Here are the updated ratings for Terra Nova. On this new TV series, humanity’s last chance for survival is to travel back in time and try to colonize pre-historic Earth. The first season of Terra Nova typically airs Monday nights at 10pm on the FOX network.
Here are the TV show’s ratings for the 2011-12 season, the best way to tell if Terra Nova is going to be cancelled or renewed for season two. Check out our FOX ratings report card to see how this show’s numbers compare with the others on the network.
These figures will be updated as the weeks progress so be sure to bookmark and return to this page:
UPDATE: Terra Nova has been cancelled so there won’t be a second season (at least on FOX anyway).
Final first season average: 2.5 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 7.52 million total viewers.
Episode 01-13: Monday, 12/19/11
2.2 in the demo (0% episode-to-episode change) with 7.18 million; third place at 9pm, tied for second at 9:30pm.
Season average: 2.49 in the demo with 7.52 million.
Demo average rank: #8 of 13 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-12: Monday, 12/19/11
2.2 in the demo (+5% episode-to-episode change) with 7.18 million; second in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.51 in the demo with 7.55 million.
Demo average rank: #8 of 13 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-11: Monday, 12/12/11
2.1 in the demo (-5% episode-to-episode change) with 6.88 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.55 in the demo with 7.67 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 13 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-10: Monday, 11/28/11
2.2 in the demo (+5% week-to-week change) with 7.2 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.59 in the demo with 7.75 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 12 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-09: Monday, 11/21/11
2.1 in the demo (-9% week-to-week change) with 6.50 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.63 in the demo with 7.81 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 12 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-08: Monday, 11/14/11
2.3 in the demo (-11% week-to-week change) with 7.01 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.70 in the demo with 7.98 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 12 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-07: Monday, 11/07/11
2.6 in the demo (+24% week-to-week change) with 7.75 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.76 in the demo with 8.12 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 12 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-06: Monday, 10/31/11
2.1 in the demo (-25% week-to-week change) with 6.59 million; second in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.78 in the demo with 8.18 million.
Demo average rank: #7 of 12 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-05: Monday, 10/17/11
2.8 in the demo (+12% week-to-week change) with 8.31 million; third in the timeslot.
Season average: 2.9 in the demo with 8.5 million.
Demo average rank: #6 of 11 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012); tied with American Dad and The Cleveland Show.
Episode 01-04: Monday, 10/10/11
2.5 in the demo (-19% week-to-week change) with 7.0 million; second in the timeslot (delayed until 9pm).
Season average: 3.0 in the demo with 8.54 million.
Demo average rank: #6 of 10 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-03: Monday, 10/3/11
3.1 in the demo (0% week-to-week change) with 8.73 million; tied for second in the timeslot.
Season average: 3.1 in the demo with 9.06 million.
Demo average rank: #4 of 10 scripted TV shows on the network (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012).
Episode 01-01 & 02: Monday, 9/26/11
The two hour premiere attracted a 3.1 rating in the all-important 18-49 demographic and 9.22 million. It was in third place for the timeslots and surely a disappointment for FOX considering the production expenses and promotion.
On the positive side, the two hours showed very good retention which means that most people who tuned in kept watching until the end. That’s a positive indicator for next week.
When you compare this with last season’s 8pm premiere of House, the network was down by 24% in the demo. On the positive side, Terra Nova improved over last year’s quickly-cancelled Lone Star premiere by 238%.
Note: These ratings are collected by the Nielsen company and are the final national numbers. These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings and are reported on by most other outlets. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you like the Terra Nova TV series? Do you think it should be cancelled or renewed for a second season?
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Image courtesy FOX.
Fox needs to leave Terra Nova alone and bring it back for a 2nd season! Put it and Alcatraz on back to back on Monday nights and you will have a mega block for that night! Instead of all the so called reality shows that suck on the air, these 2 shows are worthwhile sees on regular tv! My 2 favorite shows on regular network tv! Please keep both!! Love Jason O’ Mara, and Jorge Garcia on Alcatraz! Just a suggestion to JJ Abrams….how bout bring on Sawyer or Jack from Lost on to Alcatraz as one of the inmates… Read more »
I have noticed that any post apocalyptic show in the past has never ever made it to 3 seasons. I am ashamed to think that people on the whole would rather watch Jersey shore like shows and the drama area of tv has lost it’s reality on the actual drama. Most people these days don’t even bother to watch things on tv anymore, with things being online and readily available. Judging something on 1 season really pisses off the people that bother to turn the channel on and watch. We saw this with firefly, Jericho and many other shows that… Read more »
I love Terra Nova, the concept is something new and exciting. Monday nights no one is allowed to bother me while I watch my favorite show .The mixture of future and past is fresh, and deserves to continue. I can’t wait to see how they survive now that they have been cut off from the future. The family unit is very special with two great role models for parents, and the new devolping love story is worth waitng for next season. But my favorite character is Taylor, he is strong, smart, powerful and good looking. Please bring it back next… Read more »
Please do not cancel TERRA NOVA our whole family loves the show and always looking forward watching it every single week. Even if we don’t get to see that night we will always set our DVR to record… This is a decent show, full of suspense and clean show. They are so many shows like The Kardishan, Jersery shore, Housewives & many more are junk and not even worth watching it. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not cancel the show…………. For FOX to cancel the show will be a big mistakes… Give it another season for other people that they didn’t see this… Read more »
they have to keep terra nova going. ive watched it from the very first episode and its the only show i watch on monday nights. i love watching terra nova it really is an awesome show, but if they cancel it there are gunna be a lot of dissappointed fans of this show and i will be one of them. the season 1 finale kinda left ya hanging and if they leave it like that then nobody will know what happens next. so please FOX keep terra nova going.
I think Terra Nova should most definitely RETURN! I had trouble locating it first couple views,it seemed date moved around. Once it found Monday night then I knew when/where to see it. I think it is one of the more imaginative and well acted TV shows! There is nothing else like it.I don’t watch stupid walking dead/zombie crud-boring, been done to death.Some shows you see ads for to remind day/time on-I did not see ads for Terra Nova so I guess it was word of mouth.It is a good show/good cast – give it a real try. Let viewers know… Read more »
This is a real interesting series. Fresh and lots of exciting directions to explore. I can only think that it will grow into a big opertunity for the Fox net work to have a big hit. Please don’t cancel it.
TerraNova is a super Sci Fi action/adventure. The Season 1 Finale is ripe with “hooks” for some excellent continuations for a Season 2. For example, what was that front end of an old ship doing on Terra Nova? How did it get there? Must mean that there is more than 1 way to get from Earth to Terra Nova. And, what of the bad guys in 2149? Do we really think that blowing up the portal building will stop Taylor’s son and his buddies from wanting to steal Terra Nova’s precious resources? Guess we’ll have to wait and see. FOX… Read more »
I can say for sure that this is my favorite show on Fox. It’s great to finally have a great show that is out of the norm and very original will be disappointed if it gets cancelled. Next they will cancel Once Upon a Time so I won’t have a reason to watch Fox.
I love this show, at least it is something other than NCI, NCIS, etc. etc. etc.!
I am sick to death of the same old same old. This is a good show, and it at
least is entertaining. We need MORE variety on t.v., and by variety I don’t
mean Turtleman, Moonshiners, hog chasing, and anyother reality shows.
Come on networks we want more imagination in your line up, I thought
the only two good new shows this season was Terra Nova, and Once upon a
I really love this show. It has excitement, action, adventure, and drama all combined in a really great way. I absoultely hate reality TV and wont watch any of those shows. This is one of the best shows to come along in a long time, that and Bones. My Husband and I have set Terra Nova as our movie night and both look forward to each episode. When we can’t watch we make sure we record it. I have watched the all the episodes and the finallie over and over as there isn’t anything better to watch right now. If… Read more »
I will really be disappointed if they cancel this show! It is one of the few that I actually look forward to. Love Taylor!!!
They have to keep Terra Nova on TV because it is the best show on the air. Finally we get something imaginative on TV with a real story line that is intriguing and entertaining. The ratings are good and if they give it more time I’m sure more people will catch on to the quality of the show. The show gives me faith that good TV can still be made. I refuse to watch stupid shows like ‘The Kardashians’, ‘House Wives of pretty much everywhere now’ and ‘Jersey Shores’.
Please do not cancel we love watching it it’s different and keeps you wanting to watch more! Better than some of these reality shows ! It’s a keeper !!