It looks like the axe has fallen for the Paul Haggis/Bobby Moresco drama The Black Donnellys. But does it have to be replaced by a reality show?
The Black Donnellys follows the story of four young Donnelly brothers — a clan of Catholic Irish-American siblings who are involved in organized crime in New York’s infamous Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood. The story is told by unreliable narrator and Donnelly childhood friend named Joey “Ice Cream” while being incarcerated. The series stars Jonathan Tucker, Thomas Guiry, Olivia Wilde, Billy Lush, Michael Stahl-David, Kirk Acevedo and Keith Nobbs.
The series debuted on NBC on February 26, 2007 and took the place of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip on Monday nights. The series’ initial half hour did well (10 million) but viewership fell off significantly in the second half hour (6 million). The series’ initial hour ranked #50 for the week. The subsequent episodes lost viewers and attracted as few as 5.5 million.
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While many hoped that a Donnelly dismissal would mean the return of Studio 60, NBC has other plans. The Real Wedding Crashers will debut at 10pm on Monday nights beginning April 23rd, just in time for May sweeps. It seemed like the Crashers reality show would air on Sunday nights but, NBC execs like the series enough to give it the benefit of a post-Heroes debut.
Unless NBC pulls the series even earlier, only eight episodes of Donnellys will have aired on network TV. The series’ third episode, entitled “God is a Comedian Playing to an Audience Afraid to Laugh,” was considered too violent for network TV and was released as an exclusive.
The network has ordered 13 episodes and its unknown at this point what will become of the remaining four segments. They may air over the summer or could be released as online exclusives.
Whether we get to see the rest or not, it looks unlikely the series will be back for a new season in the Fall. NBC will announce their Fall schedule next month. Stay tuned!
UPDATE: NBC has now pulled Donnellys’ last scheduled episode due to low ratings. The unaired episodes will be made available on, presumably on a weekly basis.
I had no idea they (NBC)were thinking of pulling this show. It’s a great show and was hoping it would replace my need to see the Sopranos when that ends this season. At least the show was on a network on national TV. I guess they don’t want to compete with HBO.
They can’t cancel the Black Donnellys. Too many fans would be upset with NBC. How would their ratings do then? The millions of fans who’ve continued watching the show every single Monday won’t be too thrilled about this, and we won’t hesitate to ban NBC.
pssht. Keep the Black Donnellys on TV. At least give it its full season. Way too barge in in the middle of it.
This is outrageous, the only NBC show I’ll watch from now on is Heroes…they have officially become dead to me. Also, if I ever hear anyone utter the words “The Real Wedding Crashers is funny” or anything along those lines…I’ll beat ’em down.
whyyyy?!?! need i smell another ‘arrested development’ moment? this show is awesome and CANNOT be canceled… :single tear:
I have to agree with the other comments I’ve been reading. It’s very disappointing to hear that this show is being pulled. Other than Heroes, this is the only thing I watch on NBC and now this is gone. Guess there’s a reason I don’t watch much of this network.
I really hope another network (HBO, ShowTime, etc..) picks up this show because it’s great (could be better with use of profanity though)
Screw nbc this show f***ing rocks and they just want to pull this sh*t. they are going to lose alot of veiwers, too bad for them
This show was one of the best shows on TV. Me and my co workers loved it. This is very bad news of it being cut!!! What in the world is NBC thinking!!!!
I don’t watch TV. Period. But I am still addicted to this show and this leaves me angry, frustrated, and deeply saddened all at the same time. And for what, another damn reality show. They should at least finish the 13 episodes of the season.
This is an excellent show. It’s a shame it had to be put in NBC’s hands. They fumble one after the other.
Hopefully it will get picked up by someone else.
Wow, is it me or is this move pre-emptive? Pulling off Studio 60 was bad but at least they waited a while. It’s too early to see how BD will flourish..
It’s a real shame because the show started to get good, IMHO. Well, what can you do.. Reality TV gives ratings because people like shows that don’t make you think too much. Life has become a spectator sport.. Let’s all be rubberneck and enjoy other people doing the things we’ve pondered doing but would dare not do. ;o)
This is really too bad. The idea for the show was very good, I love the narration in an unknown future scenerio. Too bad that a realistic drama about family will be replaced by another mindless reality show. Where has originality gone in television? How many daytime judge shows, nighttime crimeshows, and primetime reality shows can one take?
f**k NBC if they pull off an amazing show
This show is incredible! I think it’s absolutely horrible that NBC is pulling a quality show to put crap on tv, like Wedding Crashers. Whatever happened to quality?
This is terrible news if true. I am a big fan of this show and Jonathan Tucker!