The Kids Are Alright stars Michael Cudlitz, Mary McCormack, Sam Straley, Caleb Foote, Sawyer Barth, Christopher Paul Richards, Jack Gore, Andy Walken, and Santino Barnard. The 1970s-period comedy centers on the Clearys, an Irish-Catholic family living on the outskirts of Los Angeles. Since its the ’70s, Peggy (McCormack) and Mike (Cudlitz) are raising their kids with a lack of supervision which might stun today’s parents, and now their eldest son wants to quit the seminary to go “save the world.” The times they are a-changing, and the Cleary family is not immune to the turbulence around them.
Airing on Tuesday nights, the first season of The Kids Are Alright is averaging a 0.87 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.15 million viewers.
Out of the 21 scripted ABC TV shows of the 2018-19 season, The Kids Are Alright is in 11th place in the demo and 10th place in total viewership.
What do you think? Did you enjoy The Kids Are Alright TV show? Would you have watched season two of this ABC comedy series?
The Kids are Alright is the Best new show this year! Would love more seasons! Super sad that it will be cancelled
Best sitcom on network TV. Cancelling is a big mistake. Hoping another network or streaming service will be smart enough to pick it up.
This is one of the best comedies on TV and hopefully someone else will pick it up. After all these are the same people that canceled Last Man Standing and that is a GRREAT show as will
I would like a season 2 please this show is great
This is why I do not get hooked on TV shows anymore, I loved this show, it was actually funny and smart. CBS is the best maybe they should pick it up. Goodbye ABC you only show programs about bickering on a reality show or unfunny shows get to stay on.
I am appalled that this hilarious show was cancelled-shame on ABC!!
Here is a petition that was started to get the Kids are Alright back..please sign!
Yes I would watch season 2!
My favorite new show. I think cbs should pick up this sitcom. CBS does comedy the best. The kids are alright could slide right into their lineup. I look forward to this show each week. So funny and so true to life. Will truly miss
what needs to be cancelled are clueless network executives who can’t see any further than the immediate tips of their noses. finally something good managed to get through the machinery that puts out all these boring unfunny shows and they cancel it after just ONE season (considering way worse shows being currently in their 3rd and 4th seasons you should know what’s going on) hey networks! ever asked yourself why so many good shows are setting their stories in 80s and 70s? what has been happening these past few years that we have to go ‘back’ to be able to… Read more »
This show is great!
The reason it’s canceled is because it’s not liberal
We loved this show and are disappointed to hear that there won’t be a second season.
This is a wonderful show. Please reconsider.
Please give this show to a different channel. It would flourish… You have done it before we love this show do it again.
I want the kid s are alright back on the air!!! What the heck is wrong with you. Finally a good and a funny show that doesnt set up each and every joke. I have a brain and I dont mind using it. Keep these people on TV. This group is hysterical. We actually record it every time it plays. DONT CANCEL THIS SHOW.