The peacock network recently premiered a new mystery series for the summer called Persons Unknown. Will the series last? Will viewers get answers to their questions or be left hanging?
Persons Unknown revolves around a group of strangers who wake up in a strange hotel and find that they’re in a ghost town and unable to leave. They see security cameras observing them and their unknown captors create mistrust among the group by offering freedom if they hurt the others. The cast includes Chadwick Boseman, Lee Purcell, Jason Wiles, Andy Greenfield, Daisy Betts, Tina Holmes, Alan Ruck, Kate Lang Johnson, Sean O’Bryan, and Gerald Kyd.
The NBC mystery series debuted on June 7th to very disappointing ratings. The premiere attracted a poor 1.4 rating in the 18-49 demographic and just 4.38 million viewers. That represents a distant third place for the timeslot and is an even worse performance than last year’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!.
In week two, the numbers dropped to a 1.2 rating and 3.52 total viewers. Episode three’s ratings dropped even further to a 1.0 in the demo and only 2.87 million viewers. How much lower can the numbers go?
The network is promoting Persons Unknown as a mini-series and say that all viewer questions will be answered by the end of the 13th episode. There have been talks that if the show is successful, it could return for a second season (like CBS’ Harper’s Island). The series was created with international buyers in mind so if it’s successful in other countries, year two could be forthcoming (ala The Listener). However, with ratings like these, NBC wouldn’t likely have an interest in buying it.
Actually, the peacock network could pull the show off the air before all of the current episodes have even aired. NBC has moved it up to 8pm for the next couple weeks, trying to attract a few more viewers. Hopefully, the network will let all 13 episodes air and allow faithful viewers to see the story reach its conclusion. At this point, a move to Saturday nights or forcing people to watch episodes online wouldn’t come as a surprise.
What do you think? Is Persons Unknown worth watching or would you just cancel it before all the episodes have aired?
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Image courtesy NBC.
alos who did Erica and Moria or how ever u spell her name get to i don’t know Israel or some where and how did those 2 guys get out and how did he know his wife’s name of no where how did the sergeant get kidnapped ow did Victoria survive and why is she freaky now and why r they on a ship omg so many questions NBC ur lairs bull crap all questions will be answered god make a season 2 and whats with the new people i can barely rember half there names as is or r… Read more »
I found it intresting so i dont knwo why ratings droped infact i love the show but then again people want a dumb ass show where people eat cow **** then a compellign story with twists and turns
I would not say that nothing was answered. Alot was answered, if you rewatch the previous episodes you can piece it together, I will agree that there can be more done with regard to answes, but that is what a series is about and I think that the first season has done a good job in setting the stage. Question, how did Renbe get out of the room so quickly if he did not know about the key in the bible?
Im so pissed. I watched persons unknown all summer relgiously and that how it ends. What about janet and joe, what about mark and joe, what about charlie and bill , what about moira and ghram……seriously so many questions? I can assume charlie and slept with bills wife, but then again maybe they were high school sweethearts. Mark and joe are going to go at it…I can tell…Moira and Grahm are no longer an issue if they are part of the program (No Intamacy). and Janet and JOe what they hell!!!! I know I’m not the only one who could… Read more »
Please bring Persons Unknown back loved the show, although I did not like the finale, nothing was resolved, bring it back
Persons Unknown was a great series, except all was not revealed as promised. First ABC lies with Lost, then NBC lies with Persons Unknown. Honesty is obviously not networks intent. The show deserves a second season. It has a great story that eventually attracts a committed audience. Problem is that’s no longer important to networks. NBC keep Persons Unknown and prove me wrong!
I love this show and was hoping for a good series ending. but all it did was leave me hanging, just like Lost did. At least Harper’s Island got it right. That was an actual ending that made sense and answered all of the questions they led up to in the show. PU should run a 2nd season since they left it at welcome to level 2… Helloooooooo people, do we have to write this stuff for you?
I hope this is the end. Nothing is resolved, and I still have no idea what is going on, only that they are in a town and can’t get out. Don’t know why, and I wasted the summer trying to figure it out.
It is sad when networks can’t keep great shows, and put this nonsense on.
i luv the series P.U when wil season 2 be waiting even if it wil take 1 was superb.
I LOVE persons unknown, I hope its not canceled!
My boy freind and i are appalled that nbc would cancel PU its a great show!!!! PLzzzzz DO NOT CANCEL IT !!!! WE AND QUITE ALOTTTT OF PEOPLE IM FRS WITH LOVE THAT SHOW!!!!!!!
It’s too bad that there wasn’t many viewers. This show was great and it’s a shame if it doesn’t get picked up for more episodes.
Frankly, I’m fed up. Lost’finale was a big disapointment and since the ratings for Persons Unknown wasn’t so good, I expected a REAL closure. Since the Farscape turmoil, I have it with the no-ending-cliff-hanger-forever attitude: it is a rip-off. If I was sold a book without the last chapter, I would sue! I frankly think that viewers should take this kind of action against broadcasters. What result will they get? Less and less people watching, people waiting for several seasons DVD release – which means, to be plain, the end of TV shows golden era since who would produce shows… Read more »
I was fairly drawn in to this show like I was with Lost (don’t get me started on Lost) and I was waaaaay disappointed with both of them. PU answered almost no questions. “All will be revealed…” they said. C’mon they barely told us about the people (or aliens) running this stupid test. There were several huge story questions that went unanswered. BOOO YOU SUCK BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Love the show, have to have season 2!!!