Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman aired for four seasons on ABC before the series ended. The series starred Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher as Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and Cain wants a reunion for his series.
He spoke about the series and his desire for a reunion with Digital Spy, and he is determined to make it happen. He said:
“I’d love to see a reunion happen. I’d love to finish it off somehow – that would be insane. It would be incredible. I wish someone would get on that. I’ll do my best to make it happen. I tell you what, I’ll be in shape after this competition, so maybe I should get time to shoot it.”
He went on to call his co-star the best Lois Lane ever. Cain has stayed connected to his superhero roots. He recently appeared as Kara’s father on CBS series Supergirl.
Were you a Lois & Clark fan? Would you want to see a reunion featuring Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher? Tell us what you think.
I liked Helen Slater as Kara’s foster mother. But it would have been a trip to see Dean and Teri as Kara’s foster parents.
lois and clark is the best superman series i ever seen. still waiting for season 5
I would love a reunion show/mini-series, whatever we can get! Just get those 2 back together on our screens again. ASAP!
Absolutely!!! YES…YES…YES..
Would Love the reunion and to see the characters again. Both are hot together.