Network: NBC
Episodes: 106 (hour)
Seasons: Five
TV show dates: September 22, 2003 — February 15, 2008
Series status: Cancelled/ended
Performers include: Josh Duhamel, James Lesure, Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims, James Caan, Nikki Cox, Mitch Longley, Marsha Thomason, and Cheryl Ladd.
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TV show description:
A dramatic comedy that follows staffmembers of the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
President of Operations Ed Deline (James Caan) is a strict former CIA officer who runs the casino’s day-to-day operations. His Head of Security and right-hand man is former Marine Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel).
Other staffers include surveillance/security person Mike Cannon (James Lesure); Danny’s ex-fiance, Special Events Director Mary Connell (Nikki Cox); casino host Sam Marquez (Vanessa Marcil), pit boss Nessa Holt (Marsha Thomason), Ed’s daughter and restaurant manager Delinda Deline (Molly Sims).
Later in the series, ex-Marine and cattle rancher A.J. Cooper (Tom Selleck) takes ownership of the Montecito.
bring back las vegas at the montecito we loved the show… back with the same actors…
I can’t believe NBC can’t find a better time for all my favorite shows. I used to catch Las Vegas Monday, then Tuesday nights… then NBC changed it to Friday. Who is home Fridays to watch TV?!!! That is the start of the weekend, I’m never home by 10:00pm to catch the show but am always looking for reruns which brings up another issue!! There is never any reruns! There seem to be too many Two and Half Men episodes! Isn’t there anything else to watch? 90210, no thanks. If NBC wants to compete for the 18-49 demographic, they need… Read more »
What wee tarts. NBC,..your affiliates,.shoving your political views,.trying to conform us to what we should like,.&*^^^ off! You lost a viewer on anything you control.
I can’t believe Las Vegas is cancelled!!! There are ALOT of other shows you could of canned. I have to agree with “money is everywhere” TNT does have a pretty good line up. I find myself watching TNT more than anything else.
I really HATE that the last episode says “to be continued” how ever some dumb jerk that sits in a fancy office thought it would be a good idea NOT to. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING NBC??!?!?
I think that it was a lame desion to cancle las vegas….. what was so bad about it.. i think the show was intertaning and that was my one thing that i couldnt wait to watch after i got out of school. What was the problem with keeping the show….. some of the shows that you have now are pretty lame commpaired to vegas, like cupid how gay. in las vegas you had josh duhamel….aka danny! he was hot!!!! i think that you should bring the show back you would have a lot of grate revious from people trust me… Read more »
please bring vegas back
I find it quite funny that networks keep canceling the good shows to make room for more reality tv or for shows that are just plain dumb. NBC used to be the best for Primetime tv. They have dropped so many good shows that their ratings are dropping. If TNT does pick up Las Vegas it would be great. They already show Las Vegas reruns for 2 hours every day (which my husband and I watch religiously).
The entire show was kick ass. What is cooler than a bunch of young people running around, managing a Vegas casino. NBC has 30 rock and the Office and then nothing else at all. Taking Las Vegas off the air was stupid. I hear rumors that TNT may pick up and do new episodes. That would be excellent. TNT is actually putting together much better 60 minute shows than NBC ever did, so Las Vegas on TNT could be a perfect fit. I know I would watch.
Networks use to value viewer loyalty. Clearly, the new trend continues to move toward advertising and the dumbing of America given the shows that continue to be brought back that are ridiculous and of no benefit to the viewers. It is fine when a show runs its course, such as ER. As a viewer I am not sad to see it leave (even though I have never missed a season), yet I am grateful that they have advertised a series finally for months now. The network executives demonstrated both value and appreciation to the long standing viewers. The executives should… Read more »
Las Vegas rocks bring it back
This really sucks, Las Vegas was a very good show. It was something different, reality TV is getting OLD, to many CSI’s on the air, and many doctor shows !!! They should of tried moving the night instead of cancelling.. I hate it when shows cancel and leave the fans hanging on the story lines. They could at least have 2-3 more shows to end it..
Having raised a family from Sesame St. to grandchildren, I think the world needs more clean-cut hero shows,tired of the cops and how many ways a person can be killed, and how many times you mute or change a channel when a child enters a room, real life is bad enough, wearing suits looks nice, but there is no happy on that, no fun, no ridiculous humor, jst down to earth old and young hero’s showing that no I am not Spiderman, or Superman, but we always have respect for the nation the people of it, rich and poor, and… Read more »
Las Vegas needs a proper ending!!!! Period………Yet another show falls by the waste side. Chemistry makes shows & all of these character/cast had this. Do the right thing and have a series finally. Thanks for listening. Steve Mooneyham, Spartanburg, SC.
WHY DO WE CONTINUE TO WATCH? Another prime example of a Network cancelling a show that appeals to someone other than children and no minds… I have boycotted CBS….. NBC you are awfully close. Someone from that network should read these editorials and stop listening to a stupid box telling you what to do…… how stupid are the networks that they continue to cancel our shows… how stupid are WE that we continue to watch. My frustration is at an all time high with the networks, their latest move… alter start and end times by one or two minutes to… Read more »