To no surprise, FOX has pulled Sons of Tucson after just four episodes have aired. With a track record of terrible ratings, it’s most likely cancelled and leaving little hope for a second season. Interestingly, series star Tyler Labine seemed to have known the bad news was coming.
Sons of Tucson revolves around Ron Snuffkin (Labine), a sporting goods clerk who lives in his car and owes money to a loan shark. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez .
The sitcom got off to a poor start in the ratings with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. The second installment dropped even lower, to a 1.9 rating and 3.84 million viewers. Episode three bumped up a little to a 2.0 and 4.03 million but, on Sunday night, it fell to a new low of a 1.4 rating and 3.13 million viewers (per the overnights).
To no surprise, FOX has decided to cut their losses.
Though Labine had high hopes for the series, supposedly turning down the opportunity to keep Reaper going in first-run syndication, he seemed to be able to tell that Sons of Tucson wasn’t long for this world.
Back in January, Labine was offered a starring role in a CBS pilot called True Love. Though it would have been in second position (behind Sons of Tucson), Labine passed on the project. Then, two months later, after seeing a couple weeks of disappointing ratings for Tucson, Labine changed his mind and signed on to True Love.
Sons of Tucson has been pulled from the schedule effective immediately and will be replaced by episodes of American Dad for the immediate future. The remaining nine episodes of Tucson are expected to be burned off this summer, beginning June 6th. Though it has not been officially cancelled, it’s a big longshot to be renewed.
What do you think? Was Sons of Tucson worth watching? Are you sorry to see it go? Do you think there’s any chance it’ll be back?
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Image courtesy FOX.
i loved this show i cant belive it got cancelled they cancel all the good shows i like . does that mean after 4 episodes there wont be no more i thought it was coming back in june 3 more episodes
I like Tyler Labine i have this show on DVR but FOX needs to ax Til Death how many different women play the hippie daughter on the show but keep the same son-n-law go figure
I believe it is ridiculous to (still) use the Nielsen ratings system AND cancel a show after only 4 episodes have aired! I just watched the episodes and found them quite entertaining — a breath of fresh air so to speak.
Quick correction: Davis Cleveland was replaced after the original pilot was taped by Benjamin Stockham as Robby. SoT has not been canceled as of yet. It has been pulled from the schedule for sweeps during April and May, and the remaining episodes will air over the summer. It will replace Til Death in the 7:30pm timeslot on Sunday which could prove to be a more attractive time slot. If Fox promotes it and makes people aware of the change, it could be brought back from the brink! It is a funny show!
@Beemer: Thanks for the casting correction. It seems that the network is still using images with two actors who were replaced after the pilot.
I agree with Dave. Tyler should have wholeheartedly committed to Reaper, as that show had a stream of consciousness “feel” that Buffy the Vampire Slayer executed perfectly. Maybe Whedon could have wrote some for season 3 episodes, but we’ll never know….
many shows have bad ratings cause of timeslot and the ones with potentials, they move it to another timeslot of day and it works out but with this show they decided not to do that and just cancell this show………
Labine should have kept Reaper going. Reaper was awesome!! Sons is OK, but Reaper was one of my favorite shows.
FOX is by far the worst network when it comes to placing good shows in spots where they’ll succeed. Let’s not forget that Arrested Development, one of the highest critically acclaimed sitcoms, got canned because FOX didn’t know how to air it in a decent timeslot. Sons of Tuscon had real potential. What a waste.
I’m glad they pulled it. It wasn’t funny and the plot sounded like something from a bad family movie. Better luck next time for the cast.
I really liked this new show! Fox gave it a ****** timeslot they should have given it more of a chance, Sons of Tucson was funny!
Who’s anyone kidding? This was coming from a zillion miles away. Fox doesn’t do anywhere near enough advertising for any show except for oh yeah american f**kin idol! People probably didn’t even know the show existed. If I didn’t know any better I’d say Fox wants just about all their shows to fail or maybe their just cheap and thats costing them viewers with people having very little faith the show is even gonna be on after 3 episodes: Happy Hour, Do not disturb sound familiar??
man everything I watch gets canceled. I wish there was a channel for all my supposedly misfit shows.
Sigh. Unbelievable.
I think I’ll either give up on watching TV altogether or wait until at least season one of a series is on DVD and season two is airing before I start to watch.
It was a pretty good show, just not something I really wanted to see after Family Guy. After watching 3 mature comedy cartoons, that are also the best thing Fox has going for it, Sons of Tucson felt like an odd let down. Plus it was spirit breaking to leave American Dad off the Sunday night schedule. Overall I liked Sons of Tucson, it was funny and had potential. I just really think Fox screwed up by putting it after Family Guy and throwing off the 4 cartoon episode Simpson/MacFarlane power block. Sons of Tucson could do better on a… Read more »
It will not return, because Fox and all networks go by ratings from the nielsen. Since the networks won’t take into consideration that people do have DVR’s and some shows are being taped and viewed later we will lose a lot of shows that people are watching, just later. That’s why I watch more cable programs now. I’m tired of CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX and other local networks canceling good shows. People can’t watch 2 or 3 shows that come on at the same time on different networks. I use to DVR 2 and watch 1. It doesn’t matter the… Read more »