The Kids Are Alright stars Michael Cudlitz, Mary McCormack, Sam Straley, Caleb Foote, Sawyer Barth, Christopher Paul Richards, Jack Gore, Andy Walken, and Santino Barnard. The 1970s-period comedy centers on the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family living on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Since its the ’70s, Peggy (McCormack) and Mike (Cudlitz) are raising their kids with a lack of supervision which might stun today’s parents, and now their eldest son wants to quit the seminary to go “save the world.” The times they are a-changing, and the Cleary family is not immune to the turbulence around them.
Airing on Tuesday nights, the first season of The Kids Are Alright is averaging a 0.87 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.15 million viewers.
Out of the 21 scripted ABC TV shows of the 2018-19 season, The Kids Are Alright is in 11th place in the demo and 10th place in total viewership.
What do you think? Did you enjoy The Kids Are Alright TV show? Would you have watched season two of this ABC comedy series?
Great show clean and absolutely funny.
Very sad Kids cancelled. We love this show. ABC should rethink this decision!
What!?? why are you killing this off.?!!Lots off 70’s humor .Saddddd.
So they renew Bless this mess and cancel this great show? It makes no sense. It had better ratings than bless! I couldn’t even make it through 1 episode of that one. So sad.
Bless this Mess is not funny and is the epitome of overacting. How can it stay and this truly funny show with very talented actors be cancelled?
No, don’t cancel the show! Such comedic genius, creativity, and downright fun! An original among so many unoriginal, comedies with predictable storylines.
Of course ABC cancelled the only good & funny show they had. With all the awful shows that are on ABC I’m not at all surprised. This one was laugh out loud funny with a fantastic and talented cast. I just hope FOX has the good sense to pick it up like they did Last Man Standing. They’d had lots of viewers for this one, too. ABC has only one other show we watch, it’s THE ROOKIE & they want to cancel that, too! Walt must be rolling over.
The Rookie survived, it’s been renewed! My favorite show. So tired of reality shows, If I wanted to be inside a reality home I’d visit my relatives.
ABC you got to be kidding me!. This show was one of the funniest,relatable clever shows you had in a long time. Get your priorities staight. Dont put any more crime drama crap on please. We need humor not drama
Cannot believe The Kids are Alright was canceled!! Best family show ever!! Please pick it up for season 2!!!
I’m so mad! The one reason I looked forward to Tuesday nights was because of The Kids are Alright. I literally laugh out loud when I watch the Clearys.
Absolutely, would have watched a season two
Loved The Kids are Alright!! Maybe quit basing your decisions on the 18-49 demographics. It’s us older retired people that have the time to watch these great shows and see the ads they play. Isn’t what this is all about? The money? Because if it were being based on smart, funny shows this would not have been cancelled.
Love love love this show…laugh entire viewing time….so sad not renewed
Really enjoyed Mary McCormack as Mom. Hope it gets picked up.
I love this show. Why are family shows always canceled?
I would have definitely watched Season 2.
Dear God ABC, what are you thinking? One of the best, and most clever, family shows, of which there are very few anymore. Someone please pick up the rights. Now we’ll get to see it replaced by probably yet another violent crime show, sex filled hospital show, or crazy supernatural show.