Sarah Jessica Parker returned to HBO with her new comedy, titled Divorce, over the weekend, and she revisited her former HBO series in recent interviews. Parker starred in Sex and the City on HBO for six seasons.
During one recent interview, Sarah Jessica Parker shared one surprising theory about the characters on the series. She said the following, according to VH1:
“I used to wonder if Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda were real. That that wasn’t just for her column. They’re such perfectly archetypal characters. So you’re writing a column about sexual politics and observations of female/male primarily, heterosexual relationships, so you’re picking one type. She is among them because that’s her way of infiltrating story and affecting story too, to have her own actions affect those friendships and document their response.”
Are you shocked by this Sex and the City theory? Were Carrie’s friends all in her mind? Did you check out her new series Divorce on HBO? Tell us what you think.
Sorry, but Divorce sucked.