As you probably know by now, Syfy recently cancelled Stargate Universe. While the remaining 10 episodes of season two will air in the spring, there won’t be a third season on the cable channel. Co-creator Brad Wright has said that there is a chance that Stargate Universe might continue in some form without Syfy. He mentioned that he’s currently in discussions with MGM, the studio and rights holder of the franchise.
In a recent blog post, writer and executive producer Joseph Mallozzi answered questions from fans and confirmed that Stargate Universe may not be dead just yet. He said that all options are still being considered — including a movie and a third season for another channel. He indicated that a third season would be the ideal scenario. Mallozzi also said that “positive progress” could be made as early as next week. The show’s sets are still standing and they won’t be dismantled until all possible avenues have been explored.
When asked if the cast and crew saw the cancellation news coming, Mallozzi replied, “Those early season two ratings were admittedly a downer. The move to Tuesday night was not good for us (and, speaking to the franchise as a whole, the move from summer to fall did us no favors either) and I firmly believe that time-shifted viewing and internet downloads have bled off a significant portion of our younger, tech-savvy audience. Still, we held out hope and, as production continued on season two, positive word from various places gave us hope that the show would come back for, at the very least, a third and final season (much the same way Battlestar did). Many of us were shocked by the abruptness of the cancellation decision.”
To that end, Mallozzi notes that most may be unsatisfied with how the last episode of the season, “Gauntlet,” leaves the series. He said, “Most would probably consider it a cliffhanger while I would consider it a touching, bittersweet end to the series (if it comes to it).” For fans who want to help keep Stargate Universe (SGU) going, Mallozzi suggests buying episodes from iTunes or purchasing the DVD sets.
Mallozzi also briefly touched on the impact of the SGU cancellation on the long-awaited Stargate Atlantis movie. While some believed that the SGU cancellation might be a good sign, Mallozzi noted that couldn’t be further from the truth. He said, “I’m sorry to say but the cancellation puts the brakes on whatever progress the SGA movie had made in the past month, shelving it indefinitely.”
He later added that “the prospect of a dedicated Atlantis movie has always been contingent on a number of things, among them a financially sound model for investment predicated on the strength of the franchise. The cancellation of Universe deals a blow to the strength. Furthermore, any focus that may have been aimed at making the SGA movies now that MGM is once again moving forward into production will now be redirected to SGU.”
Mallozzi noted that DVD sales have greatly diminished since Atlantis was released on DVD. With SGU’s second season having recently wrapped, with the sets still standing, and with the cast and crew still being available, SGU represents the most cost-effective way to keep the franchise going right now.
What do you think? Will Stargate Universe be saved? Will the Stargate Atlantis movie ever get made?
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Image courtesy MGM.
SGU has been a good series, to cancel it for good would just prove everyones thoughts on syfy….sure syfy has canceled alot of good shows, but SGU shouldnt be another one.
Let it continue, or put it on a different channel…but alteast continue with the 3rd season.
i also would like to put the word out there that if the sg series would to come around again i would suggest sgu, to continue the series.
i have to conqure with mr. anonymous down there. i used to watch the sifi channel every day. until the end of sg1-sgu. now i watch doctar who. and havnt watched the sifi channel since the end of sgu. if you care about this and the amount of veiwers turning the channel back to sifi i suggest you bring some form if not more than one form of STAR GATE back for the sake of your veiwers. thank you and i hoope to see STAR GATE back soon.
i think those people over where universe is in of help bad. They finally get in my opion the stargate series yet.
Why did SG1 and SGA get cancelled in the first place??? I used to watch Sci Fi religiously but since they got rid of my favorite shows, I never even watch the channel anymore,(SG1 and SGA). Stargate had a following like startrek and for the life of me I cant figured why it was cancelled. Please bring it back
The SG series was one of the best space dramas I’ve ever seen. SG-1 was wild and wonderful and took me on fantastic trips around the Galaxy. Atlantis brought a different take on SG-1 and focussed more on the ancient Atlantis outpost. The cherry on top was, in my view, SGU. It is gritty and dark and there is danger lurking around every corner. To me, SGU has the most potential for a next season or more. Because SGU focus more on the people than the stargate device it provides more depth to the series. We all know the stargate… Read more »
Id say the hell with SGU and focus on Atlantis. That series was the best of all three and should of been canceled!