Though >Men of a Certain Age has been cancelled by TNT after two seasons, there’s work going on behind the scenes to get it back on another station for season three. At the TCA press tour, Everybody Loves Raymond executive producer Phil Rosenthal said, “I don’t have any inside information but I hear that there are networks trying to find ways to keep it going. I hope they do.”
Fans have been gathering support via a Facebook page and have been encouraging others to sign a petition. Last week, Men of a Certain Age co-creator Michael Royce chimed in to express his appreciation to supporters and to let them know the best way to help the show.
Hi everybody. I want to say a giant THANK YOU for all your incredible efforts to help us find the show a home. We producers are exploring all options: broadcast, cable, pay cable, online… laserdisc, filmstrips, Viewmaster… you name it, we’re into it. And your guys’ energy has been seriously breathtaking.
Because we’re talking to a lot of the places you’ve contacted, at this point it would behoove you (and us) to not email them. They all know of your interest. They told us. : )
For fans who want to help, the best thing you can do right now is get more people to “like” this page and sign the petition, so we can show a prospective distributor how many people out there want this show back.
I hope I’m not being discouraging because frankly Ray and I are very moved by the outpouring of love and support. We don’t want to give up yet. And we won’t. We’ll let you know what’s happening when and if it does.
Thanks so so much. Hold your head up!
—Mike Royce
What do you think? Would you follow Men of a Certain Age to a different channel? To a premium cable channel? Would you watch online for a fee?
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Image courtesy TNT.
My husband and I just finished watching the last episode of season 2 and we are ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED that this show has been terminated!!! This show is believable, funny, dramatic, touching, etc–it offers something for every intelligent adult. What the hell is the world coming to when “reality” TV shows flood the networks in place of true art? “Reality” shows are so stupid and so far from reality that it boggles the mind–are we Americans getting so dumb nowadays that we cannot even follow an award-winning series from week to week, season to season, without someone narrating to tell us… Read more »
Mary Joseph » For the most part, the networks base their decisions on how many people watch a show when it is first aired because the ads pay for production. The “ratings” on IMDB don’t count as they don’t impact advertising revenue.
If an insufficient number of people watch shows of this outstanding caliber, then the networks need to improve their advertising, change the airing time slot, or whatever it takes so the viewing public WILL
If an insufficient number of people watch shows of this outstanding caliber, then the networks need to improve their advertising of new shows, change the airing time slot, or whatever it takes so the viewing public WILL watch these truly fantastic shows!
I have been watching MOACA on ON DEMAND, I feel so bad I did not make it a priority to see it when it was on TNT. That network is not known for “fresh products”. I started watching it and now everyday when I go home I treat myself to an episode. I have always always loved Scott Backula (QLeap) and I hardly missed ELR when it was on, I have now new feeling for Andre and see that he has a new show coming up. But MOACA has a distinct charm and flow that women of my age can… Read more »
I just watched seasons 1 and 2 on ondemand and I could not wait to get to the next episode. I love this show and can not believe they let this show get away from them! I really hope this show finds a new home because I would love to see some more!
My husband and I (sadly) just watched the last episode of the show on On Demand. The characters of Joe, Owen and Terry have become real PEOPLE to us, and we want to know what happens to them! It is so frustrating that shallow “reality” shows continue to air while a real in-depth drama with subtle, multifaceted characters is cancelled. Hopefully, the folks at some other channel will have enough insight and intelligence to pick up the series for a third season. This is QUALITY viewing that “people of a certain age” (and experience, perception, discrimination) are starved for!
Great series with a lot of life left – It is imperative that this show gets to run it’s proper course. I would pay extra to see it. “Men Of A Certain Age” is brilliant, charming, funny, deep, light, essential. Unbelievable that this show was cancelled. TNT sucks – it never belonged there anyway – that’s like puttting something substantative on Fox. Is is just me, or does this show seem like a no-brainer for AMC?
Still waiting. Any hope???
Please bring back Men of a Certain Age…it was the best show and my husband and I loved it and didnt miss an episode………
This is one of the best shows I’ve seen. I just did not find it until after it was cancelled. I had to watch previous episodes on my Xfinity. I hope there is a tv network out there smart enough to pick it up for a season three. I would watch it as long as they keep making it.
We love this quality show. Please keep it going. Steve & Bonnie Murphy
I love this show and will watch it ib any channel it’s on. Will watch it for a fee online too.