Network: NBC
Episodes: 106 (hour)
Seasons: Five
TV show dates: September 22, 2003 — February 15, 2008
Series status: Cancelled/ended
Performers include: Josh Duhamel, James Lesure, Vanessa Marcil, Molly Sims, James Caan, Nikki Cox, Mitch Longley, Marsha Thomason, and Cheryl Ladd.
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TV show description:
A dramatic comedy that follows staffmembers of the fictional Montecito Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.
President of Operations Ed Deline (James Caan) is a strict former CIA officer who runs the casino’s day-to-day operations. His Head of Security and right-hand man is former Marine Danny McCoy (Josh Duhamel).
Other staffers include surveillance/security person Mike Cannon (James Lesure); Danny’s ex-fiance, Special Events Director Mary Connell (Nikki Cox); casino host Sam Marquez (Vanessa Marcil), pit boss Nessa Holt (Marsha Thomason), Ed’s daughter and restaurant manager Delinda Deline (Molly Sims).
Later in the series, ex-Marine and cattle rancher A.J. Cooper (Tom Selleck) takes ownership of the Montecito.
Wow. This was a good show. I can’t believe that stupid NBC decided to cancel this show. It ended over a year ago and I am still wondering what is going to happen.
yall ******* suck, first show like this ive ever been hooked on and yall cancel it. i hope when tnt picks it up and the ratings soar yall realize had bad u fucked up
All these Fans of Las Vegas are right you need to bring back Las Vegas or at least give us a better Finale then to be continued … My two favorite show are now done ER and Las Vegas NBC ratings are going to plummit even worse then there are now unless you guys do something … Like bring back Las Vegas…
Like so many others….what happened??? Did the weddings happen? Is Delinda’s baby OK? How did AJ escape the crash and who was on the plane? Why would you leave us hanging like this? This is by far one of the best shows on TV. Bring it back please.
No wonder NBC’s ratings are so poor. They cancel the shows that people actually watch. After 5 seasons of LAS VEGAS, loyal viewers deserved better that the finale NBC gave. If NBC wants to up their ratings, they should at least have a 2 hour special/finale of LAS VEGAS. Now that ER is over, will people even be watching NBC anymore??? BRING BACK LAS VEGAS!!!!!!
With what there is to watch on tv how they could cancel a show that was so entertaining is beyond me. I am so tired of reality tv who cares. It was so nice to sit down and watch a real tv show with a story line. I miss it so much I watch the re-runs. You left everyone wondering did she have a boy or girl, did they get married, the least you could have done is wrap up the story. for some reason any time a show comes on that is worth watching before you know it its… Read more »
Bring it back what else is there to say. I work for a tv network which I can not say and this was one of the best shows you had on air. You should sign the actors back before they get a different deal. Put it back on anything but a Friday night, and for the ratings they should get rid of the rating boxes and when the show is over have everyone email or write in to see how many actually viewers you actually have.
bring it back best show around who ever made this is crazy to stop it
My boyfriend and i watched this show every episode. We just barely got into it and we bought all the seasons. We watched the last episode and was in disbelief that it ended with a to be continued…. we have so many questions like which weddings end up happening? Is delinda;s baby ok? Who died in the montecito jet? Please bring las vegas back at least for one more episode. i agree a lot of the nbc shows are dumb and the one that was really good you cancel? that just doesn’t make sense
Still waiting NBC for the return of Las Vegas…….
I am still waiting for you guys to wake up and get your heads on right. Las Vages was a great show. Your really have something great on the air. My husband and use to watch it very week. There are so many shows out there that are not worth turning your TV set on for. Please bring Las Vages back. If it’s not broken don’t fix it, it was working great. Make everyone in the world happy once again. Bring the show back. Thank you.
a show that everybody i know watches should not be cancled especially canceled half way through a season the show its self and all of its fans atleast deserve for the last season to be finished and for all us fans to get a last episode.come on nbc work with us
even after las vegas has been off the air the people are still begging for it to come back, that should tell you something nbc!!!! i have never been to interested in getting wrapped up in television series but this show got me hooked!!! PLEASE i will beg till my last breath BRING IT BACK!!!!
please make more season.
Las Vegas was and still is my favorite show. I constantly watch all of the episodes on DVD and cannot live without knowing what happens in fifth season finale!! BRING IT BACK!!!!!!