This evening, ABC airs the last episode of Last Resort — titled “Controlled Flight Into Terrain.” The network cancelled the Thursday night military drama after a short season of 13 episodes.
With low ratings, the writing was on the wall almost from the start. It was clear that Last Resort wouldn’t be getting a second season. Thankfully, ABC execs made their decision before the cast and crew had wrapped up filming, giving them time to change the 13th script and give fans some closure.
The cast and crew filmed the series finale in December and you can read some of their thoughts here.
If you missed the last episode, you can read about it.
Have you seen the series finale? What did you think of it? Are you satisfied that the show was given a proper ending?
I thought it was a good show, and had some good characters. sorry the shaow was cancelled.
It was a great show! I think if it had more promotion it would have been bigger! We only discovered it by accident. I’m noticing ABC cancels a lot of good shows, mostly cause it doesn’t give them a chance to start with. Too bad
I loved the show. It had great actors. The writers got better with each episode. I watched it weeks and I’m sorry to see it go.
I loved watching the show. I am so upset they didnt give it a little more time. So Sad
That was a great show, loved watching it, very exciting and fun. Love a plotted show rather than watching Real anything, because those shows are so unreal.
What a joke!! How can you build a good reputation if you don’t give it time!! It took ages to get into lost, prison break, 24 and now I have just started getting into this Resort and Arrow! Can’t believe you cowboy directors etc don’t understand how it works and what people want!! Last Resort!!!!
I knew that when I finally wanted to watch tv something like this would happen. I can’t speak on the appeal of prison break, the unit, or shows like that, but in my house if the kids aren’t the suite life, my wife is watching house wives of atlanta. Thrusday’s was fun again, because we got the kids in bed by 8 and me and my wife had our tv night. She would come down about 8:25, then I’ll get her up to speed. We would then watch G.A., and the finish the night with scandal. I know my show… Read more »
And they wonder why the networks are losing viewers at a record pace? The few shows I watch on network always get cancelled so quickly… so why put in the effort, I turn to cable. I can’t trust the networks to keep great or even just interesting programs on the air, just the those god-awful “reality” shows and pee-brained sitcoms.
I can honestly say that military dramas do t interest me but every week a just had to watch please come
Jericho, The Unit, Last Resort, The Event, Awake, Prison Break….Sigh, every time I find something worth watching, the networks cancel them. Yet those horrible reality shows continue to find an audience thus taking over more of the prime time slots crowding out those of us who actually like story lines, good writing, and drama. I loved Lost, currently waiting for Touch to recommence but I guess an intelligent, middle aged woman who is not into any “Housewives of…, or ……Wars (insert Storage, Hog wrestling, Carp catching, or what ever you wish) isn’t worth appealing to by advertisers. Alas, doomed to… Read more »
A fine thriller like Last Resort gets cancelled quickly while garbage like Buckwild gets renewed … proof positive that the dumbing down of America has been a huge success. They did do a fine job on the last show … short and sweet, and it didn’t leave anything hanging, though I’d have liked that black nasty who led the island’s gang to have met his proper fate … pity. The show should have been on CBS instead of girlie ABC, there were too many plot lines and too large a cast, and pricey Hawaiian shoots could have been done on… Read more »
I found Last Resort one of the only shows I looked forward to.Great story line and lots of action with many loop-holes!I would really enjoy seeing it retrurn.
The show was too close to reality for the CBS bunch.
Ergo; snuff it out.
Good showl
I watched this show when it was broadcast in Britain and I looked forward to every episode and it had me gripped. So many different story lines like the relationship between Sophie and Sam along with what was happening with sub crew. I’m so disappointed this show has been dropped because there is so much more that could come from it. I wish some network would take a chance on it, even Marcus could come back with the story line being he got off the sub at the last minute as he wanted to clear his name with Sam, PLEASE… Read more »
Hand me in tears for the last several minutes. I’m glad they did some type of ending, but really would of enjoyed watching more episodes of Last Resort. Great background and plots, wish you guys wouldn’t of cancelled the show. Seems like every time a good drama comes on you guys have to go and cancel it. Instead we get crappy “reality TV” when its not even real. All in all, I’m just happy I’m not wondering what happens next?!?! Then I would of been more upset.