To no surprise, FOX has pulled Sons of Tucson after just four episodes have aired. With a track record of terrible ratings, it’s most likely cancelled and leaving little hope for a second season. Interestingly, series star Tyler Labine seemed to have known the bad news was coming.
Sons of Tucson revolves around Ron Snuffkin (Labine), a sporting goods clerk who lives in his car and owes money to a loan shark. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez .
The sitcom got off to a poor start in the ratings with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. The second installment dropped even lower, to a 1.9 rating and 3.84 million viewers. Episode three bumped up a little to a 2.0 and 4.03 million but, on Sunday night, it fell to a new low of a 1.4 rating and 3.13 million viewers (per the overnights).
To no surprise, FOX has decided to cut their losses.
Though Labine had high hopes for the series, supposedly turning down the opportunity to keep Reaper going in first-run syndication, he seemed to be able to tell that Sons of Tucson wasn’t long for this world.
Back in January, Labine was offered a starring role in a CBS pilot called True Love. Though it would have been in second position (behind Sons of Tucson), Labine passed on the project. Then, two months later, after seeing a couple weeks of disappointing ratings for Tucson, Labine changed his mind and signed on to True Love.
Sons of Tucson has been pulled from the schedule effective immediately and will be replaced by episodes of American Dad for the immediate future. The remaining nine episodes of Tucson are expected to be burned off this summer, beginning June 6th. Though it has not been officially cancelled, it’s a big longshot to be renewed.
What do you think? Was Sons of Tucson worth watching? Are you sorry to see it go? Do you think there’s any chance it’ll be back?
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Image courtesy FOX.
I’m very sorry to hear that Tyler has made such bad choices. Is it true that he passed on a syndication run for Reaper? I loved that show. Why would he pull the plug on such a gem and then go for such a dud? Too bad. There are millions of fans out there that were so angry when Reaper got canceled.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO…….this stinks, our whole family loves Sons Of Tucson. It is a very funny show with a great cast. Who makes these decisions??? if they are reading this “YOU SUCK”…..seriously Fox is no longer a network I will watch.
The sad thing here is that its on again ( a chance to show Fox we like it by increasing its viewership), but no one knows that it is because once again zero advertisement was done for it. For those who care it is still on Sundays at 7pm now and it has a few episodes left. Please Fox, give this show another shot and this time give it a good time, day and marketing.
Nooo, I can’t believe it’s being cancelled, it’s one of the best shows on tv. How bout we get rid of some of these crappy reality series? Or maybe some of the 480 cop shows on tv. Sons of Tucson was creative and funny, bring it back or I will never take my pants off to poop again! That means if I ever come in contact with one of the people who decided to cancel it, they’ll be sorry they did, because it will not smell good.
NONONOnono!!!!! this is the only show I ever put time in my schedule to watch! i am in love with it, it is funny and i see myself being one of the prankster-like children in it!!!!
I loved it. It was a funny show. Creative! Very sorry to see it go.
This is a great show! Hilarious! TV in 2010 is not the same as it used to be. There’s so much on that shows need MORE time to be discovered, not less!
I really liked this show it was my favorite i never missed an episode….i thought it was fun to watch and never in one moment was i bored at all!! This sucks!
I really like this show, beats the heck out of all the reality garbage that is being shown. Really too bad that people do not want to be entertained anymore, just see the garbage that is supposedly in “REAL LIFE.” How sad……………
There have definitely been better shows, but I really liked SoT. Too bad it’s over, I know that they’re airing the rest of the episodes but to those of you that think that there’s a chance it’s coming back then you’re delusional. They had episodes filmed that’s all there is to the “new” episodes starting tonight.
Sons of Tucson was entertaining without being full of gore like most everything is on TV these days. It was a refreshing change. Sorry to see it go.
DOONNTT CANCEL !!! it was a good show, it just needed more time to develop the characters….
Sons of Tucson should have not gotten cancelled I loved that show It gave you something to watch on sunday instead of “American Dad”, I mean come on PLEASE I’m begging you not to cancel “Sons of Tuson”, forever?
I think that the show was okay, it did have a lot of loop holes in the story and the acting was slightly amateurish, other than that I thought it showed potential, but oh well.
it was my favorite show but ikm mad know that it is canceled bring it back but 4million views is good foe one epidode it was only on for 4 weeks