This week, ABC unveiled their new daytime makeover TV series, The Revolution. As soap fans know all too well, it replaced One Life to Live (OLTL), the venerable daytime drama that was cancelled in 2011 and went off the air last Friday.
Based on what we’ve seen, it looks like The Revolution is going to be a ratings disappointment right out of the gate. While it’s too late to save OLTL, this show’s failure may be enough to buy General Hospital some more time.
ABC has signed Katie Couric to host her own daytime syndicated talk series beginning in the fall of 2012. Since there are only so many hours of daytime, it’s been widely speculated that Couric’s new show will take over General Hospital’s slot, at least on ABC-owned stations.
If The Revolution and The Chew tank and end up being cancelled however, there will be enough space on the schedule for both General Hospital and Katie Couric. If fans follow the four OLTL characters to General Hospital, that soap’s viewership could increase enough to justify keeping it.
ABC Entertainment President Paul Lee recently said, “I am a fan of General Hospital, but we have not made a decision on its future and don’t really have a time frame for it either.”
The network execs probably haven’t made up their minds yet about the fate of any of the daytime shows. Those decisions will likely be made in the next several months and, as in any business, it’ll all come down to profits versus expenses.
What do you think? Realistically, do you think General Hospital will survive into the 2012-13 season? What about primetime? Do you think The Revolution or The Chew will see a second season?
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Don’t you dare mess witg Genera Hospital!!!!!! I gave birth watching GH and I am quite the trivia buff on everyting GH. I think ou upset all oaps Lovers cancelling AMC and OLTL. I believe the combining of GH and OLTL character was SMART MOVE. WHY NOT DO THE SAME WITH THOSE CHARACTERS FROM AMC? CAN’T YOU SETHE VIEWERSHIP GOING OFF THE CHARTS. I HAVE SOME IDEAS TO BRING IN THE AMC CHARACTERS. GH,OLTL, AMC SOAP OPERA TRILOGY!!!!!!! CONTACT ME!
I don’t like The Revolution or the Chew! Don’t take away my GH!!
I am so tired of the reality shows that ABC, and all the rest of the of the four major networks or showing. I do not listen to them during the summer months. This is so sad that people think this is the only thing to look at. I look at TNT, USA, TBS, H2, OWN,HGTV,DIY and anything else that is interesting during those time slots. If you can’t find anything else, a person can subscribe to Netflix. What is wrong with these networks are, when the three monopolived what we could view, they think they have the status quo.… Read more »
GH Fans if Abc cancels all your soaps! Come over to young and the restless that will make CBS’s soaps more popular!! Then there is not need for the ABC network.
I like The Chew and The Revolution, however I’d much rather have my soap operas back. If you take General Hospital off the air I’m going to boycott ABC all together. You’ve already hurt my feelings deeply by taking soaps off that I watched since I was a child watching them with my Mother. Please leave General Hospital on the air, it’s a great soap.
I guess abc thought we soap fans were joking when we said we were not going to be trained to watch the replacement shows and that we were boycotting abc. I am boycotting abc except for gh. If they take it I will be gone from abc period. Now I know the abc/d execs were foaming at the mouth for years to divert the soap money to espn well good I hope you are happy but we still will not be trained to watch any replaement shows during our amc and oltl slot. Worst of luck to you abc. You… Read more »
I JUST WANT MY SOAPS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like The Chew. The Revolution is pretty good. I will not be watching anything with Kelly Ripa, Lara, Josh or Katie Couric.
I agree with you no more talk show….
The execs have taken All My Children and One Life to Live from up. Please keep your hands off General Hospital! Everyone that I know has boycotted The Chew & The Revolution because we lost our shows. W e want our shows back! If GH gets taken away from us then we will be boycotting ALL ABC shows.
I agree!!!! I have not boycotted Chew & Revolution but if I had known they were going to be cancelled, I would have!!! I’ve watched AMC and Gen’l Hosp for a LOT of years — I really miss AMC. What the heck is ABC thinking????
Some of my friends and I refused to watch The Chew and The Revolution due to taking off AMC and OLTL since we had watched them for 40 years. I prayed the 2 new shows woulc fall flat on their face- so one prayer answered and one to go. Start listening to people about what they like and don’t like.
I really am very dissappointemt that the revolution is going off the air instead of putting it in a differnet and trying that you just get rid of the show that is show good one of the best the day time as far as i concern I really think you should try it at another time slot and just see how it will go who cares about the soaps there to many of the now .
I enjoy both The Chew and The Revolution. I don’t watch soap operas because it’s easy to get drawn in and you can’t really interact with them. The Chew and The Revolution are informative and creative.
Please leave General Hospital on the air, I have watched this show since my retirement in 2001. The Chew and the Revolution are just a bunch of people screaming and entertaining themselves.
I hope the the chew and the revolution both get cancelled,they should have left all my children and one life to live on. I still miss watching them