The Kids Are Alright stars Michael Cudlitz, Mary McCormack, Sam Straley, Caleb Foote, Sawyer Barth, Christopher Paul Richards, Jack Gore, Andy Walken, and Santino Barnard. The 1970s-period comedy centers on the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family living on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Since its the ’70s, Peggy (McCormack) and Mike (Cudlitz) are raising their kids with a lack of supervision which might stun today’s parents, and now their eldest son wants to quit the seminary to go “save the world.” The times they are a-changing, and the Cleary family is not immune to the turbulence around them.
Airing on Tuesday nights, the first season of The Kids Are Alright is averaging a 0.87 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.15 million viewers.
Out of the 21 scripted ABC TV shows of the 2018-19 season, The Kids Are Alright is in 11th place in the demo and 10th place in total viewership.
What do you think? Did you enjoy The Kids Are Alright TV show? Would you have watched season two of this ABC comedy series?
The best show ever! Humor, cast, episodes are amazing! everything is totally great! Why they’ve cancelled it?…..No understanding….
Myself (70) and my daughter (34) LOVED this show. This comedy had me laughing out loud, with a few sentimental tears for the truly wonderful actors who were spotlighted each program. I knew it was cancelled, but didn’t understand why. I came across this website today, so I am voicing my opinion over the sadness of not being able to look forward to a new episode each week. Quality TV is overlooked once again!
Please bring back “The Kids Are Alright! Funniest show ever about families! We can identify!
I was watching then you canceled it….how RUDE.
Yes, LOVE that show…..Wish they would bring it back. Best show !!!! Anyone who grew up in the 70s can relate to this show find it very funny
Yes! I would have definitely watched it for another 10 series! It was good wholesome family material! Me and my family enjoyed and miss it! Bring it back!
We loved this show! Please bring it back! It was funny, and I loved every character! We were born in the 70’s and got a kick out of seeing things we grew up with. I think I’m the modern day Peggy lol.
Big mistake cancelling “the kids are alright” it was actually FUNNY!
It was an amazing show with a great cast. Too bad it was cancelled.
The kids are all right was one of the best shows of all of last Years shows I can’t believe They’ve canceled it after one season I grew up around that time and it reminded me of my childhood because it was very real to life for the time period it was in I hope they change their mind and bring that show back Because it definitely deserves to still be on the air with new episodes
The Kids Are Alright was the only prime time show I looked forward to watching. Thanks ABC.
THis was such a good show can’t believe The network cancelled it. But you will have garbage like the bachelor on that’s why Netflix, and Hulu will take over
Bummer. My whole family loved this show.
Big mistake on the cancellation of this show, had a great family appeal with good story line plus excellent acting from the cast !
Very disappointed that The Kids Are Alright was canceled. My family looked forward to every episode and would have enjoyed a second season.