Well, there’s one dangerous situation that Christopher Chance can’t escape. FOX has cancelled Human Target after two seasons on the air. No season three.
Human Target follows a private bodyguard and security expert (Mark Valley) who protects his clients by integrating himself into their lives and becaomes a “human target.” He’s aided by his business partner, Winston (Chi McBride), and a tech genius named Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley). In the second season, a former client (Indira Varma) becomes his benefactor and an expert thief (Janet Montgomery) joins the team to seek redemption.
The series debuted back in January 2010 to a positive 2.9 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 10.12 million total viewers. Subsequent episodes had some solid numbers (thanks in large part to American Idol) but the latter part of the season really declined. The season finale brought in a mere 1.9 rating and season one averaged a 2.9 rating and 9.6 million viewers.
The show was on the bubble for renewal last May but FOX ultimately decided to give the series a second chance to get better ratings. That didn’t pan out.
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Last November, season two of Human Target debuted to a week 1.8 rating in the demo and 6.59 million viewers. The network kept it on through the holidays, the ratings got worse, and by January it seemed like they’d given up on the series. The final episodes of the season performed a bit better but, again, thanks to being teamed American Idol. Season two averaged a 1.7 demo rating and 6.4 million viewers.
As one of the network’s lowest scripted series of the season, it seemed like just a matter of time before FOX would cancel Human Target. Last night, they officially did. Despite some devout fans, Human Target just wasn’t a winner in the ratings. After 25 episodes, the show is over.
What do you think? Should Human Target have been renewed for season three? Why didn’t more people watch the TV series?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I really wish corporations like Fox would think of the viewers they still have. I despise shows like American Idol, Survivor, So you think you can dance…. I watch TV to get away from reality and shows like Human Target gave me a lot of entertainment.
Come on Fox take a reality check yourselves.
I cannot believe they have canceled Human Target. This is one of my staples. I love the dynamics of the team. They worked well together both as actors and Characters. Please make my summer and don’t cancel it.
Mark Valley really made the Character. The Best Action show on TV. Hope another network picks it up.
Mark Valley will made the character come alive. Was the best action show on TV. FOX was wrong in cancelling, hope another Network picks it up.
Human Target kept me going thru a very difficult time in my life. It was the best action show on TV. Mark Valley will made the character. Ames character did not care for. FOX should have given show another chance to prove itself. Certainly hope another network picks it up.
Human Target was the best series I’ve watched in a long time. It kept me going thru a very difficult time in my life. It made me forget the horrible things happening in my life. I have watched Season 1 DVD & downloaded Season 2 almost everyday. The show was exciting, action packed, good guys won, altho I did not care for the Ames character, thought her too mercenary. Mark Valley made the best action hero and fitted the part as tho it was tailored made for him. I had not seen him before but loved him as Chance. I’m… Read more »
Series one was great but why change a winning format extra characters ruined the mood
I loved Human Target. They kept cancelling episodes last season so that probably did not help the ratings, but if they would’ve given it a good time slot (after House?) maybe it would have done better. I never even got to watch the last show.
This was a great show! Good cast, great characters and good writing. Advertising just didn’t get the word out. Nobody knew it was on.
Really? This show was amazing. You cancel a great show like this yet American Idol is still flourishing. I hate the amount of idiots in power positions.
Too much messing around with the format (and the additional of two pointless extra main cast members) didn’t help S2 but it still had its good moments. Successful long-running shows take at least a couple of series to get into their stride and Human Target had a great premise, good action and good characters going for it. I understand that they’re governed by financial constraints but it’s a real shame that Fox can’t invest a bit more in these shows and give them a fighting chance.
More importantly, where the hell am I going to get my Guerrero fix now?
Fox is making a profound statement about the populace of viewers. Fox is catering to idiots. If that’s representative of their viewers, it’s a sad commentary on the state of the union!
Unbelieveable! Really? As soon as I get into a show, they cancel it! I’m just gonna start recording the whole season and wait to see if it gets renewed before I watch any of it! At least I won’t get disappointed and left hanging!
bring back human target! hate the housewives dance and all so called reality tv!!!!! boohoo fox shame on you
please bring back HT it is really great show