TLC has yanked Mama’s Boys From the Bronx from their schedule after two weeks on the air. The reality series revolves around a handful of thirty-something Italian-American guys who live at home with their moms in the northernmost boroughs of New York City.
According to TVMediaInsights and Nielsen, week-to-week Mama’s Boys dropped from 808,000 to 610,000 viewers at 10pm, and 817,000 to 563,000 viewers at 10:30pm. The cable channel has replaced Mama’s Boys with installments of Undercover Boss Abroad.
Castmembers have been encouraging fans of the show to petition TLC to bring the show back. One of the stars, Anthony Zoccolillo, wrote on Facebook, “You know whats funny TLC? We filmed all this great stuff about our culture, values, and traditions and you cut it all out and make them add all this nonsense then cancel us cause nobody liked what you told our production team to shoot.. what do you know about our Italian culture… let us be who we really are and then maybe we would have got better ratings.”
TLC commissioned eight episodes and four have yet to air. There’s no word on when or if they ever will.
What do you think? Did you like this reality series? Do you think that TLC should air the rest of the episodes?
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Image courtesy TLC.
I loved this show, being Italian, it reminded me of my youth, my brothers, and my friends. Why not try and let the Mama’s boys shoot it their way and then see about the ratings. TLC, airs shows like sister wives, and this on they sack! It makes you wonder what they have against Italians.
With all the reality shows (most are garbage) how could you pull Mama’s Boys! I’m an Italian American mom of three grown sons, all still living at home. I enjoyed the show very much and am very disappointed with TLC!
Bring back mama and her boys!
Wondering why you already removed such a funny interesting show. It was not filthy and full of Italian heritage fun. Please give it another chance.
Thank you, Geri
Yes put it back one it was great
YES.. air the episodes.. they are hysterical..i saw one week then it was canceled…pleas air it
Another insult to Italian Americans! This show is a blast and deserves creative development. TLC shows itself again to be short sighted and desperate. “Mommas Boys” is clearly a diamond in the rough with the potential to be a “Jersey Shore” for the 30+ demo. This error is emblematic of TLC’s commitment to mediocre, boring programming. Give “Mamas Boys” to a normal cable network and find TLC a place on the UHF band.
I am glad it got cancelled, there are enough shows that portray Italian Americans as slobs, gangsters, and other unfavorable types. This show not only shows Italian men treating women with no respect it also shed a very low light on The Bronx. I am proud to be from The Bronx and I did not grow up with loosers like these people. They are crass and lack class. Thank goodness someone had some sense.
Show yanked
My family really enjoyed this program and cannot figure out why you did not even give it a chance. I an sure all the peoiple of Italian background found it very funny. Please b ring it back. Thanks
Renew bring mamas boys back love the show!
Please air the rest of the episodes…
I’m not disappointed. The less reality TV, the better.
We are very disappointed in TLC to drop this show. My wife is from the Bronx and we have three children and our oldest is 24 yrs old and the show gave a glimpse of how the old neighborhood’s in the city are so very different than Florida. We Love Florida, but there is nothing like the authentic people of the City. We hope that maybe the TLC managers will allow the Boys to have more control of the show and try to reinstate the series. This show was much more entertaining that Jersey Shores any day of the week!… Read more »
I thought the show was great
You should give it more time. 2 weeks is not enough time. I have told my friends about it and they were all exicted about starting to watch the show. But it was canceled before they could start watching it.