We already know that the last episode of CBS’ cancelled Medium series will take place in the present, seven years into the future and then 40 years after that. The network has now issued a press release that gives us a few more clues about the TV show’s conclusion. Note that Sasha Pieterse is credited with playing a 14-year-old version of youngest daughter Marie (Madison Carabello).
It’s also worth noting that this is the first time that the network has officially confirmed that the series is ending. Up until now, we’ve only heard the cancellation news from star Patricia Arquette and executive producer Glenn Gordon Caron.
Here’s the press release…
“Me Without You” – When Allison becomes a lawyer and Joe starts a new job, the Dubois family is forever changed, on the series finale of MEDIUM, Friday, Jan. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.
Allison Dubois: Patricia Arquette
Joe Dubois: Jake Weber
District Attorney Devalos: Miguel Sandoval
Ariel Dubois: Sofia Vassilieva
Bridgette Dubois: Maria Lark
Detective Lee Scanlon: David Cubitt
Marie Dubois: Madison CarabelloGUEST CAST:
Lynn Dinovi: Tina Dijoseph
Luis Amenabar: Enrique Murciano
Dennis Caruso: Roger Bart
14-year old Marie: Sasha Pieterse
Eduardo Garcia: Jacob Vargas
Judge Malone: Lily Knight
Byron Knox: Scott Alan Smith
Alberto Ruiz: Gabriel Salvador
David: Charlie Koznick
Attorney #1: J. Paul Boehmer
Bailiff: Geno Monteiro
Reporter #1: Gina St. John
Rest Home Worker: Arianna Ortiz
Reporter #2: Kaiyana RainWRITTEN BY: Executive Producers: Craig Sweeny, Robert Doherty & Glenn Gordon Caron
DIRECTED BY: Peter Werner
RATING: To Be Announced
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Where was Bridget in the last episode of Medium , missed her.
Cannot believe it’s ended
I’m so upset that the series Medium has been canceled. I really connected with this show…
I still miss Medium. I really liked how the family interacted and the realism of their challenges in dealing with a “special” Mom and each other. Each character was developed well and interesting. The ending was fine – nice that the writers tied up some loose ends. But this inventive, creative family show is missed.
You know this cancellation was coming once CBS got rid of Ghostwhisper
YES CBS SUCKS.. They should cancel the program director!!!! I wonder what idot is in charge and who pays him off to cancel good shows & put on crap.. Cause that is the only way a person with any brains can get a job like that. Watch they will blame the actors or writers not wanting to continue… HEY CBS CAN YOU CANCEL YOURSELF
Can’t believe it! So frickin bummed! What a shame- my favorite show canceled. Bye CBS!
why was medium cancelled this was the best show on friday night, i have been watching it since it statred and i will miss my show this was one of the greatest shows of all time.
I mised the last show and didnt know it was going off the air and was so disappointed when it wasnt on. Will the last episode or any others be re-run or perhaps the whole series re-run. This show was always thehighlight of the TV week for me
I am so upset and disappointed……….I had not heard anything about a cancellation. My Husband and I had the show tivo like we usually do, and just watched the episode last night. From the start, we kept expecting Allison to wake up and it be a bad dream, but I kept having goosebumps all the way through…………..when they actually showed Allison finding Joe in Mexico, we actually looked at the information about the episode, and saw it said Series Finale……………….I cried through most of this show………..could not believe they killed off Joe……….CBS has ruined shows after shows…………at first we thought… Read more »
I am soooooo pissed that the Medium show was cancled. It’s like one of the best shows! They need to bring it back!!! I am in shock, because I did not know that it was being cancled & I just saw the final episode & was dumb founded so I GOOGLED & found out that it was indeed cancled. Man, I can’t beleive it! this just sucks!
What idiots … CBS cancels good shows and keeps garbage! Why don’t they take Charlie Sheen off – since it is never anything but low class … and keep something a little more wholesome – like Medium, Ghostwhisper … good grief – I guess it’s now ABC for us!