Though Stargate Universe was cancelled midway through its second season (the last 10 episodes will air in the Spring), executive producer Brad Wright thinks there’s a chance that the story could continue. Wright contends that, “We haven’t given up on finishing the story we started.”
Wright was traveling when the cancellation news came down from Syfy and is now looking for a way to continue the series in some form. Wright tells Chicago Now’s Curt Wagner that he and MGM, the studio that owns the rights to the Stargate franchise, are discussing several possible options. He said, “It’s heartening to see so many people upset about Syfy’s cancellation of the show but it’s important to remember that their license fee represented only a portion of our total budget.”
While this is positive news, its a long way from the show being saved. Based on what Wright has said, it would seem that a substantial portion of the SGU budget comes from other sources like DVD sales. A possible option could be to do direct-to-DVD movies but then, fans are still waiting for a Stargate Atlantis movie. The series could be sold to another channel but that’s always a tough sell.
What do you think? Would you like to see Stargate Universe continue in some form — as a DVD movie, online short videos, comics, or novels? Or, would you rather see one of the other shows in the franchise return in some way?
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Image courtesy Syfy.
what can we do to get the show back
SyFy lost my respect when they changed “Sci-Fi” to “SyFy” – phonetics? REALLY!? I mean, truncating “Science Fiction” was bad enough! For what ever reason I absolutely LOVE SGU. It’s a brilliant piece of writing, drama, story, and it doesn’t fall victim to that which is today’s ‘INSTANT GRATIFICATION GENERATION”. Is it me, or does anyone these days even understand that good things come to those who wait? I mean the story is getting so ******* good!! I simply can’t stand it, this show is good. Those who “hate” it because it’s not like SG1 or SGA are just upset… Read more »
I really got hooked on SGU and great story line as well. It didnt take me long to get hooked on it and well worth to watch it and see how it ends hope that it will be a long run.
i reley liked this show better than any show i have ever seen
and ofcorse i watshed it and it previus version SGA
and i dont know whay it got canceld and i am shore that there are alot and lots of pepole who love this show
and the best thing abote this show is its imagination and criativety and the very good camra fottege and the desines for its ships and wapens and the greet looking univers and the stars and the plants and ofcorse thair alians
I can’t believe it’s going to be cancelled! Finally it feels like they really got it right and they cut it loose. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed SG-1 and atlantis but there were times when some of the over the top cheesiness was a bit too much. Now they have wicked alien bad guys, a bad ass leader (Young), their physicist (although not as hot as SG-1’s Samantha Carter,.. although now they have T.J.) Rush (Robert Carlyle is amazing). It’s like they took everything that made the original series good but left out the cheesy campy stuff. And right… Read more »
I liked the first season a lot. I don’t really care for the second one. This showed is called Stargate for a reason. How many times this season have they even used it? I would continue watching if they could actually start doing some more. I love SG1 ans SGA, I wish they would do a movie with both casts in it together. That would be sweet.
Al: The show is so different now from the first few episodes. It’s a terrific show that deserves to tell its story. I hope they find a way.
once garbage is tossed it sould be left in trash! I quit
watching after the 4th episode, this crap does not deserve to bear
the name Stargate!
Its so unfairthat this show was never realy given the
chance to susceed. Like Jericho, Enterprise, and other shows that
have suffered at the loss of its studios, fans like myself become
reluctant to become involved in new shows for fear they may be
subject to the same fate. SGU, may have been low to start but the
storylines, the characters, are beoming part of what we as fans
enjoy. I feel so sorry for the Stargate “family”how they must be
feeling, I only hope there is some saving grace to continue what
promises to be another cult show.
This would be a perfect show for Spike! to get into the
sci-fi arena. It’s full of beefy action and hot babes. Plus, it’s
got lots of drama for the ex-Battlestar Galactica fans to latch
onto. Yes, the first few episodes were slow, but the payoff later
in Season 1 was worth it, and Season 2 has been mind blowing right
out of the (Star) gate.
What a bummer, hope they find a way forward. Great show,
would miss it.
It took me a few episodes to get into SGU as well, now I
really enjoy it. I hope another channel picks it up. What I would
really like to see is a Star Gate Atlantis movie. I am a huge fan
of this movie. I have the complete 5 season set.
I would really like to see the Stargate Atlantis
direct-to-BD film done first as that is my favorite of the 3
series. However, it would also be nice if they could give SGU a
proper resolution via a direct-to-BD miniseries.
I would loved to see this show saved! I loved the others as well, but I’m over the fact that they are gone. I think there are so many more stories available for SGU.
It took me a few episodes to really get into SGU, but once I did I was hooked! I love the story line, the characters…basically everything about the show! I am upset that it has been cancelled and I am really hoping there is some possible way to save it in some form. I would love to hear another channel picked it up and if nothing else continue it in movie form. But as mentioned that hasn’t worked to well for Stargate Atlantis…cause I am still waiting to see the movie that was supposed to be released early 2010 and… Read more »