This week, ABC unveiled their new daytime makeover TV series, The Revolution. As soap fans know all too well, it replaced One Life to Live (OLTL), the venerable daytime drama that was cancelled in 2011 and went off the air last Friday.
Based on what we’ve seen, it looks like The Revolution is going to be a ratings disappointment right out of the gate. While it’s too late to save OLTL, this show’s failure may be enough to buy General Hospital some more time.
ABC has signed Katie Couric to host her own daytime syndicated talk series beginning in the fall of 2012. Since there are only so many hours of daytime, it’s been widely speculated that Couric’s new show will take over General Hospital’s slot, at least on ABC-owned stations.
If The Revolution and The Chew tank and end up being cancelled however, there will be enough space on the schedule for both General Hospital and Katie Couric. If fans follow the four OLTL characters to General Hospital, that soap’s viewership could increase enough to justify keeping it.
ABC Entertainment President Paul Lee recently said, “I am a fan of General Hospital, but we have not made a decision on its future and don’t really have a time frame for it either.”
The network execs probably haven’t made up their minds yet about the fate of any of the daytime shows. Those decisions will likely be made in the next several months and, as in any business, it’ll all come down to profits versus expenses.
What do you think? Realistically, do you think General Hospital will survive into the 2012-13 season? What about primetime? Do you think The Revolution or The Chew will see a second season?
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Image courtesy ABC.
I sure hope those shows fail, but until they do, I have sworn off ABC until 2:01 pm central time when GH airs after that not even Dr. Oz gets my ratings as the network is totally banned at my home for all other time slots. Sorry Anderson and Oz, we couldn’t get through to ABC staff, perhaps if their ratings soar during the only soap that remains and then they plummet during all other time frames they will get the message. I challenge all other viewers who have an ounce of respect for the acting guild to do the… Read more »
I kinda like The Chew,,, tried to watch The Revolution and after about 2 minutes I turned the tv off… the show was horrible..
I want my soaps back!!!!! I don’t even know what to do at 1:00 anymore. Oltl was my guilty pleasure and screw you abc for taking that away from me!!! I ban all of your shows now and I will not ever give you any ratings excel for general hospital! Your stupid talk shows will fail! There’s too many talk shows and we don’t want anymore! Theyre boring and annoying. Ugh. Bring back my shows!
Soooo not surprised the “DREADolution” is failing. I hope the “SPEW” tanks right along with it — what I’d LOVE to see is both shows being cancelled by summer and having “GH” in one timeslot and a renewed hybrid “AMC/OLTL” soap in the other timeslot … the daytime audience does NOT want this talk show drivel. Honestly, how the Hell did they come up with that shoddy “research” anyhow?? Ridiculous!
It’s a possibility.
Quite frankly, I love the idea of GH eventually moving into the 2:00 timseslot. It’s even better than the 3:00pm timeslot.
ABC made a huge, did I say huge mistake! Soaps have been on for 40 plus years. The average person has to actually work for a living, & can’t afford to stay home & watch tv. Therefore, there are not too many people home to watch these ridiculous shows that are airing now. That being said, the elderly are living way longer, & they are the ones who are home watching. They don’t care what the latest fashion is or if their couch looks good with other furniture, or what there wall coloring is. They are just happy still being… Read more »
I am so glad to hear that the chew & revolution are not doing good. We don’t need anymore realty and food shows especially on daytime. I don’t think they will even last the season. They might be cheaper to do but they are noting but garbage. I haven’t watched the chew or revolution and don’t intend to. Bring back our soaps, that was entertainment. I do watch GH and looking forward to seeing some of OLTL family on there. Big mistake ABC now you have to live with it. We also have enought talk shows so bringing Katie on… Read more »
There’s no new concepts with The Chew or The Revolution so I don’t know what the appeal is for the audience they currently have but I’m sure it’ll wear off. And even though I don’t always watch GH, I definitely don’t want to see it canceled.
I’m not watch abc at all
I’m nor even turing my tv to channel abc thanks for messing up my day .
I could no longer tolerate the GH story line so I stopped watching months ago. I was a little excited when I learned that John (my favorite OLTL character) was going to GH. I just don’t know that I can stomach GH in order to occasionally see John. Besides I can’t stand the new (old) Todd and I hear that he’s also going to GH. I don’t watch or plan to watch the two new “inspirational/cooking shows because they don’t peak my interests. So I guess ABC in off of my TV schedule. Now that I think of it, the… Read more »
I don’t think either the chew or the revolution will survive and I am hoping abc will see the light and keep GH! All of these talk shows are sounding the same, The View, The Chew, The Talk, The Revolution. After awhile, they tend to lack creativity and, above all, they sorely lack giving people what they want to watch during the daytime. Redundancy, redundancy doesn’t set well for us americans! The View was enough, but to spin off the concept to “spew” and “revultion” is just 2 much! Bring back the soaps!
i think The Revolution would stand a better chance on at night when mothers that would watch it are able to sit down and relax while they watch it
I personally hope the talk shows fail… I have watched ABC soaps all my life and since they have cancelled them I only watch GH…I turn the stupid talk shows.. I hope ABC sees that there was plenty of people watching soaps….
[…] What do you think? Have you watched The Revolution? Do you think that it will be a success, even if it doesn’t perform as well as One Life to Live? Could this help save General Hospital? […]