these are basic questions that should’ve been… Read more »
Those details weren’t the point. The point was he finally did something selfless. He gave up his entire career – which is essetially the only thing he cares about – just so he could be there for Wilson in the last six months of his life. The character finally evolved. That was what mattered. I think it was the perfect ending.
Perfect end to one of the best shows on television…I miss House already.
I already miss this show!! I think the problem with all the new series is that they can’t compare to shows as great as “House”! I loved that the final song was the same song that Amber had been singing in the episodes “House’s Head” and “Wilson’s Heart”! Though I was surprised at the lack of The Rolling Stones song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”! The guest appearances were great, I wish Olivia Wilde had been in more of it, since she and House had a special connection! I am glad that Cuddy wasn’t there, she would never… Read more »
I have one word for the finale: p-e-r-f-e-c-t
That is all…
I am truly sorry to see the show end! I thought it did end as well as could be expected under the circumstances. House always manages to find his way out of messes and this time was no exception. I hope to Hugh Laurie in future shows. I like his talant
Finale was awesome! True House fashion! Love the series. Wish there were more episodes. Long live House!
I think the ratings went down with out cutty,among many other factors I will later mention, however house in jail bores me…. he is a genius, I loved the series it ending makes me cry, thank you very much for not killing him off, but wilson getting cancer was really silly…….guess you all knew it was over for a while…..direct tv didnt have fox and for us military families we had to wait 2 years to watch the show….this could have crushed your ratings…we knew this …we selfishy thought house would still be there as our friends and families recorded… Read more »
It was perfect. The only series finale I’ve seen that didn’t leave me unsatisfied. Bravo well done.