Last season, Once Upon a Time saw a boost in the ratings thanks in part to the show’s Frozen storyline. How will the show do this time around? Will the ratings rise or fall? Cancelled or renewed for a sixth season? Stay tuned.
Once Upon a Time follows the continuing adventures of fairytale characters whose tales unfold between their storybook world and Storybrooke, a small town in Maine. The large cast includes Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Morrison, Lana Parrilla, Josh Dallas, Emilie de Ravin, Colin O’Donoghue, Jared S. Gilmore, Sean Maguire, Rebecca Mader, and Robert Carlyle.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
3/3 update: ABC has renewed Once Upon a Time for a sixth season. Details here.
5/16 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated chart, please try reloading the page or view it here.
Last year comparison: The fourth season of Once Upon a Time averaged a 2.18 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 6.56 million total viewers.
Note: These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you still like the Once Upon a Time TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a sixth season?
The writers and Producers use their audience’s emotions as tools. They regard their audience as onjects, for their amusement. They place more importance on their own vain imaginations, than on those whose support helped propel their success, while producing nothing of quality, or anything desirable. They treat their audience like crap, and that’s why they deserve to be cancelled.
I wholeheartedly agree !
I find it baffling that even 5 million people lost their time watching it …
Good stuff. Right on the money. We are so disappointed in this season, and have grown tired of waiting for something better. We’ve already stopped watching. Did that, a couple of episodes before the mid-season finale.
I enjoyed this show until this season. There were a few bright spots with Merida but UGH! The writing is terrible and scenarios are stale. Rumple loses power for a hot second, he and bell are questionable again. Love Emma and Hook but wish they could have a better storyline. They need to come back strong in season 6 or don’t come back at all!!!
Honestly this season has been a bummer from the begging. I thought the only bright spot was the wicked witch but even that got boring and weird. I was a fan of lost in it’s original run and these guys had the same issue with that show. They both had great setups but lost it in later seasons. The whole thing is very disappointing. Also not a fan at all of the Lesbian relationship, which did feel cherry picked for ratings, or to satisfy early season promises. Very sad turn for a once good show. They jumped the shark a… Read more »
Agreed, and it is refreshing to read an honestly contemplated statement not rooted in popularity, or hatred of dissenting opinions. Thank you, for speaking up.
There are so many reasons why I will no longer we watching. This seasons story lines have been poorly written, and rushed. None of the stories are very interesting this season. The lesbian kiss was over the top, poorly written and very rushed. The storyline itself did not even make sense by using Red and Dorothy. A television show should not base its writing on political agendas. That is certainly not how the show started and what made it so popular.
Boo hoo, the weirdo two of the ten of ‘one milli mom’ crew have invaded this space; they could seat their children next to them
and watch Hook the misogynist emotional abuser, they could show children Hook brutally murdering the only black guy (merlin) on the show. But noo they lose their mind over simple kiss between two girls. Short summary, acc to these ‘moms’ – Teaching hatred to a child is a-okay fine n acceptable. But teaching tolerance no ’em.
Seriously why do these people are allowed to have kids again?
Will not watch again due to the Lesbian kiss. Whole family is in shock & my heart goes out to the Parents trying to explain this to their children. That’s who was really hurt by this. Needs to be cancelled.
Your comment is dumb try and explain this two your kids why were you trying to keep it a secret from them in the fist places. It’s mums and dads like you who end up with 14 15 yr old kids pregnant because you did not tell them about safe sex or they get pick on at school for not know what gay or lesbian even means . No the people who really got upset by this are the gay and lesbians watching this show and finding things like your horrible post online.
Seriously? You’re worried about explaining a kiss between two PEOPLE that like/love one another? THAT’S what you’re up in arms about? Really? Sorry to say this but seems like it needs to be said. You’re about as grown up as your kids if you can’t explain love to them. Also lazy. You’d rather weasel your way out of your responsibilities as a parent. If this has to do with religion, then you need to reevaluate you’re religion that condemns people from loving one another. The show also never promoted itself to uphold Christian or religious values. A show doesn’t need… Read more »
Was it really necessary to accuse her of being an irresponsible parent, Anthony? As a Christian, the biggest issue I have with this show and the reason that the child in my household has never been allowed to watch is the witchcraft. Personally, it seems odd to ignore the giant Baphomet on Hades floor or the Muloch 666 Whiskey Zelena was drinking in the very same episode and only be upset about a kiss. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am… Read more »
Good post. Thanks, for standing up for Christ.
Christ is the Son of God, who cast out demons, healed the sick, and conquered death…he does not need me to stand up for him.
My entire point was that I do not believe anyone can speak for God (unless they’re a prophet). You think I can stand in his place?
This was simply my witness on the matter of homosexuality as it stands currently.
I’m with you, Pamela.
I will not watch one more episode of this show. I enjoyed the run but hesitated when “Hades” entered the show, but then after last Sunday night!!! Why does the LG have to be pushed at us from every angle. Now a “fairy” tale is no longer what it is about. SO sad and during prime time. I feel worse for the families watching. Shame, shame on you!!!!!!!
After this last episode where the two women kiss, I I will not be watching the show with my daughter any longer along with many other moms I know. It was sad to see a show based on Disney fairytale characters end up with this storyline.
You are very ridiculous if you are dropping the show for this reason. Gay people are NORMAL, and their LOVE is NORMAL as well. You just should say to your daughter: “Honey, there are straight people and gay people in that world. Everyone deserves respect and everyone deserves love, ok?” Come on, it’s easy to say.
LOL at all the homophobes on here. A kiss is a kiss. Who cares if they are gay or straight? It is LEGAL for gay marriage now. Start teaching your children it’s okay, or else they’ll grow up as hateful towards gays as you are. Who knows? They could already be gay and are not telling you because of how you will react — just because they know you would not accept them for loving someone who they are happy with because that person is not of your religious or social standards. Would you rather have a gay child in… Read more »
You should have sopped after season 1 to be honest
I stopped watching when they ended Dark Swan with Emma calling out to her misogynst tool that she will always find him. Watching them dismantel Emma to prop up Hook is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.
This show man how the mighty have fallen. It feels more like Twilight than the show I signed up for in 2011. Main problems being the ongoing plot holes, Hook and Robin. Added thought how many times are they going to do the will they be happy or wont they with Rumple and Belle? So tiring,
Is Hook the problem of why the show is low rating?
No, I think poor story structure and slow development are to blame, in addition to the “no spoilers pilicy”. This show is depressing. It’s hard to garner a lot of support behind those conditions, especially when the general populous are already in a depressed mood, hence election news in the US. That may seem irrelevant to a TV show, but society is usually attracted to entertainment that helps people escape. Once Upon A Time has an introverted focus to that end, and it’s not doing anyone, any favors.
Adding to my previous comment, I’d regard claims of any character ruining a show, with a grain of salt. Be watchful of opportunistic finger-pointing, and weigh motives before accepting such a premise for argument.
Well I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me it was. The guy who plays Hook is bland and there is too much Hook to ignore the bland. The guy wears more make up than women on the show and is a grade A whiner. The main ‘done it’ for me was how this guy was treating Emma. I am very pro Emma, so him treating her like garbage and then getting away with it, just grated on me. I, like others had no problem with his and Emma’s relationship earlier but now, it is a big N.O for… Read more »
Yes, or more to the point, Hook being the Creator’s Pet they wrecked the whole rest of the show for.
I can’t stand him , he makes me cringe
Now what do you suppose is making the ratings of the show go down? And will the network do about it? Have the showrunners kill off one of the major characters because the attention hogging?
Why do people keep suggesting Emma is less Independent? Because she has a soul mate? A man makes her codependent? I am happily married of 18 years, and I can honestly say my life is enhanced by the wonderful relationship I share, and recognize my need for while also acknowledging my individual strengths which my husband encourages.
It is a rediculous ascertation to make; that anyone in a relationship would be less than the person they could be. It’s offensive, if not foolish.
No,that’s not why.Dark Swan was all about Emma saving Hook(turning him into a fellow Dark One)Hook saving Emma& not her parents and son like it should’ve been and even the Underworld arc is all about Emma again saving Hook.Since Frozen arc,Emmas little sl of her own that dosent totally revolve around Hook or her & Hooks romance.She barely interacts with her son or parents or anyone who isn’t Hook lately.
How many scenes has Emma had without Hook in them? How many scenes has Emma had that aren’t about Hook rather than her or where all she does is talk about Hook? How long as Emma’s entire story line been about Hook at the expense of herself and her relationships with all other characters? When was the last time Emma had more than one scene in an episode where she talked about something other than Hook?
When was the last time Emma cared as much about Henry, her actual true love, anywhere near as much as Hook?