Last night, The CW aired the last episode of the first season of Melrose Place. Is that the last we’ll see of the show?
Debuting in September 2009, the new Melrose Place revolves around the same apartment complex as the 1990s original. It focuses on a new cast that includes Katie Cassidy, Stephanie Jacobsen, Jessica Lucas, Michael Rady, Shaun Sipos, Colin Egglesfield, Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, Nicholas Gonzalez, Victor Webster, and Brooke Burns. However, actors Thomas Calabro, Laura Leighton, Heather Locklear, Josie Bissett, and Daphne Zuniga have kept ties to the original alive.
Starting off with a murder mystery, the series didn’t make a killing in the ratings. The premiere attracted just 2.31 million viewers and a 1.3/3 in the 18-49 demo. The numbers fell after that and never came close to matching the premiere. A couple weeks ago, the March 23rd episode hit a season low with just .97 million viewers and a 0.5/1 rating/share.
The writing’s been on the wall for awhile that, even by CW standards, the Melrose Place numbers are so terrible that the series is doomed to be cancelled. Unfortunately, the producers didn’t take this into account and have left us with plenty of cliffhangers.
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It turns out that Drew was born with a heart defect and has one of Michael’s defective valves. After David breaks things off with Morgan, her tough-guy father pays him a visit in his restaurant. He tells the former burgler that he’s now working for him and will get his first assignment that night. If he doesn’t do as he’s told, Lauren will be hurt.
After finding the painting that Amanda’s been searching for, Ella blackmails her former boss into clearing up the false embezzlement charges and agrees to set Ella up in her own boutique PR agency. After selling the $3.4 million painting, Amanda goes back on her word and Ella turns her in to the FBI for selling the stolen painting. The last few moments show Amanda leaving WPK in handcuffs.
What do you think? Since this is very likely the end of the show, are you satisfied with the way it finished? How would you have ended it?
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Image courtesy CW.
im mad i wish it stayed on i like elle’s character and loved the slap at the end i think the new 90210 is way worse then the melrose characters ugh im still hoping it comes back
The problem with Melrose Place 2.0 is that is too “Vanilla”… they care too much about everyone looking pretty, that they forget about actual storylines. Their characters do not go under the strain the old ones did (who can forget Jane and Sydney killing Richard Hart with a shovel, to then have his hand come out of the dirt from where he was buried!! Classic MP) I agree that having Sidney alive would have been an amazing twist.. Already thought about Ella/Amanda being mother/daughter. They look alike and for a reason, Amanda has been investigating Ella since she was a… Read more »
Why bother to even write something, if you hate the show so much, Sharon? This post is asking how you liked how the season finale wrapped up…not ‘Do you like this show, Sharon?’ You don’t even watch, so who cares what you think.
I actually can’t believe this show is still on. It has got to be the WORST piece of crap on TV today- maybe ever. The writing is horrible- & the acting even worse. I hate the fact that they brought back the original characters & then changed almost everything about their old story lines. Is Sydney dead or isn’t she? Lame! Also, the new characters are sooooo stupid. The writers are trying so hard for people to care about them. The worst is Riley. Seriously? She’s supposed to be a model? Maybe for drag queen monthly. The others are awful… Read more »
There’s definitely a distinct difference between the original series and this new, supposedly, flashier reboot. No, that’s too kind. The new version is barely watchable crap! Things became slightly more interesting with Amanda back in the saddle. For me, like most of you, Ella was the only good new addition. Kind of like David too. I think the most fatal death blow to this show was the handling of the old cast. It was a slap in the face to the original fans. Now if the CW was smart, and lets face it (based on their current slate of shows… Read more »
My issue with the remake, from the beginning, has been the writing. It’s not been the acting. Did the writers of the remake ever watch the original. I feel that if they had then they would not have made the characters of Michael, Amanda, Jo, and Jane they way they were portrayed in the remake. Every single one of the original characters that they brought back didn’t seem like the originals that we all grew to love. While they all had their own little evil side, there was always some redeemable quality about them. I never remember Jane being such… Read more »
I would have thought the remark would have been axed months ago. The rating were terrible . They went up a bit when Heather came back mid season. Maybe if they had Heather on board from the beginning it would have made more sense. Bringing Sid back from the dead was the first misstep in drawing in the now 40 something fan’s who watched the original. The mother & daughter story line would have made a good direction for Amanda & Ella. I like the intern/prostitute story line. We will see if it comes back in the fall but it… Read more »
I think the ending was crap really cause I mean we don’t even know if the show is going to come back and yeah it leaves us wondering but the only thing im wondering about is the cat fight between amanada ella cause i mean that well be interesting because Amanda can and always will be a ***** right?… as for Jonah and Riley man i was glad not to see them together in the end, i mean the whole thing sucked. Yeah I watched the show every Tuesday and was a devoted watcher but I mean only to see… Read more »
I agree that Ella is Amandas Daughter. How did Amanda leave the island (where is Peter…) They need to make connection to the past characters… Yes have JaKesson and maybe his brothers (good tension there)… It could be reveals thatRiles boyfield (the producer kid) is actually Billy’s kid…. Bring it back as a mid seaon with 13 episodes to tie things up… Many people myself included hate given new shows a chance because usually they are cancelled…. Producers when seeing the writting on the wall or possibale writing should have an alternate ending filimed just in case or networks shold… Read more »
Yeah, I agree with what most of you guys are saying…just realised I wrote Jake’s son was called Jake…mistake there, I know he was called David! The thing is, with Melrose there is pretty much always a willing suspension of disbelief…so to bring back Sydney from the dead was not that outrageous, while giving her a daughter could kinda be Melrose-plausible given her irresponsible ways (esp when she was younger). But the key problem with the revamp is that they brought in a new set of characters who, with the exceptional of Ella, have not been developed to make us… Read more »
The hole thing that Max sead…about syd not really being dead (again) and ella and her were working together is grate…producers/writers..neeed to plan out stuff from start to finish instead of taking it episode buy episode…if they had actually thought…”well lets suprise everyone and kill syd off again in the first 10 mins of the pilot…then bring her back in the finale as if she faked her death for a second time all in a scam to take down aamanda” AMAZING!…woooooww!
I agree ella and amanda mom and daughter. Bring back Joes son . It would have nice to see Billy and Allison. As far as bringing Sydney back from the dead and Micheal helping her. In the original when she was supposedly killed. Micheal was in the hospital with his hands bandaged . Where he went threw a office window. If anyone watched the show. Hello? Also I want to see Riley and Joanna back together. Better then Billy and Allison. Bring back Billy and Allison as a married couple with kids. If the show airs again.
Melrose Place was always a great, campy guilty pleasure…The best part of the revamp, was indeed, bringing Sydney Andrews back. The worst? Killing her off again. The writing wasn’t great…it lacked continuity at times from the original series. If this was the last episode of this show… A better ending to wrap it all up, would have been to have Sydney alive, and show up at the end with Ella, after Amanda was taken away… to say “Well Done, Ella,” as if they’d been working together all along to take Amanda down.
Adam – I agree with quite a bit of what you’re saying … especially with the mystery children. I was a HUGE fan of the original and I find myself only watching the new one on when they post it. I would watch it when it airs but it’s up against some BIG shows, American idol and Glee for example. Before the pilot aired I thought David was going to be the son of Jake … NOT MICHAEL! As far as Violet is concerned, I think that concept was good but I wish they would’ve casted someone better because… Read more »
The only worthwhile thing that lousy remake did was to bring Sydney back from the dead, and to be honest, it wasn’t that ridiculous how they explained her being alive. What is ridiculous is the writing in the revamp – the personalitites (but for Ella and the oldies) are one dimensional, the writing is dull with attempts to be showy, the ideas are predictable, if not boring (who gives a **** about the ****** painting anyway?) and the show is far too concerned with being glitzy and glamorous – the old one had an understated set, with some great actors,… Read more »