To no surprise, FOX has pulled Sons of Tucson after just four episodes have aired. With a track record of terrible ratings, it’s most likely cancelled and leaving little hope for a second season. Interestingly, series star Tyler Labine seemed to have known the bad news was coming.
Sons of Tucson revolves around Ron Snuffkin (Labine), a sporting goods clerk who lives in his car and owes money to a loan shark. He’s hired by three boys (Benjamin Stockham, Frank Dolce, and Matthew Levy) to play their father for a school meeting after their real dad goes to jail for banking fraud. The series also features Sarayu Rao, Edwin Habacon, and Natalie Martinez .
The sitcom got off to a poor start in the ratings with just a 2.1 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.47 million viewers. The second installment dropped even lower, to a 1.9 rating and 3.84 million viewers. Episode three bumped up a little to a 2.0 and 4.03 million but, on Sunday night, it fell to a new low of a 1.4 rating and 3.13 million viewers (per the overnights).
To no surprise, FOX has decided to cut their losses.
Though Labine had high hopes for the series, supposedly turning down the opportunity to keep Reaper going in first-run syndication, he seemed to be able to tell that Sons of Tucson wasn’t long for this world.
Back in January, Labine was offered a starring role in a CBS pilot called True Love. Though it would have been in second position (behind Sons of Tucson), Labine passed on the project. Then, two months later, after seeing a couple weeks of disappointing ratings for Tucson, Labine changed his mind and signed on to True Love.
Sons of Tucson has been pulled from the schedule effective immediately and will be replaced by episodes of American Dad for the immediate future. The remaining nine episodes of Tucson are expected to be burned off this summer, beginning June 6th. Though it has not been officially cancelled, it’s a big longshot to be renewed.
What do you think? Was Sons of Tucson worth watching? Are you sorry to see it go? Do you think there’s any chance it’ll be back?
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Image courtesy FOX.
i watched the whole first seson with my bros and dad, and we all loved it and were disapointed when it was cancelled. it was a really great show.
So I was really disappointed when this show was canceled. and I watched the whole season on netflix my family thought this show was great. now hoping for a season two at least the same idea. I think fox shouldve kept it on the air. I think it wouldve been as hot as two and a half men.
This show was awesome ! you guys mest up on taking it off….
I just watched the whole first season on Netflix with my three boys. We laughed more than we have at any other show in quite sometime. I think that FOX might want to rethink this one. More advertising and this one would be a winner the little kid is the hit of the show!
I think this is a great show – probably just need to find a network that will give it a chance. Remember “Family Guy” had to suffer terrible ratings and cancellation before gaining pupularity through “Adult Swim” and finally getting picked back up by Fox!
I just found this show on net flicks and I love it. I hope people will find it like I did and get a following and save it.
This show is amazing!!! I have seen every episode and I am sad to say that I will not see a second season. If only Fox gave it a little longer.
this show was amazing
Hated the show, thought it was a waste of time. It will not be missed. And in the words of Stewie from Family Guy:
“Sometimes, Fox makes bad choices. Lets just remember that this, [points to advertisment of Sons of Tuscon], was a thing.”
Wow, I am not so happy with fox. Sons of Tucson was really really good. If Fox left it on I would be watching Fox right know.
The show was well done and entertaining.
I think the show is great and has huge potiental. Fox needs to give it more time.
The one show I like, and they drop it. Well, guess I wont be tuning into fox for a while.
it was a great show…and of course they drop it, my friends and i are going to boycott fox until they put it back on.
My husband and I watched this show faithfully every week. I am sorry to see it go.was hoping to watch more seasons of it.
I really liked the show. I don’t think Tyler mad a bad choice. The show really had great potential and I think it came out great. The time slot was too late and advertising was poor. They really should’ve given it more time… Typical